"People?! My mother, this name feels scary. '

"It's a bit scary, can only be made by scorpion? Can't Chiyo's mother -in -law not?"


"Doing things like a person's body is too scary to think about it. People in the organization feel a bit perverted.

"You haven't seen everyone else, now it's a bit early to say this. '

"Oh, that's so extreme neuropsychological tissue, it must be almost the same. '

Many residents of the Ninja Realm talked.

In Muye Village.


Didala sighed: "Brother Scorpion, so is this the way you use to preserve eternal? It becomes a puppet that can't be spoken ... Well, I think it's not as gorgeous as my art!



The scorpion of Chisha sneered: "Stupid thoughts, in the face of real eternity, how many people can be appreciated by those so -called moments? My art can be passed on forever. Huidao 27 can be proved

Do you see everyone!


Didala was dissatisfied: "Huh! Real art, that's gorgeous! It is an instant! It is extremely small! How can anyone be appreciated by anyone?! Only rare! Only the super explosion that is difficult to recover ! Even if it can no longer appear, it will be recorded eternally in the hearts of everyone! They will always miss and imagine!


He opened his hands, opened his chest, and shouted full of movement.

"Hey! Almost." Fei Duan said: "What kind of art is not artistic in the two all day, who cares about it!

"Oh." Didala stalls, and said: "Of course, there is no idiot without art cells, but this is your regret, and you can never feel the beauty of real art!


"Cut!" Fei Duan dismissed: "Lao Tzu has evil gods! Your shit, I am not interested! What can be evil

Master God! "

In some disputes.


The video continues to play.

[Chiyo continued: "The so -called people are made by maintained a complete chakra before life, so the group can use the technique of life before life! This is also the biggest advantage of human puppets."]

Listen to this.

Ninja world was surprised.

"There is really Chakra!"

"This is too outrageous! People have been dead and I don't know how long it has been. In this puppet, Chakra can still be preserved! Scorpion can make this kind of puppet! If he gets him a stronger body, then Isn't it finished?! "

"Yeah ... I can't believe it, if our soil shadow is also ..."

"Oh! Please, don't talk nonsense!

Tuying office.


Black soil laughed: "Old man, then you can get a little farther away from this master called scorpion in the future! My mother, I don't want to see you something wrong, then if you are controlled by others to deal with Yanyin Village , Then it will be troublesome. "


"Huh! Ohnu snorted coldly, and said," The old man is not the kind of investigation of the three generations of Fengying! It was killed by the traitor!


He said confidently: "I am a mangible! Although this little master looks really amazing, it really made me encounter

I will also let him feel, what is called gray and smoke!

In the eyes of Ohnu, a murderous murderous.

If he really let him meet a scorpion.

Then he will do it!


This kind of behavior of making the strong body of the strong man, and then he can also use the act of ninjutsu during his lifetime.

In the eyes of Ohnu, it is too threatening! It's too big!

If this kind of puppet technique is popular, the villages in both sides will start in the future.

What should I do if their corpses are collected and then made into a puppet to participate in the war again?!

In addition to the continuous combat power, it will also give them the hearts of their own side, causing a great blow.

Also disrespect the deceased!

Therefore, if he really lets he meet at this time, he will definitely make a shot so that this guy understands what is real shadow!

In Yunyin Village.

"Ah!" Lei Yingai also furiously furious, scolding: "What people in Sandy Village are like a bunch of cargo! It turned out that this dangerous member did not deal with! Dare to be so close!

Samyi dumped his golden hair and said calmly: "The scorpion of the scorpion of red sand has all been recorded. The best way to deal with people who collect a lot of puppets is at a very fast speed and strength. , Kill his ontology! With the attack power and defense of Master Lei Ying, if you encounter it, you must be careful about his poisonous means! "

"I will arrange people to find a way to configure you all kinds of detoxification agents."

Darui helplessly said: "It's not the time for the time being. Anyway, the current Xiaolian Organization has nothing to do with us. Before the waist hasn't reached the position of the right side with them? Let's take a look at how to deal with these guys. alright.


"Huh!" Lei Yingai said seriously: "Xiao Organize these guys to catch the tail beast! We will have to face them sooner or later! They will only be enemies! If you have the opportunity now It is the best strategy for killing!

He sat onto the sofa again and put his hands on his chest. He said, "Contact me with wood leaf, and say that I want to hold a five -shaped talks! In the future video, do you not talk once?! Since we must deal with this in the future, we must know this in the future. Dangerous organizations, why not solve it quickly?! Tell them! Xiaoshuo is composed of these guys' rebellions, let them send me ninjas to clean up the traitors! "" 5557 movie talks? " Yixian, Tao: Why did you suddenly want to open it? Isn't it the future of the group? "

"Why don't you open it earlier!" Lei Ying Ai said loudly: "Do you have to drag to the point where the fourth ninja war is opened?! Do you have to choose the point where it may make the village lose greater?! Yu Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi The threat of the ripotrimer should be early, this should be early

Click to remove it!



"Let's do it.

"Oh! Five Shadow talks, good Yeah!" Chilaby sang: "I have not accompanied my brother to participate in the future, oh! So this

I want to go too! GOGO!

"You stupid! Lei Yingai gritted his teeth:" But if you really let you stay alone, I am really a little uneasy

In the future video.

His original intention is to let Chilaby stay in the Yunxiao Gorge to avoid the possible attack of the organization.

However, it did not successfully prevent Uchiha Sasuke from sneaking into the Yunxiao Gorge to deal with Chiraby.

Chilabi also ran out by himself as soon as he had a chance.

There is no restriction on his restrictions at all.

In the future, he was anxious to turn.

In this case, it is better to bring it with him, at least if he stays with Chilaby.

The two brothers joined forces, Lei Yingai is confident, and no one wants to take away eight tails!

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