The current Vortex Naruto, and in the video in the future, the calm rotary vortex Naruto that they met in the future, the gap is really too big


So that all the outer village ninjas around, staring at Naruto, the eyes were incredible.

Sakura was standing next to Naruto, and she hid a little embarrassing towards the side.

In the previous video, his reputation is not so good.

Now these people focus on Naruto, avoiding the limelight by themselves ...

For more than a month.

She didn't know how many people were chased by the words three words.

"Oh! I don't want to love my brain either ... but, Sasuke is so handsome!" Sakura looked at Sasuke, full of eyes

The sweetness of the ground.

Anyway, after watching the video, Sasuke did not leave the sleeping village!

There is no hatred!

He seems to be more and more confident now.

In other words, Sasuke should be unlikely to choose to defect from Muye like the future

"So, the scene that happened in the previous video will not be reproduced ... In addition, I will still be Sasuke's Duzi in the future! Hey! I will be happy!" Sakura will be happy to happily!Thinking.

Naruto was still depressed there the unbelievable glamorous eyes around them.

Sasuke said with a smile, and said, "Oh, the tail of the crane, you will be too disguised in the future. Now you are the real you. Everyone can see it clearly.


"The abominable Sasuke! Are you looking for it!" Naruto shouted dissatisfied.

At this time.

A sound came.

"Xuanxuan Naruto ..."

Hmm? Everyone looked together.

Naruto also watched the past curiously. It was from the team of Shayin Village. When I saw the speech, it was my Ai Luo.

He beckoned happily again and laughed: "Hey! It's me! I love Luo!"

I love Luo calmly watching the bright smile in front of him.

Immediately, he slowly said: "I am glad to know you ..."

"Hey! Me too! I too ... alas ..."

Haven't waited for Naruto to finish.

I turned my head and stopped it anymore. Instead, I closed my eyes. The expression on my face was extremely cold, and my body immediately exuded a stabbing atmosphere.

"Uh?" This made Naruto.

He also thought that the good future friends who met each other would come to say hello.

I love Luo's move.

It also made the ninja and residents around him.

"What's the matter with my love Luo? He looks so fierce!

"Yes! The gap with the temperament of the shadow in the future video is also very large! In the future, I love Luo, and it looks like a very calm and reliable young man!

"Both of these two people are strange. They are too different from them in the future. Are the engineering calendars so weird?

"That's how you look at the Sakuo Sakura next to Naruto Naruto. Seeing her expression, she knows that she and her future.

What is the difference.

Sakura's mouth was pumped.

You have something wrong!

Talking about Naruto talks about Naruto, what's not dirty, what should I do! Damn!

She raised her mouth angrily.


Kakashi looked at a indifferent I Ailo, turned his head and whispered to Naruto: "I love Luo, is the tail of the tail of Saraid Village, right? Naruto?"

"Uh ..." Naruto stunned, said: I know."

Kakashi nodded, and said, "According to the information we received, I Ailuo is also a very unbelievable existence in the Sarawak Village. The villagers are very afraid of him and are commensurate with monsters.

"So he was originally a difficult person.


"Hey! This is not the same as the future! Naruto said strangely.

"That's right. Kakashi glanced at Naruto, said," Aren't you different from you in the future? People will change,

In the future, I may be the shadow of everyone's love for everyone in Saraph Village, but at least now, he is a person who makes the villagers fear.


"I said this, just let you understand that this person is not good at getting along, you don't need to think too much."

Naruto frowned, looking at my love not far away.

Is the pillar pillar ... it really is the same as me.

They are so not recognized and accepted by the villagers.

You will become the shadow of Shayin Village in the future. I don't know if I have a chance to become Naruto.

In the sky, the sound of the video came again.

[Rotor Vortex Naruto scolded Didala angrily..

[Didala did not have any fear. He still sat on my corpse of Airo. Looking at the four people who appeared, he laughed calmly: "The small scream is the nine -tailed pillar calendar.

[Next to him, the scorpion was calm and looked at Chitai's mother -in -law without weakness..

["I love Luo!" Xuan Temuo Naruto looked at I Ailuo who fell to the ground, and still couldn't believe it, shouting loudly: "You guy

What are you going to sleep leisurely there! Hurry up! "]



["I love Luo! Have you heard me speak! 1

[Rotor Vortex Naruto's voice was very loud, and it spread throughout the ninja..

Everyone looked at this scene and couldn't help but be frustrated.

"... The relationship between this vortex Naruto and I Ailuo really looks good."

"I want to play the video now! Seeing this, I love Luo Mingming, why I can live in the future


"Shouldn't the vortex Naruto, like Nagato, have the ability to save people? As long as you move your mouth and shout, you can die directly.

People are rescued? "(Watching the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

"Don't be nonsense! How can this be! Stupid!"

Everyone has a lot of discussion.


Muye Village.

I love Luo just re -disguised the cold atmosphere, and after hearing the call of the vortex Naruto in the video, I don’t get it

"Rotten Vortex Naruto ... Is our relationship so good, he was really worried about me ..." I love Luo's eyes a little confused.

In the beginning of the Naruto wedding video, I Ailo learned that he and Xuan vortex Naruto were friends in the future.

He was very interested in Xuanxuan Naruto.

I have always wanted to see this person (Li Wang's).

He wants to know what kind of person it is, let him take the initiative to admit that the other party is a friend.


When it really came to Muye Village.

I didn't want to understand it all at once.

Because this time he came with mission.

"Destroy the wooden leaves ... disrupting the wood leaves ..." I murmured in Ai Luo's heart.

He came this time to deal with wood leaves.

You must obey the command.

If it was before.

He will definitely be very happy and excited about such orders!

In the village, he wanted to kill him.

Not to mention outside the village.[ 071073331]

But now, he sees himself in the future and knows that he can get the villagers in the future.

Can be a reliable shadow! Friends with wood leaf can help.

All this made him involuntarily, and he didn't like this mission to the wood leaf ... disrupting the wood leaf.Essence

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