Hearing this sentence that Naruto said.On wooden leaf square.

For the first time, Sasuke said with a smile and ridiculed: "Oh, the tail of the crane, fortunately you don't talk much about it, otherwise, I have to hit you when you are younger."

ㄖ "]

"What!" Naruto shouted dissatisfied: "Sasuke! Don't be too proud! I will definitely surpass you!"

[The video continues to play..

[So I decided to treat you as a competitor! Naruto laughed: "From then on, I have regarded you as my goal

(Barrage: Only Naruto can let Sasuke calm down steadily and listen to it.)

(Barrage: Others speak, Sasuke is too lazy to listen, the two people were already very deep, and the friendship was strong!)

The wood leaves, Sasuke and Naruto's mouth, who had just quarreled with each other.

This is friendly ... Why can't you see it!

Standing beside him, watching the two who couldn't see each other, shook his head with a smile, and sighed in his heart, as if I saw it

He and Dashe Wan ...

However, at that time, it was mainly to quarrel with Dashe Wan all day.

Dashe Wan didn't care about him.

But he still trusts Dashe Wan.

The bond between the two is also not to be underestimated.

It ’s just so many years. Why does Dashe Wan now become like this? He also does n’t understand.

"In the future, Sasuke, like Dashe Wan, chose to abandon the wood leaf." He sighed.

[The video continues to play..

[Still the spiritual magic space..

[Naruto is still full of smiles, saying: "So you are my goal. I have nothing, and finally have a bond.""]

ㄖ "]

["I want to become as powerful as you, so I have been chasing behind you, and I can meet you. It is really great

(Barrage: This mouth is so amazing.)

(Barrage: Naruto changed from a hairy boy to a speaker sensational master, 6666!)

"Good guy, this is the mouth of the vortex Naruto?!"

"He wants to persuade himself by words, so he directly persuaded Uchiha Sasuke?!


"This is too exaggerated! Don't do it, depend on speaking? Can Uchiha Sasuke this mental illness be listened to ..."

Everyone saw Uchiha Sasuke crazy.

It's hard to imagine that he listened to Naruto's words.

However, they also had to admit that the vortex Naruto at this time in the video looked very reliable, sincere, and worthy of trust.


There is no unreliable feeling!

Muye Village.

"Hey! Is this still the tail of the crane ..." Yamakurai looked at the video incredibly, and then looked at Naruto who was screaming below a strange look.The crane tail Naruto! You should also learn more reliable! Don't lose your own face in the future! "

"Ah! What are you talking about! Jingye!" Naruto was dissatisfied: "I'm not shameful!

The surrounding Inuzuya, Sakura, Sasuke and others looked at Naruto with unbelievable gaze.

It is really impossible to imagine that now this dismissed guy will become so reliable in the future ... It's exaggerated!

Feeling the attention of everyone around, Naruto was dissatisfied.

"Woo ... Naruto is also very reliable now!" Hina stood aside, gathered courage, and shouted firmly.

"Hee hee! He suddenly looked happy, and said:" Thank you for Hinatsu!

"Hum!" Naruto raised his head and looked at the sky himself, and said self -confidence: "I look good in the future, but I will definitely be better than him! I am going to be a man in Naruto!"

Inurazuya murmured to himself depressedly: ‘I feel, this guy seems to be a bit of Naruto? Is n’t it right? It is Naruto in the future. Now this unreliable guy must not work.


The oil actress pushed the sunglasses and said faintly: "I think Naruto was already suitable for Naruto.

"Ah?!" Inuka Ya was shocked.

[Everyone continued to watch the video..

[In the video, Uchiha Sasuke listened calmly and listened to Naruto's words. After a moment of silence, he said, "Naruto ... No matter what you say now, I will not change my mind, you alsoOkay, the gangs in the village, I will not stay, kill all of them! "]

This statement comes out.

Even across the screen, everyone felt a strong murderous, but felt extremely cold.

"God, Uchiha Sasuke is fierce."

"Woohoo! Mom, I'm afraid .........

"Do you even want to let go of our ordinary villagers?"

"Sure enough, I don’t believe in what mouths! Demon Ninja, how can anyone in this world can use their mouths

People persuade? Do you treat us as a fool! "

"You are right, I often feel that being playing with us as a fool ..."

The ninja residents were surprised by Sasuke's remarks.

[Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were cold, and his eyes were indifferent: "In order to complete Uchiha's revenge! I will never change my mind!"]

In the forest.

The dried persimmon ghost picked some fruits in the woods next to the woods, and bite it on the mouth. "Essence

Uchiha Itachi said slowly: "In wood leaf, there must be many many bonds that are difficult to make people give up ..."

Revenge for Uchiha, do you revenge for me ... Sasuke, to make this decision, for you, you still have to go through

Great pain.

[Rotten Vortex Naruto listened to the words of Uchiha Sasuke, and a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said: "Only this road can go



["It is!" Uchiha Sasuke solemnly:


"To this day, what you can do is either kill me as a hero who protects the village, or become a funeral dog that is killed by me!"]

[Rotten Vortex Naruto's expression also became serious, and said, "Sasuke! I have never thought so! I will neither become a funeral dog nor kills you to become a hero! Are these?..... Be sure to bring you back! "]]

[After that.] (Watching violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

[Space dissipates..

[Return to the battlefield of the two sides against each other!]

[Spirit pills collided with Rache, a huge impact, flying out the two sides!]

[Seeing this, Qi Mu Kakashi jumped up and caught Naruto who flew out to avoid he could bear greater harm..

[Behind Uchiha Sasuke, a white Jue emerged instantly, as his cushion, blocking the impact of impact rocks

Wu.] [ 231033401]

‘Bai Jue?! This thing is here again!”

"Can this be like this? Bai Jue is here, that is, Uchiha is still there?!

Seeing this scene, everyone mentioned again and stared tightly.

[Uchiha Sasuke hit the rock, fell to the ground in his weakness, and Bai Jue caught it..

[After Uchiha Sasuke re -battle and stabilizes, he pant: "When are you, when is it ..."]

[Bai Juedao: "I have followed you very early, but A Fei taught me not to be detected by you."]]]

[Suddenly, the two sides confronted each other again..

[Different from the previous thing, at this time Uchiha Sasuke's side, there is one more white..

[Bai Wande's heart in front of the people secretly said: "No matter how you think, you are in a crisis. You have to call him too. No

However, Sasuke will not retreat honestly ... This guy is really too stubborn ... "]]]

"Yoh! Bai Jue shook his body and preached incredibly:" It's too bad, it's too bad! I have been hiding in this

If you are discovered, the picture is dangerous! "

"Isn't your guy going to investigate the information! Hei Jue coldly:" Get your task well, recent you

But many things have not been done well.

"Oh, I'm so wronged ..." Bai Jue cried.

Uchiha took a gelatin: "Uchiha Sasuke, the person is too extreme, and does not know how to review the time ... with him now

In the state of state, it is impossible to have the gang of wood leaf at all.

[In the sky, the video continues to play..


[Naruto, who was so angry, looked up and looked at Sasuke, and said slowly: "In this way, I understand."]



[Kakashi strangely: "What did you understand?"]

[Two people are talking..

[A space fluctuations appear..

[The next moment, Uchiha, wearing a red cloud robe and orange -red mask, slowly appeared..

["It's spotted!" Qi Mu Kakashi frowned, showing a vigilance in his eyes..

[What's wrong, Sasuke, isn't it for you to go back quickly. Uchiha with a gentle way.]

[Uchiha Sasuke pant, without words..

At this time, the people in the ninja are already excited.

"Uchiha is here too!"

"This! This is interesting! Do they want to fight?!"

"But looking at Uchiha's soil, he doesn't look like he wants to fight!


"He should not be as impulsive as Uchihasa Sasuke! It feels more wise ..

[Uchiha showed Tu to see Sasuke without speaking, and turned to look at Naruto and others, saying: "It's nine tails, it seems that no matter when

When you see it on it, you can't help but hit the stage of nine tails. I will prepare it. Now I will retreat.

[Bai Jue laughed: "Let me clean up for you, anyway, nine tails must be caught! 1

[Say, a large amount of Bai Jue emerged from the water and put on the potential..

[Uchiha shaking his head with soil, and said: "You're still, absolutely, you have to deal with nine tails too hard, nine

Give it to Sasuke at the end, I want to see the fun too ... "]]

"Woohoohoo! A Fei! Still you know how to understand me! Bai Jue shouted:" If you want to deal with the nine tails, I still

It's too fragile! Don't let me do this kind of thing! "

The corner of the black mouth twitched, and said silently: "Why do you have to put on this way like this?"

"Hmm ..." Bai Jue shook his head, and said: "Maybe it is the future I want to support the field? After all, we have so many people, see

It will be more scary."

[Xuanxuan Naruto looked at the scene in front of him calmly, and then walked forward slowly, relying on artisan e..

["Naruto?" Kakashi stunned..

["It's okay, Teacher Kakashi, just something, I want to tell Sasuke clearly!

[Uchiha glanced at Sasuke with soil, and said: "Go, Sasuke."]


Rotten Vortex Naruto slowly said..

[Wait a while. "Sasuke said coldly..

[Uchiha Sasuke and Shiroto Naruto looked again..

[Rotten Vortex Mingson: "Do you remember! Sasuke! What you once said to me at the end of the end! Really powerful first -class

Ninja, you only need one round to understand the other person's heart! "]]

["Through the battle just now, we should both understand each other's heart! 1

["We have become a first -class ninja, whether it is you, or me

Sasuke, do you understand ... Do you really think in my heart, this kind of me! "]

["You already foresee you, if we are fighting." Rotten Naruto's complexion is solemn and calm, slowly:

"Both of us will die!"]]

Everyone in the ninja looked at the video in the video, this serious, full of reliable vortex Naruto.

["Sasuke, if you attacked wood leaves, I have to fight you, so this is the end of the hate!

Let's go to me! Only I can bear your hatred!

[Rotor Vortex Naruto's voice is getting louder and clear..


["This mission, only I can do it! 4.0 By then, I will bear this hatred with you and die together!"

[Everyone around him was silent..

【a long time..

[Uchiha Sasuke said slowly: "What do you mean, Naruto ...

[His complexion became more and more excited, and shouted angrily: "What do you want to do! Why do you always come to entanglement like this?

Hey me! "]]

[Because we are friends! "Xuan Temura Naruto laughed..

[In a word, let everyone silent again, Uchihason Sasuke is also froze..


"My God, the guy of Xuan Vortex Naruto, his temper is so good."

"Uchihasa Sasuke looks like this. He actually wanted to do his best with each other. He also regarded Uchiha Sasuke as a friend.

Spectrum ... "

"Is this person lunatic? He is still a person's pillar power?! Shouldn't the temper of the human pillar be very irritable!"

"How did Xuanxuan Naruto grow! The barrage is right, will he be brainwashed ...

Countless people looked at the video incredibly, listening to the words that Xuan vortex said.

They can't imagine that this murderous ninja will actually appear such one.

Gentle ninja?

In the rules of the ninja, he should meet, and immediately ran to the threat of Uchiha Sasuke!

In Shayin Village.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

I love Luo full eyes at the vortex Naruto in the video.

Just the remarks, deeply shocked his heart.

Aa ...

Xuan Vortex Naruto regards Uchiha Sasuke as a friend ...

"In the future, I have also said that the vortex Naruto is my friend." He murmured.

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