I always confused.

Why do you become completely different from now.

Not only does the temper become mild, but also becomes the shadow that everyone loves to recognize ...

This is unimaginable to his now.

"If, the vortex Naruto can also treat me as a friend ..." I thought about it in Ai Luo's heart.

In his eyes, the reason why he felt pain.

Isn't it because of the strange vision of people around?

Whether it is a villager, the brothers and sisters of Kang Jiulang, and even his father, the shadow ...

They all looked at him with strange eyes.

The expression that seemed to be looking at monsters made me Airo very painful.

Now, the vortex Naruto in the video.

It is also a person's pillar.

It was also discriminated against by people in the village and was disgusted by the villagers.

However, he eventually rely on his own efforts to get the recognition of everyone and became a well -deserved wooden leaf hero ...

This made me feel great encouragement!

"If I am like a vortex Naruto, I will work hard to help everyone. Will they finally recognize me in the end?

I love Luo's thoughts.

If he has not seen future videos, then he will still have a lot of doubts about the results.

However, in the future, he will become everyone's love.

Obviously, as long as he can work hard to change.

The final result must be good.

The villagers are really willing to accept him.

He will never be the monster in the eyes of everyone!

"Xuan vortex Naruto ... thank you ..." He couldn't help murmuring.

"Hey! Hey! Thank you a big ghost!" The voice of Shouhe's anger came, and it scolded: 'You are a monster! Who makes you the pillar of me!Go out! You stupid!


I love Luo's face calm, and there is no reply.

For so many years.

Shouhe, from time to time, he is angry and yells.

He has long been used to it.

the other side.

In Muye Village.

Watch the firm words that 23 people speak in the video.

Countless wooden villagers showed full of touch.

"Oh my god, Naruto, you guy, the future will really become so reliable. Yamako Aya is incredibly sighing

"I just don’t know, did you succeed in the end, Sasuke him ..."

Uchiha Sasuke's state at this time is obviously very crazy.

In this case, other people who change the wood leaf.

Even the Sakura Sakura who likes Sasuke.

I'm afraid I dare not say that I can make him look back.

Shikamaru's lips, saying: "Naruto, this guy, is really naive all the way, although it is a lot of mature

But it's still troublesome, Sasuke is too stubborn, trouble and trouble."

Qiu Daidi said dissatisfied: "Shikamaru! Sasuke is also our friend! It is also our partner of Muye. I think Naruto is too great! Even if you want to save Sasuke, how can you say trouble?"

"Cut, really, don't bother to argue with you, don't make noise. Shikamaru helplessly wave his hand.

"Yo! That's right!" Li Locke shouted excitedly: "The Broken Naruto Boy is really a reliable guy! I must discuss with him!


Mitter nodded, showing his big white teeth and laughed: "That's right! Xiao Li! Play with the excellent ninja, but a bloody youth is essential!

The communication of a group of people was passed to all parts of the leaves.


Qi Mu Kakashi sighed helplessly: "The future Naruto has finally grown into a ninja who can be able to take it alone. In contrast, my teacher seems to be unqualified. It is really a failure.


"Hahaha." Tap also patted his shoulder and laughed: "Don't be sad in the sixth generation of Naruto! It is worthy of what is worthy of our happiness than blue!

Behind the two.

Sasuke looked at the videos in the sky with a stunned face, and felt shocked.


Is it a friend with Naruto?

He and Naruto are classmates who have enrolled together since childhood.

However, during school, the two basically did not have much communication.

That is, the year of graduation, the vortex Naruto is even more naughty, prefers to trouble, and often beside him, he is right to this

A guy was impressed.

Really said that the two sides have deepened their knowledge, that is, it is only in the seventh Class of the seventh ...

Is this a friend? In the future, Naruto, do you actually pay attention to me so much?

Sasuke felt a little incredible.

Since the death of the Uchiha family.

He basically closed his heart, and there was only one goal, which was revenge.

He was not interested in licking dogs like Sakura.

Squiring the tail of the crane, and the noisy guy beside him all day, can he become his friend?

This question emerged in Sasuke's heart, making him a little incredible.

at this time.

"Wow! What!" Naruto watched his future video and shouted dissatisfied: "Why am I so numb in the future?


"Well ..." He seemed to be cold, and he started a goosebumps for a while, shouting, "Sasuke, this guy ...

That's ... uh, it's my opponent!

How can a friend's vocabulary be used on Sasuke's pretending to be committed?!

Every time I stay with this guy, so unhappy! (Looking at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

Sasuke looked at the Naruto in front of him silently, and suddenly sneered: "Huh! Strictly the tail of the crane, do you want to be my friend?

Fun and the weak make friends!


"What!" Naruto suddenly became angry again: "Sasuke! I must teach you fiercely! You pretend to commit crimes!"

The two suddenly fired a group.

The surrounding Muye villagers watched this scene and stayed together.

These two people seem to be really the so -called friends in that traditional sense?

not far away.

The apes seemed to look at the noise of the two and smiled softly.

The so -called bond is to be cultivated in quarrels.

Two people are younger.

Not clear about this kind of thing.[ 231033491]

But in the future, as the two parties have experienced more.

Trust will be born.

In the end, an unbreakable bond will be formed.

The ape flying up and looking up at Naruto in the video, in my heart: "Naruto, it's really like the water gate, you really grow in the future

A lot of it ... Maybe one day, you can really become the Naruto of the wood leaf.


Yanyin Village.

"Xuanxuan Naruto is really interesting.


Okun Mu Road: "It can be so bad to Uchihason Sasuke Sasuke

Good words and good words are really naive."

"I think it's reliable! The black soar can't help but nod, and said," No matter what, anyone will want his companion, yes, yes

People like him?


Ohnu couldn't help but be silent.

He couldn't refute this.

In the end, he could only say: "If he is our ninja, of course there is no problem, but he is an enemy and the ninja of the wood leaf! And

Moreover, a person like him is only suitable for an ordinary tolerance, but you must not be a photo! Otherwise, the naive little ghost is only meat insurance


The village brings disaster!

Yunyin Village.


"It is worthy of the son of the golden flash! Lei Yingai watched Naruto in the video, saying:" Darui! Samoyi! You want

Collect more information about Vortex Naruto!


"Yes! The two responded.

"Yoyo! Nine -tailed person pillar, golden hair little hair! The temperament is good, Gogo! Chilai singing and jumping

"Hmm!" Lei Yingai's nostrils were out of breath and said solemnly: "Chilaby! He is also a person's pillar power, but your perfect person pillar power, no

If one day we fight against Muye, and this little ghost is used as a weapon, you have to make a shot! "

"Yo! Rest assured, brother! Oh!

In a sigh of signs to Naruto Naruto.

Everyone continued to watch the video.

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[Not only the ninja people are amazed..

[Uchiha Sasuke also stunned completely after hearing the words of the vortex Naruto..

[Everyone around him also had an expression of unexpectedly..

[Rotten Vortex Naruto continues: "Sasuke, we can't understand each other in general methods. I will understand when I first want to meet

White! Only fists! "

[He stretched out his right fist and aimed at Uchihasa Sasuke and laughed confidently: "Only fists can let us understand each other!

I just said it, we have become a first -class ninja! So I can understand your hatred!

["I want to believe that I can change you, it looks like I encountered Teacher Iruca!"]]

Iurka stared at the video, sighing.

Naruto, Naruto, I started to care about you so late. I'm sorry.

["I haven't given up the idea of bringing you back to Muye! Rotor Vortex Naruto solemnly:" I will never give up!

[Uchiha Sasuke pursed his mouth and stared at the person in front of him tightly..

[Immediately afterwards, Xuanxuan Naruto suddenly waved his hand again, and said, "But, I don’t want to be endless, huh,

After all, I don't talk much about it, it seems that it is really not a preaching.


(Barrage: Too self -modest, Prince Edward, you are invincible in your mouth.)

(Barrage: I said that I am second, who dares to say that it is first?)

(Barrage: Itachi is not counted? He seems to be quite able to say?)

Uchiha Itachi: "... ??"

Dry persimmon ghosts are also surprised, and said: "Mr. Itachi, don't you like to talk?


Live with Uchiha Itachi all day.

To say that his mouth is powerful, the dried persimmon ghosts are absolutely unbelievable!

What a possibility!

"Believe your intuition, ghost.


Uchiha Itachi preached lightly.

Even the people of the Uchiha family can't persuade it. Do you say I can say?

How can this be!

(Barrage: Hahaha, yes, Itachi has successfully persuaded the pharmacist's pocket!)

(Barrage: That's a physical persuasion ...)

Pharmacist: "... ??"

Muye Village, inside the crowd.

Dashe Wan laughed lightly: "What is going on, pocket, even you and Uchiha Itachi are involved?

The pharmacist pushed his own glasses calmly, saying: "If my memory has not been tampered with, then I should be with

Uchiha Itachi has no connection."

"Aaj art."

Dashe Wan showed a colorful color, and said: "You said that, Uchiha Itachi is proficient in illusions, but it is not



The pharmacist said: "Memory can be modified, the details are not good, Master Dashe Wan, but I have every detail in life

People who ask, if there is something wrong, I will notice it as soon as possible."

"So, I am afraid that the intersection of Uchiha Itachi will be in a more distant future."

The corner of the mouth of Dashe Pills was bent, and said: "Itachi is not a good 027 opponent. If you meet him, you must be careful

"Next, I will." The pharmacist laughed gently.

Everyone in the ninja is also discussing.

However, it is more about Naruto's question. Whether Uchiha Itachi will be so -called mouthful, not interested.

See here.

I opened.

Everyone has understood.

What does the mouth that the barrage once said before?

It turns out that it is a simple speech that can let the opponent's heart or various aspects express recognition through words?

This is indeed different from the behavior of traditional ninjas.

Therefore, most of the residents of the ninja world have a good opinion of him after listening to the words of Naruto Naruto in the video.

A kind, willing to pay for his companions, and even the same person, is definitely a very few of the ninja!

"Xuanxuan Naruto is really a kind ninja! Too attractive!

"I can't see it at all. He spent so miserable when he was a child, and he could grow into such a powerful ninja!


"Uchiha Sasuke looks like it is going to be shocked by the vortex Naruto, hahaha, he would not surrender immediately

Wooden leaves.


For a while, the reputation of Xuanxuan Naruto rose in the ninja.

Even those villagers who regard the wood leaves as potential enemies, and they are in their hearts to Swangyn Naruto.

I was deeply impressed.

Many people suddenly understood.

No wonder there will be so many other hidden villages to participate in the second vortex Naruto's wedding video.

"Could it be that everyone is all affected by the charm of Vortex Naruto? There are friends everywhere in the whole ninja?"

Everyone thought of this result, it felt incredible and could not imagine at all.

But it is impossible to interpret the scene of future weddings in other more outrageous ways.

You can't tell you that the future of the ninja is completely peaceful, and the hidden villages will no longer fight and fight, right?

This is obviously impossible!

[The video continues to play..

["Hey, if we died in the end, we are no longer Uchiha, nor the nine -tailed people, and there is no need to need it again.

If you are carrying things, let's go to that world to understand each other together! "Xuan Tortoring made a smile and looked at the sunny face

Sasuke Uchiha..

[Just, the words that have been spoken have made many people move..

This shows the determination. Even if you die together, you have to flatten the hatred in Sasuke Sasuke Sasuke?

In the pure land.

Thousands of hands looked at the vortex Naruto in the video, and sighed happily: "It's great, there are people in our Muye Village, really

It's an excellent boy! ".

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