No Jokes Here

Chapter 214: ?o Empty Secret Realm

Although the story is not detailed enough, it can still be seen that the Demon Lord and the patriarchs of the four sects talked about the glass beads.

Then there were a few murals in between, and they directly transformed into monks.

Obviously, all of this has something to do with that glass bead.

It is not an accident that the ancestors and the others entered the secret realm.

Or think a little too much, it may be that the demon master and the four patriarchs went to steal the glazed beads of the monarch of the Li Kingdom, and then entered the secret realm with glazed beads, thereby obtaining the inheritance.

But where did the glass beads go now?

Lin Qian'an manipulated the game characters to search the Palace of King Li, but he still could not find any trace of the glass beads, but found a few glass products with exquisite craftsmanship.

The unrepentant Lin Qianan returned to Shushan and sent people to find a place for their descendants to live after the Li Kingdom was destroyed.

He thought it would be hard to find, but he found it easily.

And it is quite close, at the foot of Shushan Mountain.

In a village called Liuli Village, the descendants of the original Li Kingdom lived.

In the records, these people were even escorted by the ancestors of Shushan.

Manipulate the game characters to go to Liuli Village, and you will see a paradise scene of a small bridge and flowing water.

Lin Qianan did not directly reveal his identity, but let the game character pretend to be a passing swordsman, and went into the village to ask for a bowl of water.

The appearance of the villagers in the village is different from those of the Tang Dynasty and Shu people, and they have some special appearance characteristics.

Like blonde hair, or blue eyes or something.

The villagers were very enthusiastic. As soon as the game characters asked for water, they immediately used a bamboo tube to fetch a bamboo tube of mountain spring water.

After drinking the water, Lin Qianan strolled around the village.

He found that the village was still making glazed utensils, and the craftsmen's skills were also good.

Just when Lin Qian'an was thinking about how to ask the villagers about the whereabouts of the glazed beads, a blond little girl was bouncing through the village, wearing a delicate glazed crown on top of her head.

At the center of the crown is the green glazed bead.

Lin Qianan opened his mouth, feeling a little false.

Are you so lucky?

As soon as you fell asleep, a pillow came to your head?

Manipulating the game characters to follow behind the little girl, all the way to the outside of a workshop for making colored glass.

At the door of the workshop, a blond woman picked up the little girl and talked intimately.

[Edita: Wei Er, you are being naughty again, put back the glazed crown of the ancestor, or your father will see him and he will beat you. 】

The little girl argued.

[Kong Wei: It was Zhang Dashi and the others who didn’t believe that my family had this glazed crown, so I showed it to them. 】

[Edita: In any case, it is wrong to secretly take things at home, and you are not allowed to do it next time. 】

[Kong Wei: I see, I'll take it back and put it away. 】

After some conversation, the little girl also turned around and entered the house.

The woman glanced at the game characters standing outside the workshop in a daze, and asked.

[Edita: This son, what's the matter with you? 】

Seeing this, Lin Qianan hurriedly typed to answer.

[Li Qinglian: Madam, I would like to ask whether the glazed crown that Ling Ai held before can be parted, no matter how much money you have. 】

Hearing the sound, Edita frowned slightly and politely refused.

[Edita: I also ask your son to understand. This is a thing passed down by our ancestors and cannot be easily sold. If the son is interested in the glazed crown, we can make a separate piece for the son. 】

Hearing this, Lin Qianan knew that the usual way would not work.

He immediately pressed the skill button to make the game characters and swords unite, and the figure rose into the air.

[Li Qinglian: To be honest, the next one is a disciple of Shushan, and the glazed crown seems to be a treasure, which may be related to the great secret of dealing with demons and saving the world. 】

And seeing the game characters flying, Edita's expression also changed slightly.

[Edita: Shushan Sword Immortal.... I can't take charge of this matter, please wait for a while, until I ask my husband, and then answer. 】

After speaking, Edita walked directly into the workshop.

After a while, a shirtless black-haired strong man stepped out under the leadership of Edita, holding the glazed crown in his hand.

When he saw the game characters, he immediately folded his fists and saluted.

[Kong Zhonglin: Kong Zhonglin, a descendant of Li Kingdom, has seen the fairy. 】

[Li Qinglian: Don't be too polite. 】

[Kong Zhonglin: According to my wife, the immortal chief wants this glazed crown? 】

[Li Qinglian: Yes, it may be related to a great secret, it is a treasure, it is of great use to me and the world. 】

Lin Qian'an's big hat was put down, and Kong Zhonglin's expression changed slightly.

He was very sensible and directly handed the glazed crown to the game character.

[Kong Zhonglin: In this case, the Immortal Chief will take it away! If you stay here, if you are seen by the strong, it will inevitably bring disaster. 】

Although Kong Zhonglin was sincere when he said this, Lin Qianan could still hear what he meant.

That is, he regards the game characters as robbers, thinking that if he does not give them, he will be robbed and robbed by the game characters.

Although Lin Qian'an is bound to win the glazed crown, but one yard is one yard, if he can exchange benefits, he still won't do coercive things.

He manipulated the game character to take the glazed crown from Kong Zhonglin, and responded by typing at the same time.

[Li Qinglian: My name is Li Qinglian, and I am the current head of Shushan. If you need it in the future, you can personally lead your children to come to Shushan to learn the arts, or if you need money, Shushan can also protect your wealth for the rest of your life. 】

Hearing the sound, Kong Zhonglin hurriedly saluted.

[Kong Zhonglin: Thank you Xianchang, thank you Xianchang! 】

Lin Qianan nodded, and manipulated the game characters to ride the blue sword gang into the sky.

Soon, the game characters returned to Shushan.

Lin Qianan took out the glazed crown and carefully looked at the blue glazed beads on it.

This thing is embedded in the glazed crown by a clever mechanism, and it can be removed by tapping the mechanism.

So Lin Qianan directly manipulated the game characters to separate the glazed crown and glazed beads.

So, they became two things.

[Incomplete glazed crown: The crown made by the top craftsmen of the glass country seems to be incomplete. [Grade: Fan]]

[Secret Realm Pearl (99.8/100): The key to open the secret realm, after activation, you can enter the corresponding secret realm. [Grade: Dao]]

The glazed crown has nothing to say, but the secret realm behind it has said it.

At this time, Lin Qianan decisively saved a file here.

The so-called glazed beads turned out to be secret realm beads, the key to entering the secret realm.

However, Lin Qianan found that he didn't seem to be able to use this thing yet. There was a charging progress bar on it, and it was now 99.8%.

In other words, it will take a while for the savings to be full.

Of course Lin Qianan didn't want to wait, so he started to think of a way to charge the Secret Realm Orb.

As a result, it took a long time to toss without success.

All this, can only wait!

Fortunately, time passed quickly in the game, seven years passed in a flash, and the game characters were now thirty-seven years old.

In the past seven years, Lin Qian'an still manipulated the game characters to promote the method of cultivation, and took the game characters' parents together to become monks.

It's a pity that the four factions are unified because the game characters are still young, and the other three factions have not been able to agree.

Maybe they will have to wait until the game characters are older and change from the acting head to the real head before they can agree.

Of course, the most important thing is that the charging progress bar of Rift Orbs is now full.

In seven years, the progress has increased by 0.2%. After all, it takes about 3,000 years to fully charge the Secret Realm Orb.

Doing the math, it coincides with the time when the ancestors entered the secret realm more than 3,000 years ago.

It is difficult to say whether it is the backhand left by the ancestors.

Maybe they left this secret realm bead because they had the intention to let future generations go to the secret realm to have a peek at the true scriptures!

Of course, it is also possible that after they used it, they found that they could no longer use it, thinking that it was useless, so they generously returned it to the people of the country of Li, thus allowing the people of the country of Li to spread to the present.

Lin Qianan felt that this was the most likely possibility.

If the patriarchs know that it is used once every three thousand years, there is a high probability that they will be kept for future generations.

Immediately, Lin Qianan planned to use the Secret Realm Orb.

However, before using it, Lin Qianan saved a file as usual.

Then, he manipulated the game characters to activate the secret beads.

After activation, the Mystic Realm Pearl shines brilliantly, and the figure of the game character is suddenly teleported away.

Appeared in a misty place.

In front of it is a huge mountain wall that leads to the sky, with four big golden characters on it, "The Secret Realm of No Void".

Lin Qian'an's face showed joy, after tossing for so long, he finally came in!

Next, as long as you find the stone tablet and learn the complete scripture from it, isn't it easy to fight a demon master?

The question now is, where is the stone tablet, and after finding it, can the characters in the game understand it?

Lin Qian'an searched while manipulating the game characters to drive the sword gang toward the mountain wall.

The size of this secret realm far exceeded Lin Qian'an's imagination. He flew towards the mountain wall for several minutes before he came to the front.

The sky-piercing mountain wall was very shocking to see from a distance, but when Lin Qianan manipulated the game characters to come closer, he realized the insignificance of the game characters.

I don't know how high or how big this mountain is.

After arriving near the mountain wall, Lin Qianan also saw a cave house with the words "No Void" written on it.

Manipulating the game characters to step inside, Lin Qianan saw a black stone tablet in the cave at a glance.

It was densely written with fonts, but they were all characters that Lin Qianan didn't know.

But it doesn't matter if Lin Qian'an doesn't know him, he knows the game character system!

[Hint: You have already learned the "Sutra of Accumulating Equipment". ]

Lin Qian'an was worried that the game characters would not be able to learn because they didn't know the words when they saw the stone tablet, but now it's solved.

He opened the skill panel and looked at it, and his expression suddenly became a little surprised.

[The Sutra of Accumulating Vessels (current proficiency 0/100): The scriptures created by the True Monarch Wukong use the body to cultivate the implements and use the implements to accumulate the body. [Grade: True]]

What surprised Lin Qianan was the last rank.

The grades he knew before were the four grades of ordinary, spiritual, mysterious, and Tao.

And now this "Accumulation of Instruments Zhenjing" turned out to be a "true" grade.

Lin Qianan guessed that this was probably a higher rank than Dao rank.

Immediately, he manipulated the game characters to start cultivating this technique.

The cultivation of the "Sutra of Accumulation" requires one or more objects to be integrated into the body as the core of cultivation, and then begin to cultivate. During this process, these artifacts will increase in rank and feed back to the host, so that the host can Become stronger, all attributes will be improved.

At the same time, this device will also be connected with the mind of the user, making it more convenient to use.

The only thing the characters in the game have at the moment is the Qinglian sword, so Lin Qianan naturally chose this sword for cultivation.

When he successfully made the game character integrate the Qinglian sword into the body, and got feedback, the game character has an additional Qinglian sword skill, and at the same time, it also adds a lot of attributes.

But at this time, more than five years have passed in the game.

Lin Qianan was worried that there would be problems in Shushan after the disappearance of the game characters for five years, so he planned to go out to the secret realm to see.

When you come, you have to wait for three thousand years to charge the Secret Realm Orb, but you don't need it when you go out.

After groping for a while, Lin Qianan found that as long as you click the Secret Realm Orb, and then use it, you can directly return to the place where you came from.

When the game characters returned to Shushan, Lin Qianan found that everything in Shushan was almost the same as when he left.

He asked a little, and found that the five years in the Wukong Secret Territory had only passed in less than a quarter of an hour on Mount Shu.

What does this represent?

Lin Qianan blinked his eyes.

The use of skills by game characters will transform their skills, but it only takes a long time.

If it is said that there is no need to worry about this problem in the secret.... Can he create miracles?

A smile appeared on Lin Qian'an's face.

He had a hunch that if the Demon Lord came to the world this time, he would definitely have a big surprise.

Immediately, Lin Qianan clicked the mouse and chose to read the file, returning the time to the moment when the Secret Realm Orb was fully charged.

------off topic-----

Thanks to the following bosses for their sponsorship.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan [rudder master]

Windchaser's Blessing

thank you very much! !


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