"Is this a black sand? Looks like it looks great?"

"Haven't seen it, Chiyo's mother -in -law seemed to be shocked? She said that this is the technique of three generations of Fengying? But isn't the three generations of Fengying dead?!"

?! ""

"What do you mean! Not obviously a dead man, the puppet made by the scorpion, can also use his skills during his lifetime.

In the eyes of everyone in the ninja.

The so -called puppet is a dead thing.

How can there be Chakra?

How can I not be able to use it without Chakra?!

Therefore, at this moment, seeing the mother -in -law said that this is the technique of the three generations of Fengying, which makes countless people be strong.


Can't believe it at all.

"How is this possible! Absolutely fake!


"A puppet, how can you still have Chakra, and you can use ninjutsu, I do n’t believe it!

"Shouldn't the three generations of Fengying still alive?"

"Please, don't you talk about this kind of words?! It's too scary!

"Oh, why is the chat room locked? If the three generations of Fengying died, then people should be in the pure land? Can you say?

By the way, can he see this scene in the video? "


"Hahaha, I don't know the third -generation Fengying of Shayin Village. If you see his own body, you will be mad by being made into a puppet.


Many people have some laughter after discussion.

After all, this is the shadow of a village.

It turned out to be like this.

For other ninjas outside Salin Village, it is not something worthy of sadness, at most it is to feel a little bit.

Pure land.

The three generations of Fengying looked at the video shocked, and some were difficult to set the saying: "How is it possible ... the puppet made by scorpion can use my skills during my lifetime? His puppet skills have reached this point!


As the boss of Shayin Village.

Of course, he also has research on puppet techniques.

This kind of puppet can be used to use ninjutsu, and it is still a powerful ninjutsu. In the ninja, even he has never heard of it.

But the scorpion did it!

"What is the most powerful master of puppet master ..." Three generations of Fengying couldn't help but think of the previous video title evaluation of scorpion.

From this point of view, it is indeed a deputy.

In the sky, the video continues to play.

[Hearing Sakura's inquiry, Chiyo's mother -in -law looked dignifiedly: "That is the most terrible weapon in Sandiya Village, sand iron!"]

["Sand Iron?" Haro Sakura frowned..


[Hum. Scorpion smiled softly, and said: "It's been a long time, the old lady, the old lady, the three generations of Fengying known as the strongest Fengying, relying on this technique! This time, I will solve you at one time."]

[Chiyo's mother -in -law took a deep breath, and continued to explain to Haruno Sakura: "This is the technique used by the owner of the former Crane to develop and improve. ThenMake sand iron into any form of intention and make random strain weapons. The three generations of Fengying have a special constitution that condenses the highly condensed Chakra and converts it into magnetic!


["It seems now, this is the same. It has three generations of wind shadows that convert Chakra into magnetic."]]]

"Is it a kind of blood succession?" Shikamaru listened to the explanation of the video, curiously.

Asma preached: "It should be the three generations of Fengying. In the process of studying ninjutsu, the characteristic blood relay limited by the characteristics! So, the three generations of Fengying are really a horrible ninja.The strongest wind shadow "



Kakashi said: "However, standing on my position, he died earlier, and it was great to us."

Shayin Village is next to the wood leaf.

Naturally, the weaker the better the wood leaf.

During the third war in Ninja, Shayin Village and Muye did not know how many times they played.

Kakashi himself also killed a lot of Saraid Village Ninja.

Therefore, the more powerful the three generations of Fengying, the older the ninjas, the more glad the other party died.

Otherwise, once the war starts, I don't know how many companions to die.

"However, why is this obviously a puppet, can still inherit the ability of the three generations of Fengying? This is too weird." The card

Cassy's face became dignified, and she said in a video.

Muye Xiaoqiang also looked at each other with many ninja teachers, and was also confused.

Based on the knowledge they learned.

There may be various special agencies in the puppet body.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

But puppets are puppets.

There is no physical energy.

How can this exist, how can we condense Chakra?

But who knows that the three generations of Fengying in the video really did it.

not far away..

Temari also asked Kan Jiulang with a shock: "Kan Jiulang! What is going on! You can still use Ninjutsu?! You can also have such a strong chakra? How can it be completely different from you!

The corner of Kao Jiulang's mouth was smoked, and he said speechless: "Hey, I must not be better than them now! So I am recording! You guys do n’t learn 傀, I have to rely on myself!"

"As for why you can use Chakra ..."

Kan Jiulang looked at the puppet, and said, "Where do I know this ... the method of the master, this is the ultimate secret ..." He stared at the video in the sky carefully, his brows were tightly browsWiring tightly, biting his fingers from time to time, obviously he also wanted to be different."Well, maybe the video barrage said that the scorpion is the reason why the scorpion is the current first day ..." He sighed in his heart.

Anyway, the level of puppets shown in the current video.

That was completely crushed him.

He has also completely crushed the other puppet divisions he had seen for so many years.

"In the future, the puppets I use are exactly the same as the appearance of the scorpion. Is it because he died, I took his body

Come to transform it into a puppet? "Kan Jiulang thought. [ 071113281]

If this is the case, then I am also very abnormal ...

While he talked about himself, he also looked at the video seriously.

In the sky, the video continues to play.

[Haruno Sakura heard Chiyo's explanation, strangely: "What happened to this 2.8? Even if it uses the flesh of the three generations of Fengying

The puppets made, but still can't change, it is the fact of the puppet? Why does the puppet have Chakra?! "]

The question of Haruno Sakura was asked in the minds of all the audiences in the ninja.

For a while, everyone mentioned the spirit.

Want to know if Chiyo's mother -in -law knows.

Three generations of Fengying secretly said: "Don't say you, I want to know too ...

Everyone raised their ears to listen.

[Chiyoko's mother -in -law said, "No ... that is a person made by the human body who once possessed life."

["There is a fundamental difference between this ordinary puppet" Father "and 'Mother'!


[Scorpion ... "Chiyo's mother -in -law narrowed his eyes and said:" It is the only person who can make the producer. "].

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