No Jokes Here

Chapter 217: Crush the Demon Lord

In the sky above Shu Mountain, under the control of Lin Qian'an, the game characters quickly beheaded one by one demons.

With today's game character's attribute panel, you can easily kill a fourth-level demon without having to activate skills.

However, there were quite a lot of demons in Shushan, so Lin Qianan activated the screen-clearing skill.

[Li Qinglian: Ten Thousand Swords True Secret Art! 】

With the loud shout of the game characters, 103,000 Dao swords poured out from the body, turning into a monstrous torrent.

With Lin Qian'an's waving of the mouse, the countless demons were quickly wiped away.

Wherever this torrent of swords passed, all the demons and monsters vanished into nothing.

In a short time, Shushan became clean up and down.

[Li Qinglian: All the true disciples obeyed the order, and the world was invaded by demons, and quickly led the core disciples to slay the demons and eliminate the demons. 】

Hearing the sound, the disciples of Shushan immediately responded with salute, and immediately left with their swords.

[Li Qinglian: The elders obeyed the order. The elder Jiang Yuan stayed behind in Shushan, and the rest of the elders followed me to Kunlun for reinforcements. 】

[Ying Caiyan: Yes! 】

[Xue Fuliang: Yes! 】

[Qu Wenbin: Yes! 】

[Jian Geng: Yes! 】


With an order, now dozens of elders in Shushan have responded.

Lin Qian'an nodded slightly, and immediately manipulated the game character into a blue sword gang and flew in the direction of Kunlun.

Behind him, dozens of elders also united with their swords, and followed behind with their sword gangs.

Along the way, he also encountered some monsters from time to time. Lin Qianan used his sword-fighting skills at will, and a sword flew out of the body of the game character and killed him, without even delaying his speed.

In less than two minutes, the game characters arrived in Kunlun.

At this time, Kunlun seems to have been shrouded by demons.

With the accumulation of three thousand years of demon masters, the number of demons possessed by foreign realms is definitely no less than that of monks in the mortal world.

Even, much more.

[Li Qinglian: Ten Thousand Swords True Secret Art! 】

The game characters shouted loudly, and the 13,000 Dao swords in the body attacked again, the torrent swept through, and countless demons came to an end.

In a short time, more than 90% of the monsters in the sky were killed and injured, and only a few remaining monsters were left.

The danger of Kunlun is solved suddenly!

The current headmaster of Kunlun, Zhu Zhenghong, flew to the side of the game characters and bowed his hands.

[Zhu Zhenghong: Kunlun would like to thank the seniors for helping to clear the siege! 】

[Li Qinglian: Don't be too polite, if you have the heart, lead someone to Emei with me! 】

Zhu Zhenghong nodded, and even gave an order.

[Zhu Zhenghong: All the real people listen to the order and form an array! Go to Emei to rescue with the headmaster of Shushan! 】

As a result, there were more than 100 Taoist cultivators in this group.

Arriving all the way to Emei, Lin Qian'an once again used a trick of Wanjian to quickly clear the demons above and below Emei.

Then he led many monks in Emei to go to Kongtong to solve the demons in Kongtong.

However, although the efficiency of the game characters in killing demons is extremely high, the demons still appear in the human world in an endless stream, as if killing them endlessly.

Today's Kongtong headmaster Yan Zhu showed a sad expression.

[Yanzhu: With so many demons, even if I waited desperately to kill them, I might not be able to kill one or two of them. How can we overcome this difficulty in the world! 】

[Li Qinglian: Why be so passive, let's join forces, enter the foreign land, and clean up all the monsters together? 】

Hearing this, all the monks present were stunned.

They have always been monsters passively defending foreign invasions, and they have never thought about entering a foreign land.

Headmaster Emei Fei Zhenhai showed pride.

[Fei Zhenhai: Senior is right, how can I wait and wait for death? If demons can invade the human world, why can’t I enter foreign realms? 】

[Yanzhu: But in order to prevent future generations from unintentionally unlocking the foreign seal, the way to go to the foreign land has long been destroyed by the ancestors. 】

[Li Qinglian: How difficult is this? Now that the foreign seal has been riddled with holes, you can find out if you catch a monster and ask a question. 】

Having said that, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character into Sword Gang and flew out for a walk.

In less than a minute, Lin Qian'an found a fourth-level demon king who was fighting against the real disciple of Kongtong.

With a sword energy, he cut off his hands and feet, and Lin Qianan grabbed the demon and returned to the monks.

Immediately, Lin Qianan started typing to question him.

[Li Qinglian: Quickly tell me the way to go to a foreign land, and I can give you a treat! 】

Although the hands and feet were cut off, the monster still showed no fear, and it looked at the game character with a hideous face.

[Blood Three Hundred and Four: Don't think about it, the Lord of Demons will come soon. At that time, the world will become a demon domain, and you monks will all die! 】

[Li Qinglian: Stubborn! 】

Manipulating the game character to kill the demon with a sword, Lin Qian'an's expression became quite unpleasant.

Just when he was about to try to catch another demon, a large dark red demonic energy suddenly appeared in the void, directly covering most of the sky.

The Demon Lord walked out slowly surrounded by a group of demons, and looked down at the game characters and others.

[Demon Lord: If you want to go to a foreign land, just ask me if you don't? I will take you there in person, why bother me, these devil sons and devil grandsons? 】

The cultivators looked shocked, they had never seen such terrifying demonic energy.

Just feel it from a distance, you know that it is hard to beat.

[Fei Zhenhai: This is? 】

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to fly straight up and came directly opposite the Demon Lord.

[Li Qinglian: Demon Lord? I waited for you a long time! 】

The Demon Lord showed a surprised expression.

[Demon Lord: Do you know me? 】

[Li Qinglian: Maybe you don't remember, but we are already old friends. Every time I reincarnate, I have been defeated by you. 】

The Demon Lord was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled.

[Demon Lord: Hahahaha....scared me, it turned out to be a lunatic who was scared out of hysteria by me! Not sure how you happened to guess my name, but you can die! 】

After speaking, the Demon Lord suddenly waved his hand, and the dark red demonic energy between his fingers and claws turned into several blood-red sharp blades, and directly grabbed the game characters.


The Ruyi Qinglian sword fell, and the blood-red blade was easily broken open and dissipated invisible.

Seeing this, the Demon Lord suddenly became serious.

[Demon Lord: Peep the truth! Impossible, apart from me, how could anyone else reach this state? 】

Lin Qianan couldn't help feeling a little dark when he saw the surprised expression on the Demon Lord's face.

I have always been tortured by the devil in front of me, and every time I have to see the devil be proud.

Now it's his turn to be proud!

[Li Qinglian: The Secret Realm of No Empty! 】

After hearing the game characters say these four words, the demon master's pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked at the game characters in disbelief.

[Demon Lord: Have you read all the inscriptions? 】

[Li Qinglian: I learned it at a glance, and it's not too difficult. 】

The Demon Lord looked ugly and made a rebuttal.

[Demon Lord: Impossible, absolutely impossible! The inscription on the inscription is extremely mysterious, and mortals can only memorize a part of it. 】

[Li Qinglian: But I am a genius, which is of course different from a mediocre like you. 】

[Demon Lord: You are courting death! 】


The demonic energy poured in from the sky, and the demon master directly punched the game characters.


The Ruyi Qinglian sword was integrated with the game characters, and a cyan sword gang broke the demonic energy and directly attacked the demon master's fist.


The demon master and the game characters stepped back each other, the game characters were intact, but the demon master was hit by the Ruyi Qinglian sword, but the scales and armor were broken, the flesh was blurred, the dark red demon blood dripped, and it turned into a demon in an instant. Qi was reabsorbed by the Demon Lord.

An unprecedentedly solemn expression appeared on the Demon Lord's cheek.

The kind of relaxed freehand brushwork before, now seems to be half gone.

[Li Qinglian: Work harder, I'm okay! 】

[Demon Lord: Heavenly Demon Tribulation! ! 】

The Demon Lord shouted, and the demonic energy surged out of his body, transforming into a huge dark red body that was as high as a thousand meters. Then, under his control, this body directly raised his hand and attacked the game character.

[Li Qinglian: Qinglian cleanses the world! 】

Lin Qianan pressed the skill button, and the strongest attacking skill in "Qinglian Zhenjing" was displayed. The Ruyi Qinglian Sword quickly changed size, and suddenly turned into a huge green lotus with a height of thousands of feet, swaying in the wind. .

In the next instant, this huge green lotus fell directly to the demonic body transformed by the demon master.

Boom boom boom~!

The air waves rolled and the demonic energy dissipated. Centering on the place where the two clashed, the aftermath of the spread instantly affected a radius of several kilometers.

Within this range, all the grass and trees were uprooted, the rocks were broken, and the ground was missing a layer.


The demonic body of the Demon Lord was suddenly broken open, and most of his body was instantly shattered.


The Ruyi Qinglian Sword turned into blue light and returned to the hands of the game characters.

On the other side, the Demon Lord's body recovered quickly under the condensation of demonic energy, and there was a hint of horror in his eyes at this time.

[Li Qinglian; you don't have the strength to beat people, and pretend to be the devil? 】

[Devil Lord: We have already seen the truth, and the lifespan is endless. Why do we need to fight to death? We can jointly rule the world and enjoy the future. 】

[Li Qinglian: Good suggestion! 】

Hearing this, the Demon Lord showed a hint of joy.

However, Lin Qianan then pressed the keyboard and typed a sentence.

[Li Qinglian: But I refuse, I don't want to live in the same world with demons! 】

The moment the sound fell, Lin Qianan pressed the skill button again.


The Ruyi Qinglian Sword hummed in the air, and 103,000 Dao Swords poured out from the player's body, turning into a torrent and circling in the void.

Seeing this, the Demon Lord's expression became more and more ugly. UU reading www.

Immediately restrained the demonic energy, turned into a red light and was about to escape.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to cast the Ten Thousand Swords Secret Art, and followed directly behind.

Suddenly, a vortex appeared in front of the Demon Lord, and his figure escaped directly into it, and disappeared in an instant.

Lin Qian'an didn't hesitate, manipulated Wan Jian to follow directly behind the vortex, and rushed in.

After entering this vortex, the picture suddenly changed. In the sky, a blood-red full moon hung high, and the surrounding land and mountains were all blood-red.

That's right, it's like being in a foreign land.

[Demon Lord: Demon son and demon grandson, go up, kill him! 】

At this time, the Demon Lord gave an order, and the infinite demons appeared, all rushing towards the game characters.


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