"I ... I love Luo !! Kan Jiulang shouted.

He looked very excited for an instant and shouted angrily: "I love Luo! How can I fall there! This bastard! He

doing what!"

Temari also took out his fan angrily, his eyes were extremely sharp: "Bastard!


I love Luo himself, standing at the center of the Sarawak Village team.

The complexion looks calm and calm.

He looked at the video, fell to the ground silently, and was taken as a cushion by Didala, and said slowly: "I am in the future

do you died?

The movement here is so great.

It also completely attracted the attention of everyone around.

"It is a group of people in Sand Yin Village! That big gourd! He is my love Luo! The next time in the future?" Shikamaru looked at Sa Yin and his party frowned.

"That's right." Asma nodded, and said: "Fengying came to Muye, and Sarawak Village naturally sent people to take the wood leaf to take the Central Ninja exam.It is the ninja representative of the Saraid Village this time.

"Oh." Shikamaru nodded. The next moment, he seemed to realize something. Looking at the crowd of Shayin Village, the 27 woman with golden hair and a big fan was held, strangely: "This womanIs it a bit familiar?

"Haha!" Next to the Yamanaka, Yamako laughed excitedly: "I remember her! I remember her! Shikamaru! That guy is not in the future video, your girlfriend?! Previously Naruto's wedding video,You just stay with this woman! Have you forgotten? "

Shikamaru suddenly stunned, and his face was surprised.

"You guy, it really surprised it with a female forbearance in a Sandy Village, it was really surprising ..."

Yamakura Hyeo is unbelievable, and the joke said: "And it's the same golden hair as me! Hmm, from this point of view, your vision is still good, but compared with Miss Ben, he, he, heStill a little ugly! "

Not far away, the Temple on his head heard this, and the corner of his mouth suddenly pumped, holding the fist of the fist with a fan handle, and the instant was even tighter!

Where is the dead woman! Dead eight wives! Dead green tea!

Wait for the death forest, you see that I will not kill you!

Handarina's heart hates and scolded.

Shikamaru looked at the angry Temari, and seemed to realize what was speechless: "You close your mouth, really, it's troublesome.


Naruto looked curiously with my love Luo who fell on the ground in the video, and then compared with the current I love not far away, and shouted in surprise: "It's really the same person! Why do I love Luo in the future?Will it be killed?! No! Didn't he still become Fengying in the future?

Many ninjas and villagers around.

It is also very strange about this matter.

"What happened? I love Luo in the video is obviously dead!


"What did these two guys do to him?"

"But, in a more distant future, I am still alive. How can he die here ... It's strange!

One time.

Many people in the ninja are stunned by this scene in the video.

Qi Mu Katsi looked at the video and calmly preached: "I remember, I had said before, I had said it by the people organized by Xiao, and the tail in the body was drawn out?Will it be this time? "

Once this says.

Everyone around was suddenly.

"Yeah! I remember too! I also said that only the people in Muye Village provided him with some help to deal with the Xiao Organization together."

"I love this state. Is it just like being drawn out?


"Once the pillar is pulled away from the tail beast, it will die! I love Luo in the video, it is really dead!"

Everyone has a lot of discussion.

The most confused point now is why the people who are clearly damn are alive again in the future?

"Will anyone use what reincarnation to save him?


"Impossible! That's a move that can be used in reincarnation! Isn't it only a long door now? Isn't it only the long door? That is the leader of the Organization!


On the platform.

Feng Ying frowned and looked at the video, I fell to the ground, I loved it.

"I love Luo ... Is it dead ..." A hint of his eyes could not bear.

Anyway, this is also his child.

Make him as a pillar of power, and it also means himself.

In a sense, it was his father who turned me Ai Luo into a monster that everyone was afraid of.

In the ninja curiosity.

[In the sky, the video continues to play.] (Look at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

[Xuancang Naruto stared angrily at Didala and shouted, "You guy! Where are you sitting!


"That's it! Damn! I dare to hurt my future friends! I must teach you fiercely!" Naruto shouted loudly

Tao, and then, I also waved to my love not far away and yelled, "Oh! Oh! I love Luo! I am a vortex Naruto! I am the friend of your future! We seem to have a good relationship!






Shaoyin Village everyone: "...


The crowd around the surrounding: "..."

I love Luo: "..."

"God ..." Kan Jiulang covered his forehead silently, and said: "This person is the vortex Naruto in the future video? What is joking ... I have read it right?"

Temari looked at Naruto with golden hair and his familiar color clothes, and nodded slowly, saying: "Should

Unlikely wrong .........

Both were a little shocked.



In the future, the vortex Naruto, from the outside, makes people feel very calm at a glance! Very secure.

At the same time, the charm of his future is also a very strong person.

But at this moment, this guy who looks very unjust turned out to be a vortex Naruto ...

Countless ninjas who have never seen Naruto have not seen Naruto before.

"This guy is a vortex Naruto!"

"Oh my god! This ... This is too big!"

"This guy is a child at all, and the words are so naive! My mother, I don’t expect the future

He is so different from him now? "

Various incredible eyes and remarks came from the side.

"Uh?" Naruto touched his head and said strangely: "What's wrong? I am the vortex Naruto, isn't it like?


The corners of the crowd were drawn together.

It doesn't look like!

At least the vortex Naruto that they had seen in the video before, there is really no place except the appearance!

Didala looked at Naruto, and spit out a little silently: "If the nine -tailed people pillar power at this time, maybe catch up

It doesn't take any effort."

"Uh ..." Even the flying section said: "I feel guaranteed, now our six boss came to beat this guy, a little risk 匜



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