In the sky, the barrage continues to emerge.

(Barrage: Anyway, I think that Naruto must be the will of the gods who have been with the soil to change their will! Otherwise, how can he

Can you be so sunny?!)

(Barrage: Yeah! Three generations of Naruto, the old yin goods, what else can be done? It is because he has suffered so much that he has suffered so much.)

(Barrage: When will the UP owner edit a video of Naruto ’s blackened video! Let's take a look at how Naruto’ s blackening, how to get revenge on wood leaves! Hahaha, this group of Muchi -leaves villagers, I watched it earlierThey are upset)

Muye villagers: "..."

Ape flying sun:

Xuan vortex Mingdan: "..."

Naruto touched his head and talked with a look of aggressive: "Really, what are these people talking nonsense! I love the village very much!


He looked at Sasuke with disdain, and said: "I won't launch an attack on the wood leaf like Sasuke! And Teacher Irca! Teacher Kakashi cares about me, I will not be so angry.! I am not Uchiha! "

Sasuke's double punch was dragged up instantly, gritted his teeth, and his face was dissatisfied.

Really, I always feel that I have been given the connotation by the tail of this crane again!

(Barrage: Yes! How can the color that can be hung up in a casual? How can it make Naruto so peaceful?! Fake, all fake!)

(Barrage: As a teacher, Iruka is a fart, and I haven’t cared about it for so many years. I suddenly care about it when I graduate

It's all the conspiracy of the three generations!)


Iruca: "..."

Ape flying sun: "..."

What do I special! As a Naruto, almost all villagers love people.

Ape Fei Sun has been conscious for many years, and hasn't burst into rough.

However, looking at the people in the video barrage, he almost didn't stretch.

"It's too much! It's too much! Naked slander!" Take a deep breath, and the ape flying the old face is full of redness.nonsense!


"Huh!" Tuan Zang dismissed and mocked, saying: "Sirlery, so I say that I am wronged at all! You guys are all directed by the barrage children, but they are all condemned the old man!Poiol leaves contribute! "

"Well." Ape Feiri sighed helplessly. He looked at the villagers who had the same aggressive face around him, and said, "Don't take the words of these barrage too much!! Iruca is a good teacher. He fulfilled the responsibility that I did not do. There were too many words that the barrage conspiracy speculated. You have to identify it yourself.

He just didn't hold back, and he was so angry, so he spoke directly.

It's a bit disrupting the image.

The surrounding villagers heard Naruto's words.

Naturally, they nodded.

"These barrage also says that we are the crowd of Wuhe! What should I do?"

"Is not it?"

"Uh, it seems a little bit, but how can I say so.

In the crowd.

Although Iruca heard the comfort of three generations of Naruto.

However, he still bowed his head with guilt.



"Hey! Huibishou stood beside him and said strangely:" Iruka, you guy, he was actually recognized by Naruto why he was so unhappy!

"Well." Iluka murmured: "Although many places in the barrage are nonsense, it is also right in some places ... I am a teacher, why can I not be able to graduate until I graduateLooking at Naruto, what about Naruto, maybe I can give him

A happier childhood."

In the video, Naruto said that when he was a child, no one was willing to play with him and was willing to contact him.

However, Iruca and Naruto's contact was when Naruto was very young, and the ninja school started when he was in the first grade.

At that time, if he could have the current sense of responsibility, he now had the mind of facing Naruto.

Maybe Naruto would be much more happy when he was young.

"And Sasuke ..." He watched the video, said: "He is also my student, but I only knew class before, and never cared about the strength of this class. If I also gave it toAfter his care, will he become a young and peaceful teenager like Naruto ... "

Reflection remarks of this sentence.

Let the corners of the mouth of Huibishou's mouth twitch.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

on the square.

Naruto said helplessly: "These people really like to talk nonsense, how can they be so exaggerated!

Seeking flowers ...

In his opinion, he was indeed very dissatisfied with the villagers before.

After all, it is always the feeling of being treated differently, with pain.[ 231033311]

However, after Teacher Irea cared about him, he made him understand that there was still someone who was willing to accept him and was good for him.

As long as this is enough.

The rest, he is willing to change their impression through his own efforts.

What does the barrage say? It really makes him speechless.

In a discussion.

Sky, video continues to play.

[Rotor Vortex Naruto's words are still continuing..

["I used to think that I would always be alone until I met you, and after I met Iruca ..."]

["I go into the demon -like me, because you and Teacher Irek, I have to save!"]

[The corner of the vortex Naruto's mouth brought a touch of gentle smile, which made people look full of warmth..

[Uchiha Sasuke stared at him calmly..

[Naruto touched his head and laughed: "In the past, I felt very secure when I saw you like me. I and you were children. We

They are alone."]

[But, now I want to come, I carry nine tails, you carry Uchiha's fate, we carry similar burdens, it is really ironic ... "]

[Rotten Vortex Naruto kept telling the various things that happened in the past, and his various views on Uchiha Sasuke, and his complexion also changed

Gentle and flat..

Everyone in the ninja also looked at this scene seriously.

"I seem to understand a bit at once. What is the mouth of the barrage mentioned before?" Yan Yin Village, the black soil looked at this scene,

There was a smile on the corner of the mouth, saying: "The hero of the wood leaf is really a very attractive person."



Okun Mu said dissatisfied: "You should look at our village's own young talents! Don't keep care of others

Village! I know! "

I just watched the situation of Haruno Sakura and incense. He was really afraid that his granddaughter would become a love brain.


["Actually, once when I was a kid, I walked on the road to see you, and I really wanted to talk to you in the past. After all, we were so lonely.

alone. Naruto laughed: "Unfortunately, I still gave up, because you look better than me, making me good.

"Cool" inch].

reminds you: Three things for reading-collection, recommendation, sharing_! (BIR


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