Not only the behavior of soil shadow and Thunder's use of a strong body of scorpion, the behavior of making puppets is extremely disgusted.

In the ninja, other ninjas with a little strength also showed anger.

"The means of producers like a scorpion of Chisha are so vicious! Damn, I can't imagine, if I died on the battlefield, it would be a bad thing to be made into a puppet by such a guy!


"That's it, it's too much! If my partner is killed by him, then he will fight again, and I don't have to fight with my partner's body? I can't imagine it!


"Xiao Organization really is a group of terrorist organizations! Such organizations should die! I heard that Muye is now going to act on the Xiao Organization, I hope they can succeed!"

"It feels difficult. Although I don't know why Xiao Organ hasn't moved for such a long time, these guys in the future can launch the fourth ninja war, can I really win?"

"That's the wood leaf ... how could Muye! How could it lose to Xiao!


The name of Ninja Village, as a ninja, as a ninja resident, is too high for them.

It is difficult for them to imagine the scene where wood leaves fail.

"Come on ... Have you forgotten the previous videos? Muye was almost destroyed by heaven Payne! If it wasn't for the sudden appearance of vortex Naruto and defeated the heavenly Payne, I am afraid that Muye has been completely thoroughDestroyed! So the strength of the organization, absolutely not

Can you look down!


Everyone has a lot of discussion.

But at this time, there is indeed no exception to support wood leaves.

It is hoped that Muye can make a terrorist organization like Xiao Organization, Dangerous Village.

Of course, the best result is to hope that they can lose both.

At this moment, this kind of puppet means exposed and the habit of collecting various strong corpses, so that many people can fundamentally pick up

Can't stand it!

In Wuyin Village.

"It's really disgusting." Zhamei looked at the video and talked uglyly: "The people in the organization are too dangerous and bad! If I get these guys, I must give them a price ~~!"! "

Because of the reason for blood mist.

Wuyin Village has no sound in the ninja for more than ten years. The fleeing of various high -end forces has been defeated. The new generation is basically not positive.

Can stand up.

This has made Wuyin Village very uncomfortable these years, very uncomfortable and great strength.

After confirming that all this is after the man of the Organization manipulated behind the scenes.

Now, Xiao has already been the first day of Wuyin Village: the first enemy!

After hearing that Muye is about to start war with the organization, it is also contacting the first time to contact the first time to prepare for support!

As long as you can kill Xiao, the organization that once caught in Hell Village in Hell, she can do whatever!

"Rest assured! Master Shui Ying!" Said the blue face: "Now the members of the Organization Organization are exposed one by one! The ability of the scorpion of red sand can be displayed in this video!Intelligence, Organized

People will never be our opponent!


Jixi Miming nodded, and said, "Look at the video first, and then we make a target one by one based on Xiao's ability!

In the pure land.


"Huh! Thousands of hands, Qian Qian said coldly:" It turned out to abuse the dead of the dead! It was so bad! Shayin Village had such a traitor.

Thousands of hands laughed helplessly: "Oh, at this point, we don't seem to have any funny to Shayin Village. According to the situation in front of us, the big snake pill that summons you out is also our traitor of Muye.


After hearing the name of Dashe Wan, Qian Qianjian's eyebrows flashed the coldness again. He said: "If you come again, I will make him understand that some ninjutsu can not be used casually!"

This ninjutsu developed by myself.

Therefore, he is also very clear about how to solve this ninjutsu.

When the last time the Dashe Wan summoned, he didn't solve it, but because the method of using the dirty soil to turn the soil was still sparse at that time.

There is no power to fully exert the power of dirty soil.

As a result, the power on him is relatively weak.

Instead, there was no way to reincarnate the dirty soil.

However, with the reincarnation of Dashe Wan's skilled soil, he was summoned again, and the strength on his body would inevitably be able to recover most.

At that time, what did the dirty soil have to do?

"Hehe." Qianshouzhu smiled: "Since Dashe Wan has found your body cells, it should be found in reason that it should be found.

Is it easy? Is it possible for me to be summoned? "

"Oh, it's really inexplicable, I'm a dead person.

He shook his head and sighed.


"If you are your elder brother, you should not be able to apply too much intervention to you." Thousands of hands: "This point

Brother can feel at ease.

I really know the strength of my brother.

The dirty soil can indeed control people, but some people can no longer describe it with so -called people.


His brother is this type of person.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"" If this guy dares to summon his elder brother, it is to find hard."Thousands of hands secretly said.

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[Chiyo's mother -in -law just explained that the so -called human puppet can use the advantages of Chakra..

[Scorpion bent the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's not just that, how to say this is also my favorite collection."]

[Sakura, go out first. "Chiyo's mother -in -law looked at the grandson in front of him, calmly..

[Ah? "Haruno Sakura showed his doubt..

["I can deal with it by myself!" Chiyo said: "This is really unexpected! Since sand

The iron has been used, then you can no longer deal with it! "]

[Her hands controlled the Chakrace line, her eyes became more dignified..

[But ... "Haruno Sakura's face showed a hesitation..


"This kind of sand iron is so powerful (Qian Zhao) is so powerful?! Yaoye said in confusion:" But Sakura's guy is really not good, can you run or run away, in case you die, it will be better, in case you dieIt's not good.

"You guy, what do you say! Sakura shouted angrily.

How can you listen to Yin and Yang weird!

I haven't escaped myself yet!

Although she even felt that in the future, she encountered this kind of large -scale small black sand iron, it seems that there is nothing to fight.


"This is the strongest Fengying, the fame of the three generations of Fengying, of course, the power is very huge!"

"And the attack range is very large, it requires extremely subtle avoidance and control capabilities, which can cope.

"I also think that at this time, let Chiyo's mother -in -law deal with scorpion alone, maybe more opportunities!"

Masters have taboo, the most taboo.

If Sakura can't play a role in this battle, I am afraid that it will become CNC.Essence

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