No Jokes Here

Chapter 216: Exit

Lin Qianan was stunned.

The mountain wall that was bombarded every day turned out to be the so-called Ruyi Divine Iron.

Far away!

But this thing is so big, how to take it away?

Manipulating the game characters to come closer, Lin Qianan found that there was a line of smaller words next to the big words.

[The divine iron can be transformed at will, and those who have obtained the divine iron can fuse the Ruyi divine iron into the spiritual tool, improve the quality of the spiritual tool, and at the same time make the spiritual tool possess the power of wishful transformation. 】

Lin Qianan touched his chin. This means that the mountain can be changed in size at will. Did he directly make this thing smaller and integrate with his weapon?

After subconsciously saving a file, Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to take out the [Qinglian] sword and gently leaned on the divine iron.

However, there was no response at this time.

Lin Qianan thought for a while, and typed a line directly on the keyboard.

[Li Qinglian: Divine iron has a spirit, please blend with my sword! 】


The moment the sound fell, the entire majestic mountain shook, and in the next instant, the majestic mountain suddenly shrank and disappeared quickly.

At the same time, a layer of dark material spread over the [Qinglian] sword, and within three breaths, the [Qinglian] sword was completely wrapped and quickly disappeared.

Lin Qianan opened his backpack and checked the introduction of the [Qinglian] sword. After taking a look, he breathed heavily.

[Ruyi Qinglian Sword: The sword created by the swordsman Li Qinglian fused with Ruyi Divine Iron, it is indestructible, extremely sharp, and can be freely changed in size and shape. [Quality: True]]

The quality has become real, and the function of transforming the form has been added.

A look of joy appeared on Lin Qian'an's face.

In the previous game, it was almost difficult for him to fight against the Demon Lord. Only by using the "Wan Jian Jue" can he cause a little damage to the Demon Lord.

And now that with this sword in hand, Lin Qianan can't believe it, can the Demon Lord be able to stop it?

Rumble rumble~!

At this moment, the surroundings shook, the ground collapsed, and the space in the sky shattered.

For the first time, Lin Qianan saw the picture of the sky falling.

The infinitely dark Chaos Qi pours into the void-free secret realm, and any matter that comes into contact with it will be assimilated into Chaos Qi.

Lin Qian'an's head was enlightened, because he took away the Ruyi Divine Iron that held up the secret realm, so the secret realm was about to disappear.

His expression changed slightly, and he directly read the file back to the time when he hadn't taken away the Ruyi Divine Iron.

Looking at the Ruyi Divine Iron that came one after another, Lin Qianan did not ask the game characters to take it away for the time being, but let the game characters continue to retreat.

Since taking Ruyi Divine Iron will lead to the disappearance of the secret realm, then take it when you decide to go!

In this way, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to retreat for more than 3,000 years.

Suddenly, the world shook again.

The infinitely dark chaotic air then poured into the void-free secret realm.

Lin Qian'an seemed very puzzled, obviously he didn't take the Ruyi Divine Iron, why the secret realm was still destroyed.

Looking at the influx of Chaos Qi, Lin Qianan sighed, it seems that this secret realm has persisted to the last moment.

Regardless of whether he takes away the Ruyi Divine Iron, the secret realm can no longer be maintained.

Lin Qianan immediately manipulated the game characters to take away the Ruyi Divine Iron, and then planned to activate the Secret Realm Pearl to leave.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to remember something.

Directly manipulate the game character and saluted in the direction of Wukong.

[Li Qinglian: Senior Wukong Zhenjun, thank you for your gift. After leaving the secret realm next time, I will set up a tablet for you and let Shushan go up and down to worship and pray. 】

After the voice of the game characters fell, Lin Qianan found that there was no response.

Lin Qianan didn't care, pursing his lips.

It was just an attempt anyway, and it didn't matter whether True Monarch Wukong would appear or not.

Click the mouse to activate the Secret Realm Pearl, and the game characters then return to the top of Shushan Picking Star Peak.

After returning, the mysterious realm beads of the game characters also shattered, turning into fly ash and dissipating.

Seeing this scene, Lin Qianan was also very emotional.

[Sima Guan: you Senior Brother Qinglian? 】

Suddenly, a voice came from behind the game characters.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game character to turn his head to look, and found that a small pavilion had been built here at the top of Picking Star Peak. Inside, a Shushan disciple with a long sword was staring blankly at the game character.

[Li Qinglian: I am Li Qinglian, who are you? 】

Hearing the sound, Sima Guan bowed and saluted.

[Sima Guan: Below is Sima Guan, the core disciple of Shushan Mountain. On the order of the head of Jiang Yuan, I will be here to wait for the end of your retreat, Senior Brother Qinglian. 】

Lin Qianan knew that it was the disciple who was sent by the game character Master to wait for him.

[Li Qinglian: How long has it been since the day I retreated? 】

Hearing the sound, Sima Guan glanced at the array plate that was used to record the time, and then answered.

[Sima Guan: In reply to Senior Brother Qinglian’s words, twenty-three days have passed since the day you retreated. 】

Lin Qianan couldn't help feeling quite emotional when he heard the sound.

The game characters have been in the secret realm for nearly 10,000 years, and only 23 days have passed outside.

In other words, the game characters are still thirty-seven years old according to the time outside.

There are still two hundred and thirteen years before the appearance of the Demon Lord!

At this time, several sword gangs cut through the void, and Jiang Yuan and a group of elders had already received the notice and arrived.

After a while of chatting, Lin Qianan quickly recounted what happened in the secret realm, causing Jiang Yuan and others to be extremely surprised.

In the game, the game characters are forty years old... um, the time of retreat in the secret is not counted as forty years old!

After going through a competition, Jiang Yuan decisively passed on the position of the head of Shushan to the game characters, and then he went to retreat to practice the "Yunqi Zhenjing".

That's right, at this time, the "Accumulation of Instruments" has been recorded by Lin Qian'an manipulating the game characters.

Lin Qianan couldn't see what the specific content was. He just clicked on the game characters in the game, and then selected skills for him to write.

He couldn't see the things that were written down, and what appeared was just a volume of books.

Lin Qian'an is not surprised about this. It was the same when he played the games "Jianghu" and "Drink That Bottle of Witchcraft". I saw some vague fonts, but it was not clear what it was.

In addition to "Yuqi Zhenjing", Lin Qian'an also asked game characters to write and record all skills such as "Wan Jian Zhen Jue" and "Qinglian Zhenjing".

Then filled it with some other secrets.

For example, the knowledge of "Wan Jian Jue", "Qinglian Thirteen Swords", "Shushan Swordsmanship" and so on.

Lin Qian'an compiled these things together and named it "Tibetan Scripture", and decided to take it out when it was time to extract items.

This is also the experience that Lin Qianan has summed up after playing the game so many times.

After all, "Martial Classics" can do this, can't he do it?

Lin Qianan didn't think of this when he was playing "Drink That Bottle of Witchcraft". Later, he relied on the God of Witchcraft's Advent Card to record all the witchcraft and magic.

In "The Last Days of Life" and "Elf World", most of them are black technology, and the black technology knowledge there can't be copied and used normally.

In the case of "Guardian Knight", let alone the knowledge Lin Qianan in there really doesn't like it.

Lin Qianan felt that if the "Tibetan Scripture" could be extracted this time, he might have to do it for every game in the future.

The game character is fifty years old. His parents are still alive, and they are getting younger and younger. They even gave birth to a girl and named her Li Honglian.

Lin Qianan had nothing to say about Li Rong's naming ability.

As the younger sister of the head of Shushan, Li Honglian became a star of everyone's attention as soon as she was born.

Under the pouring out of various cultivation resources, she had not weak roots before the age of five.

When the game character was sixty-five years old, an old man named Kong Zhonglin led a young boy to Shushan to visit him as a teacher, and mentioned the name of the game character Li Qinglian.

Lin Qianan remembered the name, it was the villager who gave him the Secret Realm Pearl in Liuli Village.

At the beginning, he promised to give the other party a lifetime of glory, or let him bring his heirs to apprentice.

I didn't expect the other party to come.

Manipulating the game characters to go, Lin Qianan met Kong Zhonglin and the little boy he brought at Lingyun Peak.

Kong Zhonglin is no longer as strong as before, his face is much older, and the little boy looks five or six years old at most.

[Kong Zhonglin: I have seen the Immortal Chief, but I haven't seen it for many years. I never thought that the Immortal Chief's style would still be the same. I am really envious of the old man. I don't know if the Immortal Chief still remembers the original promise. 】

[Li Qinglian: Of course you remember, this child is the one you want to send to Shushan to study art? 】

[Kong Zhonglin: Yes, I originally wanted to send my daughter to study art, but who knew she didn't want to come. He is my grandson, and he has been smart since childhood, and he will definitely not disappoint you, Xianchang. 】

[Li Qinglian: What's his name? 】

Kong Zhonglin looked at the child beside him and patted his shoulder.

[Kong Zhonglin: Yuan'er, tell Xian Chang your name. 】

The child was not timid, even bowed to the game characters.

[Kong Yuan: Kong Yuan has seen the fairy! 】

Everything was like a circle, which reminded Lin Qianan of the scene when Nangong Susu came to apprentice.

[Li Qinglian: Well, from today onwards, he will be my direct disciple and will be taught by me personally! 】

When Kong Zhonglin heard this, he quickly pulled Kong Yuan next to him to make him kneel.

[Kong Zhonglin: Yuan’er, let’s be a teacher! 】

Kong Yuan kowtowed and saluted.

[Kong Yuan: Kong Yuan pays respects to Master. 】


After Kong Yuan's apprenticeship, Li Honglian was considered an extra playmate.

Most of Shushan's disciples are older, and Li Honglian can hardly find friends of the same age.

That is to say, Kong Yuan's age is similar to her, and the two can play together.

However, Kong Yuan is relatively mature, and can calm down and cultivate more on weekdays, while Li Honglian is more naughty and always likes to run around.

Because of the characters in the game, Li Honglian often caused trouble to the disciples of Shushan.

However, the Shushan disciples were quite willing to let Li Honglian cause them trouble.

Because Lin Qian'an will always give them some compensation afterwards, Li Honglian has become synonymous with chance.

The game character is 80 years old, and the four sects are martial arts.

In addition to the competition of the disciples, the heads of the various sects also showed their means.

Lin Qian'an manipulated the game characters to overwhelm the heroes with the sword power of [Qinglian], and defeated the head of the three factions who joined forces simply by relying on the powerful panel attributes.

One against three wins.

So far, the position of the leader of the righteous path in Shushan has become more stable.

Relying on the momentum of Shushan, Lin Qian'an continued to promote the method of cultivation, so that cultivation covered the whole world.

In the past, the game character would be blocked from doing so when playing, but this time, no one blocked him.

In other words, no one dared to stop him.

The game character is ninety-six years old, and Kong Yuan has broken through into the Taoist realm.

Seeing this, Li Honglian also worked hard to cultivate.

When the game character was 108 years old, Li Honglian finally broke through to the realm of entering the Dao.

The game character is one hundred and fifty years old, and his parents are showing signs of old age.

Their cultivation time is relatively late, and their cultivation is still only in the third realm. If there is no shortage of them in Shushan, they would have already decayed their qi and blood.

If you can't enter the Dao, it will be hard to live a long life.

However, Li's father and Li's mother saw it very clearly. They both joined hands. Yu Jian left Shushan and returned to life on earth.

They have to enjoy this last time.

The game characters are two hundred years old, and the world is now full of practitioners, a scene of prosperity.

There are also some small cultivation sects born, and the four major sects are no longer the only ones.

The game character is two hundred and twenty-seven years old, and his parents have died out one after another.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters and his sister Li Honglian and Kong Yuan to hold a funeral for him.

Due to the noble status of the game characters today, the funeral is also extremely luxurious.

Three thousand monks who entered the Taoist realm walked with the coffin and walked around the world.

Headmaster Kunlun fixed the acupoints, Headmaster Kongtong cast spells and saluted, and Headmaster Emei personally refined the coffin.

There is also the game character, the headmaster of Shushan, who uses his sword to change the terrain and excavate tombs.

Lin Qianan looked at it and wished he could do the same for himself.

It's too luxurious.

The two-hundred-and-thirty-year-old game character held a wedding for his sister Li Honglian and Kong Yuan.

The two grew up together since childhood, and their love forged long ago.

If it weren't for being too hypocritical, I'm afraid they would have been together long ago.

But in this way, the relationship between the game characters, Li Honglian and Kong Yuan is a bit messy.

My sister is my apprentice's daughter-in-law, and my apprentice is my brother-in-law. …

After the two got married, they had a child within two years, named Kong Xiu.

And for these, Lin Qianan didn't care much anymore.

The characters in the game are basically sitting on the top of Picking Star Peak, constantly cultivating the "Sutra of Accumulation", waiting for the arrival of the devil.

Fast forward time, fast forward again.

The game character is two hundred and fifty years old. Under the control of Lin Qian'an, he went to the temple of Wukong Zhenjun to worship.

This temple was built after the original game characters came back.

The appearance of True Monarch Wukong was restored by Lin Qianan based on the murals in the ruins of Liguo.

He also set a rule that all practitioners in this realm, no matter what school or faction, must worship Wukong Zhenjun before practicing.

This is the ancestor of the monks in the world.

Without his method, there would be no monks in this world.

When ~ when ~ when ~!

And at this moment, a bell rang out on Shushan!

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to turn around, UU reading www. looks out of the temple.

In the sky outside, the silhouettes of the demons seemed to have appeared.

"Waiting for you for a long time!" Lin Qianan murmured.

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

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School bag 12138

Emperor Buddha


thank you very much! !


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