No Jokes Here

Chapter 215: Ruyi Shentie

Since he planned to practice skills in the secret realm, and when his cultivation was complete, Lin Qianan had an even more exaggerated idea.

There is no limit to the number of utensils that can be cultivated.

For more than 3,000 years in Shushan, an unknown number of spirit swords have been accumulated on Jianfeng.

He was confident that all the "Accumulation of Instruments" would be integrated into his body, and he practiced slowly.

At that time, the use of "Wan Jian Jue" should also be improved to a higher level.

After all, compared to the energy-condensed sword gangs, the real spirit sword has stronger attack power.

And if the game characters can cultivate tens of thousands of Dao swords at one time, I am afraid they are truly invincible!

Immediately, Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to tell Elder Shushan and Jiang Yuan about the secret realm and his plans to go to retreat.

Since the Secret Realm Orb can only be used once, and they don't know how long it takes to go to the retreat, they believe that their lifespan is limited, and they are afraid that they will not last for too long.

Therefore, although the secret realm is tempting, after many choices, Jiang Yuan and others have no plans to go with the game characters.

Afterwards, Lin Qianan proposed to take all the swords in Jianfeng away.

After knowing this, the deacon elder Jian Geng found the Emei disciple who was best at refining weapons. It took a month before and after to build a sword box with spatial characteristics from precious materials, which was enough to hold 13,000 swords. A secondary sword and a primary sword.

This number is exactly the [Qinglian] sword possessed by the game characters themselves, as well as the 103,000 spirit swords on the sword peak.

After putting away all the swords on Jianfeng, Jian Geng held the sword box in both hands and handed it to the game character.

[Jian Geng: I hope you can live up to these 103,000 spirit swords. 】

[Li Qinglian: I am determined to live up to my ancestors, and I will also live up to these 103,000 spirit swords. 】

Jian Geng nodded, showing a relieved expression.

At the top of Picking Star Peak, the game characters carried sword boxes on their backs, and after paying tribute to the elders and master Jiang Yuan, they directly activated the Secret Realm Pearl.

In the next moment, the figure of the game character disappeared and entered the secret realm.

Looking at the huge mountain, Lin Qian'an manipulated the game character to directly combine his sword and man, and flew to Wukong.

As usual, I found the stone tablet, and then obtained the "Accumulation of Instruments", and then began to practice.

Fast-forward and fast-forward, and soon the [Qinglian] sword was integrated into the body of the game character.

All attributes of the game characters have been improved.

The sword box was opened, a new sword appeared, and he continued to practice.

After repeating this process all the time, Lin Qian'an's expression became numb.

In the process, he was also thinking about one thing.

Now he has seen the practice method on the inscription on the astronomical book. According to the description, this method is to use the body to nurture the vessel and use the vessel to store the body.

If it is said that the master of the devil is cultivating the "Sutra of Accumulating Equipment", how can he become a monster.

Could it be that different people who read this inscription get different cultivation methods?

Or, in fact, the manuscripts left by the patriarch did not lie, including the patriarch, all of them gave false cultivation methods at the beginning.

They thought that what the devil gave was real, but in fact what the devil gave was fake, and what they gave was also fake.

The only way to truly cultivate is their own share.

What everyone gets is one true and four false?

Lin Qianan felt that this idea was possible. After all, the ancestors were already dying at the time, and there was no reason to lie on the manuscript at the end of their lives.

But if this is the case, the "Xuantian Treasure Record" he created before may be the cultivation method closest to the "Accumulation of Instruments".

The real reason for not being able to defeat the Demon Lord is probably the lack of some key things.

Lin Qianan thought for a while, and suddenly felt like he had discovered something.

The combination of the four sects is actually the most intuitive method of raising tools.

Shushan is to give birth to the spirituality of objects, Emei is to enhance one's own qi and blood, and Kunlun is to strengthen the mind and constantly strengthen communication with the objects.

By combining and cultivating the utensils, the utensils themselves can gradually become stronger, fading, and different methods can be derived.

And the Demon Lord's "Concentration Technique", in fact, should be the final feedback.

The four sects' practice is to cultivate the body with the body, and the magic master's practice is to use the tool to accumulate the body.

However, what the demon master got was a fake cultivation technique, so he mistakenly changed the cultivating tool into cultivating himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Qianan felt that it made sense.

Although "Xuantian Baolu" is the method closest to the "Accumulation of Instruments", it is only human to cultivate instruments. It lacks the last step of instrument accumulation, and naturally it cannot compare to the devil.

Looking back, Lin Qianan couldn't help feeling a little emotional when he looked at the stone tablet again.

I don't know where the Holy Monarch Wukong is. Such an inscription can actually set off such a huge wave in the world.

The monsters and the four cultivators were created, and the two sides have been fighting for more than 3,000 years, and it has not stopped so far.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, and the movements in Lin Qian'an's hands did not stop.

As the game character accumulates more and more swords into the body, his own attributes become stronger and stronger, and the speed at which he accumulates new swords also becomes faster.

Lin Qian'an mechanically took the sword from the sword box, and then used the "Yuqi Zhenjing".

In the constant repetition, he even had the time to write the outline of the new "Shushan Swordsman Record".

He decided to give the protagonist a reincarnation setting this time.

Let the protagonist continue to reincarnate after death to the original time.

Until the last chance to find the Secret Realm Pearl by chance, enter the Wukong Secret Realm, cultivate a great success, and then annihilate the demons in one fell swoop, so that the world is peaceful.

Of course, this is what he thinks now. Although Lin Qian'an is confident that he will be able to defeat the Demon Lord after leaving the Wukong Secret Realm, whether he can succeed or not depends on the situation.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Lin Qian'an finally let the game characters put all the 13,000 swords in the sword box into the body.

At this time, the personal attributes of the game characters have reached the highest level since Lin Qianan played this game, which is more than hundreds of times more than before.

The average property has more than five million.

This value has far exceeded the attributes that can be possessed by monks who have entered the Dao realm.

Even game characters do not have such a strong attribute bonus in the Qiankun Great Array.

However, Lin Qian'an was still a little worried. The previous performance of the Demon Lord was too strong. Even though the characters in the game felt very strong now, he was still afraid that he would not be able to defeat the Demon Lord.

He simply didn't appear to be old in the game characters now, so he decided to brush up the skills here again, at least let the skills of the game characters change one or two.

As a result, Lin Qianan began to mechanize the game characters to use "Qinglian Sword" and "Wan Jian Jue".

"Qinglian Yijian" is good to say, the impact of practicing is not big.

However, "Wan Jian Jue" is different. Once used, it will reduce 90% of the health value, and it must be restored for a long time by meditation before it can be used again.

However, the most important thing in the secret realm is time, and Lin Qian'an is not worried about this.

After using the skill, just let the game character sit in a cross position and then fast forward the time until the recovery is complete.

Time passed quickly, and it soon arrived at five in the morning on September 10.

At this time, I don't know how long the time in the game has passed. Lin Qianan only remembered that after more than 5,000 years, he didn't count it.

The average attribute value of game characters has now reached the level of more than seven million.

And his "Qinglian Sword" has also transformed into "Qinglian Sword Sutra." 》

[Qinglian Sword Sutra (current proficiency 100/100): Sword Sutra created by swordsman Li Qinglian, you can comprehend Qinglian swordsmanship after practice. [Grade: Dao]]

However, Lin Qianan still did not stop. He knew that after the Taoist rank, there was a true rank.

So he really wanted to develop a true-level skill.

Another two hours passed, nine in the morning.

Lin Qian'an's mechanized manipulation of the game characters rose into the air, and performed "Wan Jian Jue" at the majestic mountain where the secret realm of no air was written.

At first, Lin Qianan had some scruples, but later found that this mountain was indestructible, and after the game characters could not leave any traces with all their strength, he had no worries and directly regarded the mountain as a target for practicing skills.

The moment the skill was pressed, the life value of the game character was not consumed. At the same time, the [Qinglian] sword contained in the game character suddenly flew out, leading one hundred and three thousand transformed Dao swords. As a torrent, it hit the towering mountain.


Boom boom boom boom~!

[Hint: You have gained a new understanding of "Wan Jian Jue" through long-term use, and it has transformed into "Wan Jian Zhen Jue". ]

Seeing this prompt, Lin Qian'an's expression suddenly loosened, and he quickly opened the skill bar to watch.

[Wan Jian Zhen Jue (current proficiency 0/100): The scripture created by the swordsman Li Qinglian, cultivated to the peak, can guide up to hundreds of millions of spirit swords to attack. [Grade: True]]

There is no precondition for consuming life value to cast, and at the same time, it is no longer limited to control only 10,000 swords at a time!

Lin Qianan breathed a sigh of relief, this way is right.

In this way, after that, he can continue to live up to it, and also transform the "Qinglian Sword Sutra" into a skill of the true level.

He doesn't believe it anymore, far beyond his previous terrifying attributes, with 103,000 Dao Swords, plus two true-level skills, he still can't handle the Demon Lord!

Continue to **** it over and over again.

Lin Qianan already felt extremely boring.

Unfortunately, his clone cannot be used to play games, which he has already tried.

Although the clone is logically an extension of his hands and feet, the game computer can only be played by himself, and he must play it himself.

The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

Under the control of Lin Qian'an, the game characters used the "Qinglian Sword Sutra" skill to attack again.

With the display of the skill, a green lotus that covered the sky and the sun manifested, and then slowly fell, hitting the towering mountain.


With a loud bang, a new prompt appeared.

[Hint: After a long period of use, you have developed a new understanding of the "Qinglian Sword Sutra", which has transformed into "Qinglian Zhenjing". ]

[Qinglian Mantra (current proficiency 0/100): The scripture created by the swordsman Li Qinglian. After practicing, he can realize the Qinglian Avenue. [Grade: True]]

A smile appeared in Lin Qian'an's eyes, and he manipulated the game characters to continue to display new transformation skills.

Next, is to brush up the proficiency of this skill.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the proficiency of the game character's "Qinglian Zhenjing" reached 100, and Lin Qianan let out a heavy breath.

At this time, he was a little hesitant, should he continue to retreat and brush, or just go out and conquer the devil like this?

After thinking about it, Lin Qianan decided to retreat for a while.

The power of the Demon Lord is unfathomable, and the more strength, the more control.

And he can drop by to see if there is a higher rank after the "true" rank.

"Wan Jian True Secret!"

After manipulating the game characters to fly, Lin Qianan drank softly and pressed the skill button again.

In the next instant, the [Qinglian] sword turned 103,000 Dao swords into a torrent, and suddenly charged towards Wukong Mountain in the distance.

This name was taken by Lin Qianan later. UU reading

He used to fly up the mountain for ten minutes, but couldn't see the top.

I don't know how high the mountain is.

Boom boom boom boom~!

One hundred and three thousand Dao swords continued to attack the mountain wall. During this process, Lin Qianan suddenly found that the golden words "No Void Secret Realm" began to fall.

Lin Qian'an raised his eyebrows. After such a long time bombardment, did he still knock off a layer of skin on the mountain?

At this moment, Lin Qian'an discovered that after the words "No Void Secret Realm" slowly fell, a new line of golden characters appeared.

[Ruyi Divine Iron, those who are destined to get it]


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