No Jokes Here

Chapter 223: Seeds of true law, Xiaojiu evolves

On September 16, I comprehended the "Small World Law", but I didn't get started.

On September 17, I comprehended the "Small World Law", but I didn't get started.

On September 18, I comprehended the "Small World Law", but I didn't get started.

On September 19, I learned the "Small World Law", just one step away from getting started.

On September 20, comprehend the "Small World Law", get started! !

Lin Qian'an withdrew from Tong Zun's coming state, with uncontrollable joy on his face.

It took six [Shenwu] times to get started, which is enough to show how difficult this Small World Law is to learn.

To convert it, it would have to be 3,600 years of hard work.

Three thousand six hundred years, will enter!

It is conceivable how exaggerated the difficulty of learning this spiritual art is.

No wonder Long Aotian made foul language directly, and a bunch of Dragon Group members expressed their speechlessness under the comments.

Of course, Lin Qian'an's so-called entry is only to say that he has a full understanding of this spiritual technique, and can theoretically display it.

However, Lin Qianan still had two problems in order to perform such a spiritual technique.

The first is that the spiritual power of the cyclone in his body is not enough, and the second is that this spiritual technique is too complicated, and it may take a long time for him to construct it.

But now he has some understanding of this spirit technique, but he can do it in two or three steps without rushing to do it in one step.

The purpose of this spiritual art is to create a small world that can allow people to live and let plants and animals live. In that small world, there are also climate changes, sunlight exposure, and a standard gravity environment.

From a certain point of view, this can also be regarded as a space spirit.

It's just that what it contains is more complicated, so it seems so redundant.

And the most outrageous thing is that it should not actually be a rule-level magic.

At least it doesn't have the "unreasonable" feature contained in rule-level capabilities.

In theory, if there are enough spiritual practitioners to learn a part of the "Small World Law", a complete small world can also be built.

Close your eyes, sit cross-legged.

Lin Qianan's Tanzhong cyclone aura was consumed, and each rune quickly condensed in the tanzhong cyclone under his control.

That's right, Lin Qian'an was planning to use this spiritual technique directly as his true seed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much effort using [Shen Wu] to learn this spiritual art.

With the consumption of the spiritual energy in the cyclone, those runes are gradually weaved into a complete spiritual art, this process is fast, but also very slow.

In the middle of the journey, Lin Qianan felt that the spiritual power was a little too consumed, so he directly picked up the spiritual crystal to restore the spiritual power, and continued to condense this spiritual technique.

The spirit crystals turned into fly ash in Lin Qian'an's hands and dissipated, and Lin Qian'an was able to continue to condense this spirit technique.

From the morning until ten o'clock at night, the vast amount of spiritual power in the cyclone of Tanzhong was consumed, and more than 10,000 spiritual crystals were used, so that Lin Qian'an's spiritual crystal reserve was directly reduced by about one tenth, and only the remaining More than 80,000 pieces.

But the good thing is that Lin Qian'an has finally completed the first step of the "Small World Law".

In Lin Qian'an's stinky cyclone, the seeds of the true method have been successfully condensed.

Under the inner view, it is like a gray energy group.

And when Lin Qianan touched this true seed with his spiritual sense, he could feel a dark space the size of five football fields. …

At present, Lin Qian'an has only completed one third of the "Small World Law", weaving a space, and there are two steps to follow. These two steps require him to create a complete ecological environment for this space.

For example, creating a fake sun to release sunlight, as well as air currents, water, land, etc., blowing from time to time.

Lin Qianan felt that if anyone learned the "Small World Law", it might be equivalent to learning a lot of spiritual arts.

Now Lin Qian'an has dismantled a part of the runes of condensing water in the "Small World Law" alone, which can be regarded as a "condensing water spirit", and taking out the spiritual art of creating the sun alone can be regarded as a "sun-creating art".

There is absolutely a lot you can learn from making a small world.

But then again, such a complex spiritual technique, most people are afraid that they will not be able to learn it no matter what.

Take Long Aotian as an example, he can even learn "Empty Spin Slash", but in the face of "Small World Law", his first choice is to scold Long Yi for uploading a spiritual technique that no one can learn. .

This is evident.

Lin Qian'an's qi was spinning, and his spiritual power slowly contained this incomplete seed of true law, making it slowly evolve towards the level of rules.

This process is estimated to take a very long time, and the more complex the spiritual art, the more time it will take.

Ordinary spiritual skills can be accomplished in a few months, while more complex ones can take years.

Lin Qian'an felt that it would take decades or hundreds of years for his "Small World Law" to be nurtured into a true law.

However, there is also a way to speed up, that is to actively use the spiritual power of the cyclone to cultivate.

This can greatly reduce the time it takes to conceive the true Dharma.


September 21st.

Lin Qianan continued to condense the true seeds.

Only one third of it was completed yesterday, and he decided to complete the condensing of the seeds of the true law today and tomorrow.

At the end of the day, Lin Qianan once again consumed more than 10,000 spirit crystals. On the other hand, there was an extra sun in the space inside Lin Qianan's true method seed, and there was airflow around it, and it was the last point.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still another page ^0^ Click on his little world to complete the construction.

On September 22, at eleven o'clock in the morning, the spirit crystals piled up around Lin Qian'an quickly dissipated.

At the same time, the true seed in the cyclone in his tantrum gradually became complete.

In the small world within the true seed, everything is gradually improving. Under the sunlight, soil, various minerals and metals, small rivers, air currents, everything is constantly appearing.

Finally, when Lin Qianan finished building the last rune, the small world began to run.

It continuously absorbs the energy of the cyclone in the tan, making the internal river flow, the airflow blows, the oxygen is generated, and the sun shines.

In addition, this small world is even automatically absorbing the spiritual energy given by Lin Qian'an, expanding slowly, and growing according to a fixed procedure.

Lin Qian'an blinked, opened a space portal in front of him, then stretched out his hand and took out a peach sapling directly from the academy flower bed.

It is said that because of the gathering spirit formation, the aura of the academy is sufficient, so the plants also have three points of aura, and they grow very well. …

Compared with ordinary peach saplings, this peach sapling is so vibrant, and Lin Qianan can feel its unusually vigorous vitality.

As soon as his mind moved, Lin Qianan sent this peach sapling into the small world inside the true seed.

Then Lin Qianan used his spiritual sense to control it and directly planted the peach tree in the middle of this small world.

Under the sunlight, the peach saplings gradually gained energy and began to adapt to the environment and grow.

This process is very slow, but Lin Qianan can feel it clearly.

Seeing this, Lin Qianan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although in theory, the small world constructed by the "Small World Law" can allow plants and animals to live, but after all, it is only in theory.

Having said that, the space in this small world is so big, and the space ring that Lin Qianan had learned before was weak in terms of holding things!

How many things can he hold in this small world?

In this regard, Lin Qianan simply did not dare to think about it.

Previously, Lin Qian'an was still thinking about whether to use the "Accumulation of Instruments" to cultivate the space ring into the body, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary.

All the things in the space ring are sent into the small world within the body.

As soon as he said it, Lin Qianan immediately took off the space ring, and sent it to the small world with a thought.

Immediately, a boxy metal hut appeared out of thin air in the small world, quickly wrapped the space ring, and sent it into the ground.

In the future, if Lin Qianan wants to store items, he can store them directly in the small world. The same is true for taking them. It is more convenient to take them directly through the small world.

The true seed is connected to the mind, and it is much easier to control than the space ring.

After condensing this true method seed, Lin Qianan now has only more than 69,000 spirit crystals left.

But all of this was worth it, not to mention how strong the true law he bred with this true law seed would be in the future, this small world alone is completely worthwhile.


Suddenly, a crisp chirping sound resounded, and the contract mark on Lin Qian'an's chest glowed with colorful rays of light. Lin Qian'an turned to look at the living room, and the [Perspective] ability was used.

I saw a colorful light on Xiao Jiu's body on the sofa.


Lin Qian'an blinked, a surprised expression on his face.

Recently, he really hadn't used the energy accumulated by the contract imprint. He didn't expect that Xiao Jiu has now reached the level where he can evolve.

As an elves, he doesn't even know that his elves are going to evolve. He is really unqualified!

After a sigh of relief, Lin Qianan opened the bedroom door, and after walking out, he saw Xiao Jiu, who had changed a lot.

At this time, its body is no longer a fat ball. Its body has grown to about 1.5 meters. Its feet and claws are covered with some fine colored scales, and it has become longer and sharper. It turned into colored feathers, with a colored crest on the top of the head, and seven colored long feathers that were one meter long extending out from the tail.

Overall, Lin Qianan felt a bit like a peacock, but slightly different. …


Xiao Jiu called Lin Qian'an twice, then jumped up from the sofa, flapping his wings and flying towards Lin Qian'an.

When it flew up, it did not drive any airflow, as if it was floating with another kind of force holding up its body.

This is quite similar to Lin Qian'an's [Biological Force Field].


Xiao Jiu stopped directly in Lin Qian'an's arms, and the claws under his feet held Lin Qian'an's left hand firmly on his abdomen.

While rubbing against Lin Qian'an's face intimately, Xiao Jiu was also telling Lin Qian'an about his evolutionary process.

"Tweet Tweet ~!"

"Okay, okay, I know you've evolved, Xiaojiu is awesome!" Lin Qianan praised with a smile.

"Choo Choo Choo!"

Xiaojiu looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, and looked a little proud after receiving the compliment, as if to say, don't even look at who I am!

Next to him, Xiao Ji turned his head and looked at Xiao Jiu with puzzled eyes.

It doesn't understand a bit, why did the big brother UU read suddenly change.

Just in Lin Qian'an

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ When Xiao Jiu interacted, he suddenly felt that Xiao Jiu had a new ability blessing on him.

The name of this new ability is [Soul Empowerment].


Lin Qian'an was stunned for a moment, and when he was feeling the effect of his ability, Xiao Jiu suddenly called out twice, a flash of light flashed on his body, and he changed back to his previous hairball form.

Without Xiao Jiu's explanation, Lin Qian'an understood what was going on through the contract.

This is Xiao Jiu's special ability, [Storage Energy].

Usually, it can degenerate back to its original form, save energy as much as possible, and use it when it is critical.

Just like when you need to evolve.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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