[The power of horror shocks in the collision of the two, the huge wave waves swept, and the water flow instantly turbulent!]

[In the rear, Qi Mu Kakashi and Haruno Sakura Qi Qi showed anxiety..


Countless people shouted: "It's amazing!

"So horrible power!


"Isn't the power of Uchiha Sasuke's Rachel more than a spiral pill?!"

"Yeah, did not have the water pipe in the previous video? Hahaha.

When people talk about it.

Naruto shouted happily: "Hey, Sasuke, this time I must win!


Sasuke disdain his lips and is too lazy to ignore it.


【In the sky..

[The huge water waves flutter, the video screen slowly turned white, and Uchiha Sasuke and Xuan Vortex Naruto always stared at each other tightly.

[Soon, as soon as the picture changed, and in a blank illusion space, the two stood aside and stared at the eyes calmly.

"What's this?"

Ninja, many people stunned.

"Do you have a dialogue -like dialogue? These two people can look at them by eyes alone."

Many ninjas preach.

They are familiar with this way of dialogue.

The illusion can be said to be a compulsory course for ninjas.

Although not every graduation ninja is proficient in illusions, there are still awareness of this power.

The two parties who understand a little bit, in the case of a very deep bond 070, can enter this kind of private space -like place and conduct deep -seated spiritual communication.

"Unexpectedly! These two people seem to have such a deep bond in appearance, and they can still have such a deep fetish. Just one look at both sides enters the dialogue in the spiritual space?"

"Uchiha Sasuke and Xuan Vortex Naruto seem to have played many times in the video. I also like to talk about these two guys. It may be that when they are in the seventh class, they are deeply cultivated."

"Oh, Xuanxuan Naruto does not seem to have a little killing of Uchiha Sasuke. If there is no sufficient fetters, how can it be?

In Muye Village.

The ape flying at the video, nodded the dark value.

Sure enough, he arranged Sasuke in class seventh without doing it wrong.

Although it is said that the fetters that Sasuke and Naruto and others get along with each other have not successfully prevented him from leaving the leaves.

But in the end, it will also become a weapon for his return to wood leaf.

A ninja, no matter where he is, there will be a deep concern in his heart ... Ape flying the sun.

He is very familiar with this kind of spiritual communication space.

(CDCD) Just now, he often hid in the group to "encrypt" communication.

In the sky.

[The video continues to play..

[Two people suddenly entered this kind of spiritual communication space, and they planned to say something, making everyone very curious, so they looked at the video seriously..


["Sasuke." In the spiritual space, the vortex Naruto looked at the Sasuke in front of him calmly, slowly: "You know, I was hated by the villagers because of the nine tails in my body, I once hated the village in the village.People, he thought about revenge.

Xuanxuan Naruto used to be mentioned in Muye Village as a child. The video was mentioned before, so everyone was very clear.

"People are really terrifying things. Oh my god, if the vortex Naruto lives next to me, I will be very scared."

"Yes, everyone has seen that nine -tailed power in the video. It is too scary. In case of outbreak, I don't know how many people will die.


"I heard that the turbulence of the wood leaf nine tails hurts the ingenuity of the wood leaf! Many people die. Although the villagers of the wood leaves are a bit unconcerned, I can also understand the son of the hero, but I can understand it."

Ordinary residents have discussed.

Who would want to live around him, there is a pillar that may explode at any time? As soon as the tail beast comes out, it is that everyone nearby will suffer.

Ordinary residents are afraid.

The residents of the five major villages have a deeper understanding of this.

In the village, human pillar power has always been trained as a strategic weapon, and the actual battle of war is very high.

However, few people can sincerely treat people's pillar power. Most villagers, the pillar power of their villages, is also

Can't avoid it.

The slightly more severe Sand Yin Village is the pillar force as a monster ...

In Shayin Village.

On the street, many villagers showed a scared expression, saying: "Oh my God, now I love Luo, and he will definitely look at us. He also hates us. Will he also want to avenge us?


"Then ... that monster ... I still can't believe it, he can become a shadow ... I have never seen it on his face

Smile."(Watching violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

"A little whispered, it would be bad if he heard it ...

Although the villagers were shocked in the future, I Ailo became a shadow.

But now it is not the future. My Ai Luo at this time in the cognition is that everyone seems to see the other person to kill each other.


On the road not far away.

Kang Jiulang's face is ugly, although the villagers around the surrounding villagers are not big, but they can always hear some. He looks at me.

Said embarrassingly: "I love Luo, don't care too much, these people don't understand anything!

I love Luo's calmness and no words, just watch the video in the sky.


Therefore, Xuanxuan Naruto used to be just like me. He was discriminated against by people in the village. He once hated the residents of the village ...

Why did you change the future?

Am I affected by you ...

In his heart, he kept thinking about it. After all, in the previous video, he once said that it was the vortex Naruto that changed him and let his people

Born, with a new direction.[ 231033231]

In Muye Village.

The people of woody leaves suddenly felt guilty.

Many people even shed tears again.

They all remember that everyone gathered here today, so I don't just want to ask, why for so many years, I have to be hidden

Is the identity of Naruto?

Let them villagers have been squeezing vortex Mingsun for so many years ...

"Well, just what we used to do, Naruto is also normal."

"It's really sinful. For so many years, what have I done to our Muye's benefactor! It's so stupid!"

In this sorrow.

Sky, video continues to play.

[Everyone continues to watch the video..

[They also want to know, how can Royn Naruto continue to persuade Uchiha Sasuke?]

["If there is a slight deviation, I will think about such a horrible thing like you, and I will think about destroying the wood leaves ..." The vortex

Naruto murmured..

Just when everyone heard it.

Several barrage appeared.

(Barrage: Naruto is not on the extreme, it is really strange!)

(Barrage: The most outrageous episode, I want to see the black Naruto!).

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