No Jokes Here

Chapter 218: Finish

"Good come!"

Lin Qianan pursed his lips, shook the mouse directly, and manipulated the Ruyi Qinglian Sword and the 130,000 Dao Swords to swept out. void.

No amount of demons could stop Lin Qian'an's progress. He kept approaching the Demon Lord, who was escaping quickly.

Countless monsters died tragically along the way.

Gradually, the number of demons is not as much as it was at the beginning.

Only then did Lin Qianan know that demons are also limited.

Following, Lin Qianan manipulated Li Qinglian to come to the Demon Lord's lair.

It was a city with magnificent architecture. Although it was built of blood-red rocks, it also had a different kind of beauty.

And in the middle of this city is the huge palace of the Demon Lord.

At this time, Lin Qian'an finally caught up with the Demon Lord, and he used "Wan Jian Zhen Jue" without hesitation.

[Li Qinglian: Ten Thousand Swords True Secret Art! 】

The Ruyi Qinglian Sword swept out 103,000 Dao Swords, threatening the Demon Lord.

[Demon Lord: Heavenly Demon Tribulation! 】

The demon master turned into a magical image of thousands of meters, and waved his hand to break up the torrent of this sword.

However, these swords, driven by the Ruyi Qinglian Sword, started from the arm of the Demon Lord Dharma, and quickly twisted his arm, and went straight to the body along the arm.

Ree, ree, ree~!

Finally, the Demon Lord's demonic body dissipated, his body was strangled by ten thousand swords, and turned into countless demonic energy.

However, in the next moment, these demonic energies condensed again, the body of the demon master returned to its original appearance, and the demonic qi that almost filled half of the sky on his body was also reduced by most.

[Demon Lord: I have to forgive people and forgive them, don't force me! They all exist in the real world. Even if you are more powerful than me, if I really die, you will definitely not feel good! I can promise you to live in a foreign land forever, and I will not let the devil sons and grandsons go to the world to do evil, I just ask you to spare my life! 】

The meaning of begging for mercy in the words of the devil is far greater than the meaning of threats. The fighting power of the game characters today is really exaggerated. The devil only dares to say that the game characters are uncomfortable, not that they want to die together with the game characters.

But how could Lin Qianan bypass the Demon Lord?

Not to mention that the Demon Lord had previously let his demon son and grandson mutilate the world for more than 3,000 years.

Another one, in the previous reincarnation, Lin Qian'an still remembers the revenge of the demon master slaughtering his apprentice Nangong Susu and the game characters themselves!

[Li Qinglian: Qinglian cleanses the world! 】

The Ruyi Qinglian Sword suddenly turned into a huge Qinglian thousands of meters high in the void.

The game character stretched out his hand and waved, and the huge green lotus seemed to be swept down slowly and quickly, and everything that touched it dissipated.

The magnificent city was also rapidly disappearing. The demon master turned into a dark red light, trying to escape from the attack range, but how could Lin Qianan give him a chance.

Clicking the mouse continuously, Qinglian grows by three points with each click, and the energy and stamina of the game characters will also consume a lot.

Not long after, that Qinglian seemed to have covered the sky.

Rumble Rumble Rumble!

The green lotus completely fell, the magic city disappeared, the body of the demon master dissipated, the ground cracked, and a huge canyon of unknown length and depth was formed.


Infinite orange-red molten lava spewed out from the ground, quickly spreading throughout the exotic land.

Seeing this scene, some demons who survived the previous battle quickly broke through the void and wanted to escape to the world.

Lin Qianan took the opportunity to follow behind and returned to the world together.

It's also outrageous.

Don't look at the exaggerated combat power of the game characters, but they can't do the round-trip between the world and exotic places that ordinary monsters can do.

However, there is a specialization in the surgery industry, which is understandable.

The Demon Lord died, the exotic land was covered with molten lava, and countless monsters fled to the world, making the world more monsters.

Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to and fro in the world, quickly cleaning up the monsters everywhere.

Coupled with the help of monks from various factions, the demonic disaster was resolved within a few days.

After returning to Shushan, Lin Qianan found Jiang Yuan and reported the results of the battle.

[Li Qinglian: Master, my disciples have lived up to their trust and have already swept away all the demons that invaded the world. In the future, there will be no more demons in the world. 】

Jiang Yuan showed a relieved expression.

[Jiang Yuan: Well done, you are much better than me and the predecessors of Shushan. 】

[Hint: You have completed the task [Slaying Demons and Eliminating Demons], and you will be rewarded with free attribute points*12025015. ]

That's right, before that, Lin Qianan asked Jiang Yuan to take over a mission.

Killing demons will give you attribute points, and Lin Qianan will naturally not miss the opportunity of this demon invasion.

It's just that he really didn't expect that after this wave, he actually directly obtained more than 12 million attribute points.

In other words, he killed more than 12 million demons?

I didn't think it at the time, but after thinking about it, I can't help but feel a little unreal.

It is a pity that the attribute points of this game are not as valuable as the attribute points in the game "Jianghu".

But Rao is so, these more than ten million attribute points have been able to greatly increase the strength of the game characters.

To what extent does it increase?

After ten thousand years of retreat in the void-free secret realm, the game character has an average attribute of about 10 million. These more than ten million attribute points can double one of his attributes, or increase his average attribute by about a quarter.

In the end, Lin Qian'an's idea was to add spirit to everything.

In this way, the combat power of the game character will be stronger, and when he becomes an Advent Card, the blessing to himself will be greater.

But then again, with so many attribute points, even if he didn't press it loosely, it would probably take an hour to finish adding them.

Time passed, and the game characters were two hundred and fifty-five years old.

Since the monster invaded the world five years ago, no new monsters have appeared in the past five years.

And the game character who contributed the most in the monster invasion also got a new title, that is, "Wan Jian Zhenjun".

This is exactly in line with the characteristics of his envoy to slay demons with ten thousand swords.

Another five years have passed, and the game characters are two hundred and sixty years old.

Lin Qian'an has added all the attribute points obtained by slaughtering demons, and the spiritual attributes of the game characters have reached more than 20 million.

At this time, his combat power also reached an immeasurable level.

Lin Qian'an once manipulated the game characters to go to sea to use the "Qinglian Cleansing the World" with all his strength.

At that time, there was only that green lotus left on the entire screen, and then the green lotus fell, causing endless waves.

As far as the expressiveness of this picture is concerned, Lin Qianan feels that it is not much different from a natural disaster.

Even in Godzilla's peak state, it's not that strong.

Lin Qian'an recalled the word "peeping the truth" that the demon master once said.

Perhaps, the Demon Lord is talking about the realm after entering the Dao realm.

Most of the current game characters are in this state.

Unfortunately, there is no realm column on the panel in the game, otherwise Lin Qianan can see if this is the case.

The game character is two hundred and sixty-three years old. Lin Qianan asked the monks all over the world to collect all kinds of secret knowledge, including cultivation methods, various human martial arts moves, alchemy methods, formation methods, and even various craftsman skills. .

He recorded all these things in the "Tibetan Scripture".

Because the number of these things is too large, a Tibetan Pavilion was even built to carry them.

The knowledge in it is divided into "Tibetan Scripture, Dao Fa", "Tibetan Scripture, Sword Technique" and so on...

However, Lin Qian'an was not satisfied with this.

Because when extracting items, he can only extract a part of them, but cannot extract the entire "Tibetan Scripture".

But there are no jade slips or USB flash drives in this world, and Lin Qianan really doesn't know how to get them.

So he summoned all the great monks above the Dao level in the world and asked them if they could create a magic weapon that could store massive amounts of information.

Not to mention, this question really has an answer.

The Kunlun School has a formation called "Photo Formation".

Burn it on the array disk, you can create a photo array disk.

If you can use this array to record all the knowledge in the "Tibetan Scripture", you can store it all.

Lin Qianan felt that it made sense, so he asked Kunlun's headmaster Zhu Zhenghong to help.

The other party happily agreed.

In less than half a year, he recorded all the knowledge images in the "Tibetan Sutra" in a palm-sized array.

The whole body of the array is crystal clear and clear, it looks like jade but not jade, and it is densely covered with mysterious array patterns.

As long as the energy consumption is activated, the projection of the three thousand catalogues of the "Tibetan Scripture" will pop up, and the knowledge in it can be viewed through the catalogue.

When Lin Qianan saw this scene, he almost thought that the other party had brought out a Xianxia version of the mobile phone.

However, he also felt that the other party is indeed a talent, and this thing must have the possibility of optimization, so he instructed the other party to continue to optimize the photo array disk, and also let the game characters learn this knowledge when they have nothing to do.

Zhu Zhenghong took Lin Qian'an's words to heart, and after returning, he told the Kunlun disciples to start researching and optimizing the photo array.

The game characters are two hundred and sixty-five years old, and the Kunlun photo array has become popular all over the world.

At the beginning, it was just used to store and record some beautiful scenery, or to record the knowledge taught by the teacher and watch it repeatedly.

But then someone added a dust removal array, a sound transmission array, and the like to the array plate, which made the function of this photo array plate more complicated.

This is the same as constantly adding various complex functions to the mobile phone.

Gradually, after more than ten generations of revisions, the Kunlun Photo Array has completely changed.

Today's Kunlun Photo Array is only as big as a jade pendant with a diameter of about five centimeters, but it has countless functions.

Not to mention the basic function of taking a photo, it also has functions such as dust removal, sound transmission, water gathering, ignition, blasting, martial art identification and so on.

Some people have come up with a multi-layered inscription method in order to make this array disk have more array functions.

Several smaller array plates were engraved with different array methods, and finally combined together, turned into one array plate.

Perhaps because of the influence of Lin Qian'an's usual words spoken by manipulating game characters, Kunlun directly called this photo-taking array a multi-core array.

At present, the most powerful one is Zhu Zhenghong, the headmaster of Kunlun, who made the twelve-core array by himself.

The size remains the same, but it is an array composed of twelve arrays, with hundreds of small functions.

Moreover, the functions such as sound transmission are also more powerful. If your own spiritual attributes are strong enough, after fully activating the array, the other party can receive the sound transmission through the sound transmission signal of the same channel even if they are thousands of miles away.

By the time the characters in the game were two hundred and eighty years old, this thing had developed into a photo array with a maximum of fifty-three cores for the monks.

The current array plate has returned to the size of a palm, but it has more functions and stronger effects. It even has a telephony function and a special mental power unlocking function.

The telephony function combined with the sound transmission function is a video call, and there is no need to say more about the mental power unlocking function.

This is a privacy service. It is impossible for others to get your photo array disk. Only your own mental power can unlock it.

When Lin Qianan was playing a game and seeing this scene, he always felt that the painting style of this world seemed to become a little more subtle.

The game characters are two hundred and ninety years old, and the world at this time has developed into a very prosperous state.

Basically, from birth, people have to accept the I Ching cleansing, and they start to practice cultivation at the age of three, and they are very involved in each other.

All major sects have monk colleges in the world. After graduation, good grades can directly enter the major sects for further study, and those with poor grades can only choose to work in some small sects.

Among them, the formation method, medicinal herbs, smelting, and cultivation have all developed well.

Especially the formation method, it can be said that it has developed to the extreme.

In the exam for an advanced array mage, a thumb-sized array plate must be engraved with at least ten array patterns to pass the test.

This has extremely high requirements on the strength of spiritual power and consciousness, as well as control, and if you are not careful, the material itself will be damaged.

In this regard, the game characters directly occupy a huge advantage.

With more than 20 million spiritual attributes, he stood directly at the top of all the magicians.

After learning the knowledge of the Kunlun faction's formation from Zhu Zhenghong, Lin Qian'an also manipulated the game characters to practice making arrays.

The process of engraving the pattern is reflected in the game by selecting the pattern, and then clicking inscribe.

The process couldn't be easier.

At most, Zhu Zhenghong himself engraved an array plate with more than fifty cores, and the size must be the size of a palm.

But for a game character, even with a thumb-sized array, he can engrave hundreds of cores, which is far from the limit.

The most Lin Qianan has tried is to build an array disk with more than 300 cores, no more, and the material can no longer carry it.

Time passed again.

The three-hundred-year-old game character went to the monastic college opened in Shushan to attend the graduation ceremony.

Hearing that the current No. 1 Headmaster Shushan came to attend the graduation ceremony, all the students in the academy were in high spirits.

When they saw the incarnation of the game character incarnated by Jian Gang leading many high-level officials of Shushan, the exclamations did not stop.

After making two symbolic speeches, Lin Qian'an manipulated the game characters to present the graduation certificates of Shushan College to those graduating students.

But when he was about to finish issuing the certificate, he suddenly stopped.

At this time, standing in front of the game characters was a woman whose appearance made Lin Qianan somewhat unforgettable.

[Li Qinglian: What's your name? 】

The young female student became a little nervous when she heard the question from the game character.

[Nangong Susu: Back... Back... Back to Senior Li... My name is Nan... Gong... Susu...]

Seeing Nangong Susu's performance, the dean next to him covered his forehead with his hand and couldn't bear to look directly.

Lin Qian'an didn't mind this, he smiled and typed a line.

[Li Qinglian: But the descendants of the Jiangnan Nangong family? 】

Nangong Susu had a curious look on his face.

[Nangong Susu: Senior Li knows about the Nangong family? 】

[Li Qinglian: Hehe, when I was young, I also traveled around the world, but I have a lot of connections with the Nangong family. 】

[Nangong Susu: So it is! 】

[Li Qinglian: Would you like to worship me as a teacher and be my apprentice? 】

Hearing this, there was an instant uproar in the field.

The dean next to him showed an uncontrollable excitement on his face. If he hadn't worried about making the game characters unhappy, he might have agreed to help Nangong Susu himself.

And Nangong Susu was also shocked and disbelieving, and even pinched her cheek on the spot.

After discovering it was true, she knelt down tremblingly and kowtowed.

[Nangong Susu: Disciple..Nangong..Susu...Meet Master! 】

After accepting the apprentice Nangong Susu, Lin Qian'an ordered someone to make her a sword himself. It was called [Wen Lian], and its appearance was the same as what he remembered at the time.

At this point, some of the obsessions of Lin Qian'an's head were considered to have fallen.

Time passed day by day, and the game characters soon reached the age of four hundred.

Because there are more monks in the world and more disciples in Shushan, the already empty Jianfeng is now filled with swords again. Lin Qianan didn't want them to be buried, so he manipulated the game characters to live in Jianfeng, using "Yun" The Qi Zhen Jing will cultivate all these swords into the body.

The swords owned by game characters quickly increased from 103,000 to more than 200,000.

The game character is 500 years old, and Yunjian has 400,000 swords. At this time, he chose to abdicate and let the sages.

The game characters are 600 years old, have 600,000 swords, an average of more than 20 million attributes, and the strongest spiritual attribute is 30 million.

The game character is 800 years old and has 800,000 swords. He tested the sword in Beihai and divided a small Beihai out, which almost caused the nearby sect to suffer.

So far, Lin Qian'an has never manipulated the game characters with all his strength.

The game character is a thousand years old, with 1.18 million swords and an average attribute of 50 million. UUkanshu stands on the top of Jianfeng, looking into the distance in loneliness.

And the picture at this time is also fixed on the scene of the game character standing on the top of the sword peak of Shushan Mountain.

Hint: Game over! ]

[Game evaluation: Peering into the real world of swordsmanship, you learned the supreme secret law in the secret realm, realized the supreme swordsmanship, killed the demon master in one fell swoop, ended the three thousand years of demon chaos, and led the world to a prosperous world of cultivation. ]

[Do you want to save customs clearance records and receive customs clearance rewards? ]


------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Captain of the first brigade of the fff regiment

thank you very much! !


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