I love Luo, I feel that I have gradually become a little hobbly ...

All his actions will involuntarily learn to learn from the future of the future.

However, I am unable to stop the hatred of the Shayin Village.


He would rather choose to avoid the interaction with Xuanxuan Naruto.

In this way, when I started the wooden leaves, I didn't hesitate to hesitate.

"Maybe in the future of time and space, we are indeed friends, but now ... you are the people of wood leaf, we are enemies!" I am

Airo murmured in his heart, his face was always cold and cold.

He continued to look at the sky.

No matter how.

He is also curious, why is he obviously dead in the video, but in the future, he lives again?

not far away.

Xiao Organize everyone.

Didala laughed: "Oh, it seems that the tail is like this, is it that we have been drawn off the tail beast? Hahaha, e -tail should be captured by me and the scorpion!"

"Huh." The horn disdain: "A little hairy child with a stinky smell, it is easy to deal with it, this is not good

Self -proclaimed.

In the sky.

The video continues to play.

[Looking at a faceless face, because I love Luo without movement, and emotions have 080 collapse, vortex Naruto, Kakashi immediately said: "Calm! Naruto!"]

[After he groaned for a while, he said: "You should understand that after the tail beast was pulled away, the result of the pillar power ... [The vortex Naruto suddenly quietly, revealing the sorrow.]

["Hahaha! Yeah, yes, in fact, you also understand." Didala stretched out his hand with a smile, patted the face of Ailuo's body, "In fact, he has been dead for a long time."]

["You bastard!" In a moment, the vortex Naruto burst into strong murderous murderous, his expression on his face was extremely angry, and his eyes seemed to have melted the eyes of the Bing demon fox..


"Bastard! This bastard! Seeing such a scene, Kan Jiulang in the Shayin Village team was also furious in an instant. He scolded" This dead yellow hair! What are he doing! Avoid guy! Actually dare to humiliate my love!

Temari also grabbed the fan tightly, looked at the picture of the sky, gritted his teeth.


"Hehe, if you appear in front of them now, will they definitely scrape you?" Scorpion rare



"Cut! A group of guys who do not know the power! Didala disdain his lips, saying:" This kind of ghost has no qualifications to show art.

Those who can appreciate his art have to be the top master he recognized.

He was not interested in this ordinary cargo color.

Not only did Jiulang and Tochamom.

The other ninjas of many Saraid Village are also angry.

"Bastard! I love Luo but our future style! Actually treat people organized by Xiao!"

"It's too much! What happened!"

"This is the person of the Organization of Xiao! We also have to join the team of the siege of Xiao Xiao!

The Sarawak Village Ninja has a lot of discussions and anger.

"Stop!" Just then, I loved Luo calmly.


The ninjas of the Shayin Village were all a little bit, and they looked at him.


I love Luo faintly: "I have been known by Xiao's organization to take away the tail beast. There is nothing to be surprised. The other party is also an enemy, and it is not easy to say that the corpse is humiliated. Keep watching the video.

"But!" Kan Jiulang was dissatisfied: "He ..."


"Don't say anymore, Kutu Jiulang." I Ailuo stopped him again and shook his head.

Immediately, softly said: "This is wood leaf, we have cooperation with Xiao organization, they should also come, now it is not a plan

Compared with this time ... "

Kan Jiulang had to shut up angrily.

yes.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

They will match the wood leaf with the people organized by Xiao.

The future bastard in the liquidation video is really too earlier.

Kan Jiulang whispered: "I love Luo, rest assured! I will help you and protect you! This Huangmao family (Chec) guy

After the solution is solved, I will definitely help you kill him! "

I love Luo silent.

He does not actually need.

Temari also said fiercely: "That's right! Vicious guy! This bastard organized by Xiao Organization, if it wasn't for it, wouldn't I

Will cooperate with them!


A anger and scolding of the Shayin Village Ninja.

It was stopped by I Ailo.

On the platform.

Luo Sha looked at this scene calmly, and also saw my Ai Luo's behavior, and nodded secretly.

"I love Luo's qualification to become a shadow ... If I can experience it a little, I can definitely become an excellent shadow ... just, I don't know if he can really stabilize now."

He thought about it.

At this time, abandoning personal emotions is focusing on the overall situation.

In Luo Sha's view, it shows that I am still very overall.

After watching the future videos, this month, he also intentionally or unintentionally looked at me with a shadow thinking.

At the same time, I sent a lot of people to observe my Ai Luo's behavior more carefully.

He naturally found that I love Luo now, which is different from the previous.

"Dedala ..." Luo Sha watched the person who died in the video to death, and his eyes became sharp.

Once the cooperation is over, Xiao Organize this group of people will also be his first blow target!

At that time, she will also pull Zhengyan Yin and Yun at the same time [ 071073421]

Gather all the forces of Ninja to encircle them!

"It seems that in the future, I really value my friend Ailuo." Naruto looked at the sky, nodded, and said, "It's so angry, but unfortunately, now I don't seem to want to peace with it.I am a friend.


"Huh." Sasuke laughed: "Just the unhealthy look, who would like to mix with you."

"Ah! Sasuke! You guy is looking for it again!" The two quarreled again.

the other side.

In Yinyin Village.

Blackto looked at the video with disgusted face, and said, "Oh, how did Brother Didala become so perverted, sitting on someone else

On the corpse, the corpse also humiliated others with a corpse, and was disgusting.

The corner of Oknu's mouth was drawn, and said: "This bastard! Isn't it so perverted! Otherwise, how dare he dare

Here runs away! Guys with such a big courage! "

It was a rare good seedling that can learn dust.

There is a problem with my mind.

Ohnu thinks it is really a pity.

In the sky, the video continues to play.

["Give me back!" Xuan Bangsun gritted his teeth and couldn't bear it anymore. He rushed forward and said, "Give me back my love


["Naruto! Cushion!" Kakashi stopped him instantly, saying: "If you are not calm enough, deal with these enemies, but it will

Very dangerous! "].

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