No Jokes Here

Chapter 226: Wan Jian Zhenjun Li Qinglian

Zheng Gou and Mo Jingyu, who was healing from the distance, also saw this scene, and a trace of despair appeared in their hearts.

After all, the Lord of Devouring is a powerful existence of the fifth level.

Even if this is just an incarnation, even if it is suppressed by humanity, it is definitely not something that ordinary fourth-level existences can deal with.

The difference between the fifth and fourth level is too big.

For a fifth-level extraordinary person, even a single hair is enough to crush a fourth-level extraordinary person.

"Are you ready to meet God's punishment?" The Lord of Devouring said again.

The moment the sound fell, Lin Qian'an's ability to predict danger gave a warning.

Without thinking too much, it was almost instinctive, Lin Qianan's nuclear fusion cells exerted all their strength, and under the reconciliation power, the supernatural light ball in the soul was mobilized, and the mountain stick in his hand suddenly waved out.

Nuclear fusion energy full power 50 spiritual thoughts blessing Qinglian to cleanse the world

The mountain stick in Lin Qian'an's hand was directly transformed into a huge green lotus at this moment, and all kinds of energy rays shrouded it, and it slammed into the Lord of Devouring fiercely.


The Lord of Devouring released a huge dark purple energy beam, which collided with Qinglian in Lin Qianan's hand.

The green lotus transformed by Yaoshan stick kept smashing downward, and the rules of washing all the dirt came into effect, blocking the dark purple energy beam in front.

Blood spurted out of Lin Qian'an's seven orifices, skeletal muscles disintegrated, and cells were rapidly destroyed.

However, at the same time, the power in his body was quickly repairing his body, making him barely able to stabilize the current situation.


However, even so, Lin Qian'an's figure was constantly forced to retreat.

Ability full power 60

Lin Qian'an stabilized his body, but his entire body had already begun to tremble, and the repairs could not keep up with the damage.

Since he started to decompose the ability to add points, the average daily increase of three hundred peak three-level abilities in his body.

Now he has a total of more than 5,000 third-level peak powers. With the full power of the power, the pressure on his body is unimaginable.

If it wasn't for his reconciliation ability to reduce the conflict between abilities, and some abilities to strengthen his body and repair his body, a full power of 5 would be enough for him to die ten times.

"Is this your limit?"

The remaining tentacles of the Lord of Devouring also opened their mouths at this time, spewing out dark purple light, making the purple beam of light even thicker.

Lin Qian'an's figure was instantly suppressed and retreated a lot.

He gritted his teeth suddenly!

Ability full power 100


In an instant, the green lotus in Lin Qian'an's hand swept away, directly swept away the thousands of tentacles of the Devourer, and even destroyed most of the huge mouth that the Devourer used to release the dark purple energy beam.

At the same time, Lin Qianan also fell from the sky like a rag.


Mo Jingyu's figure flew out, caught Lin Qian'an, and then slowly landed.

Beside him, Bao Han, who had managed to recover a little of his mobility, said in surprise, "His energy level just now reached the peak of level four, right? He jumped directly from the beginning of level four to the peak of level four, no wonder he was able to fight back before. That's weird."

Mo Jingyu said: "Unfortunately, the price paid is too high. Now more than 90% of the bones in his body have been shattered, the muscles and internal organs are almost completely dissolved, and only the brain is left. Protected from damage, this kind of injury"

Having said that, Mo Jingyu couldn't speak anymore.

If it wasn't for Lin Qian'an's spiritual sense fluctuations at this time, he would have thought that this was a dead person.

"You succeeded in angering me!"

The tentacles that had been wiped out by Qinglian revived around the Lord of Devouring, and the huge mouth that had damaged most of it grew again. Its tentacles moved, and its figure appeared in front of Mo Jingyu and Baohan.

"A sword of red dust!"

Mo Jingyu shouted loudly, and he swung out the incomplete blade with less than half of it in his hand, attacking the Lord of Devouring.


A tentacle swept down directly, instantly knocking Mo Jingyu into the distance, and finally hitting a mountain wall with unknown life and death.

Afterwards, a tentacle of the Lord of Devouring fell again and smashed into the tolerance in front of Lin Qianan.

"It's over, send it!" Bao Han said with a hint of despair in his eyes.

"It's not over!"


With a sonorous sound, the blue sword gang flashed, and the tentacles of the Lord of Devourer snapped.

Bao Han looked at Lin Qian'an beside him in disbelief, but saw that Lin Qian'an at this time seemed to have changed.

The current Lin Qian'an has become a long-haired man in ancient costume with a height of about 1.8 meters, wearing a blue shirt and holding a long sword with a green handle.

And most importantly, Bao Han felt a very terrifying aura from Lin Qian'an.

This breath, although it has not reached the level of five.

But it is far stronger than this incarnation of the Lord of Devouring.

"Quite true god!"

The voice of the Lord of Devouring also became surprised at this moment.

There is no doubt that the terrifying breath and the fluctuation of the supreme source law all imply that the existence in front of him is a powerhouse at the level of a quasi-true god.

What is this concept?

As long as you give the other party some time to accumulate, the other party can become a supreme existence like it.

From a certain point of view, the other party is already an existence worthy of its body.

And it is only an incarnation here, and there is still a big gap between its strength and the main body, not to mention that its incarnation is still under humane suppression at this time.

With this in mind, the God of Devouring even has the heart to escape.


A dark purple light beam was released by the God of Devouring, Lin Qianan swayed the Ruyi Qinglian sword in his hand, and the Qinglian Dao was displayed, and a bunch of green lotus appeared in the void, and the beam was wiped out in an instant.

At the same time, I saw that the Lord of Devouring had turned into a dark purple light and rushed towards the sky.

Lin Qianan could stop it, but he did not stop it.

The opponent's energy level is a bit exaggerated. If you fight here, it will inevitably spread to the academy.

Since the other party wants to escape, let him escape farther away.

"Ms. Baohan, take a look at Mr. Mo's situation, I'll go back when I go!" Lin Qianan looked at Baohan and said.

"Wait!" Bao Han said.

"What else?" Lin Qianan asked suspiciously.

"What's your name, handsome guy?" Bao Han asked with a three-pointed longing in his eyes.

"Uh." Lin Qian'an was speechless. His arrival time was only ten minutes. Why was he so delayed?

With a thought, the Qinglian sword merged into the body, and under the unity of the human and the sword, Lin Qianan suddenly turned into a blue light, cut through the void and rushed directly to the sky.

At the same time, a voice echoed in place.

"Wan Jian Zhenjun Li Qinglian!"

Chasing the Lord of Devouring, Lin Qianan soon found that he had come to the bottom of the atmosphere, but the speed of Lord of Devouring did not slow down at this time.

Are you planning to go to war outside the earth?

Lin Qian'an frowned slightly. As a surface creature, he was really a little afraid of being exposed to outer space from the planet.

However, the powerful strength in Li Qinglian's body gave Lin Qian'an confidence and made him leave these things behind.


Jian Gang broke through the atmosphere, got rid of the earth's gravity, and flew directly into the empty space with Lin Qian'an.

After breaking away from the earth's gravity, Lin Qianan felt as if he had no restraints, his speed more than doubled directly, and it became easier to control the sword gang to fly.

On the other side, the Lord of Devouring also had a happy expression on his face, only feeling that the power that he had been suppressed by humanity had been completely liberated.

"Sure enough, outside the territory is not within the jurisdiction of that humane."


A sword gang flew over, the Lord of Devouring swung his tentacles, and the sword gang smashed away.

"Strange death!"

Lin Qianan shouted loudly, and cut out a sword, the Qinglian sword changed size, turned into a sword of thousands of feet, and fell directly to the Lord of Devouring.

The sword carries terrifying energy, and if it is placed on the ground, it can easily break the sea and collapse the mountain.

When the Lord of Devouring saw this, his body swelled again and became bigger, reaching a terrifying body of 10,000 meters. Hundreds of thousands of tentacles stretched out, a huge mouth opened at the same time, and a huge purple energy column was blasted. out.


The Qinglian sword and this beam of light stalemate for a moment, and the Qinglian Avenue, which eliminates everything, collides with the devouring law that devours everything.


The terrifying energy spread, the two sides retreated for dozens of miles, and then they fought together again.

on the earth.

In the headquarters of the Dragon Group in the Xuan Kingdom's capital, all the staff were busy.

"Did you record the coordinates? Can you guess where the target came from?"

"The results have been calculated. According to the data given by the space station, the target should have flown out from the direction of Xuanyang College!"

"What about identity? What exactly exists?"

"I don't know, I don't know at all!"

"Wait, there are members of the dragon group who received the information nearby. They are Sleeping God and Diaoyu Ji. They said that they are also members of the dragon group. The code name is Novelist. "

Hearing the sound, Wang Jian and the members of the dragon group fell into a brief silence, and then resumed their work.

domestic rice.

Americans who saw this through satellite were shocked.

"God! That monster is so big, is that the immortal from Xuan Kingdom who used the sword?"

"Fighting naked in the cosmic environment, are they still human?"

"Is it an existence like Long Yi?"

"If there is one such monster Xuanguo, there is still a second one!"

Bear domestic.

All the bear scientists fell into silence.

Silently, such a true god-level existence appeared in Xuanguo.

Their god-building plan has only just begun!

Countries that have the ability to launch satellites and have observed this scene are stunned at this time.

Ask yourself, facing such a powerful superhuman, the resistance they can make is quite limited.

This is simply far more terrifying than nuclear weapons.

the other side.

Lin Qian'an did not expect that his battle had been "live broadcast globally".

He calculated his arrival time, ten minutes seemed to have passed half, but it was still difficult for him to effectively kill the Lord of Devour.

Although the Lord of Devouring could cut off some leftovers from his body every time he slashed down, he would recover completely in an instant.

Although he has an absolute advantage now, if this stalemate continues, it will be difficult for him when the time comes.

Must make a big move!

"Wan Jian True Secret!"

After pushing back the Devouring Lord with a sword, Lin Qianxin thought with a thought, and the 1.18 million Dao swords in his body suddenly unsheathed, turning into a huge torrent. Under the leadership of Qinglian Sword, they flew towards the Devouring Lord. .


The idea of ​​devouring opened a huge mouth, and a terrifying dark purple beam of light was spit out.

However, this beam of light could not stop the torrent for half a minute. The Qinglian sword broke through the dark purple beam of light and approached the main body of the devourer. Immediately, the dense sword body quickly shuttled through the body of the devourer, and countless sword lights flickered.

Yen Yen Yen Yen Yen!

Under the cutting of these millions of swords, the Lord of Devouring was directly smashed into countless pieces.

However, even so, the Lord of Devouring still did not die.

Its body continues to assemble, trying to return to its original state.

With a thought, Lin Qianxin recalled all Dao swords, holding the Ruyi Qinglian sword high.

"Qinglian cleanses the world!"

A green lotus bloomed in the void, and the green lotus sword suddenly turned into a huge green lotus with tens of thousands of feet, sweeping across the void.

Wherever it passed, the remnant body of the Devouring Lord turned into nothingness.

After doing this, the Qinglian Sword returned to its original state and was held in Lin Qian'an's palm.

Lin Qian'an's consciousness swept over, and there was no remaining fragments of the Lord of Devouring in the senses. This man and sword merged into one, turning into a azure light and returning to the earth.

In a dark and chaotic world, a distorted and strange huge existence suddenly opened his infinite eyes.

His body size is unknown, the various organs on his body are twisted and overlapped together, and the most are the huge mouths. These huge mouths are constantly chewing things and swallowing everything around them.

However, at this time, an angry emotion was brewing on his body, and a strange dark purple terrifying energy spread.


With a loud bang, the entire area was turned into nothingness.

"Blagues, I remember you!"

Off topic

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

, Shangbei

Han Qianwei

thank you very much! !

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