
"Beat ... Directly faint?!

"it's over?!"

"Hahaha, it turned out to be like this. I said why Haro Sakura did not succeed in defecting with Uchiha Sasuke."

"Uchiha Sasuke is very clear, and very rational. If you defeat, bring a woman who likes to find trouble."

Everyone in the ninja watched the stunned Haruno Sakura, and laughed.

"However, Uchiha Sasuke, if you are really rational, why did he defect from Muye? Muye is the largest in Ninja Village! I think even if he goes to Dashe Wan, he can't grow up in bed.Bar.


Many people nodded and recognized this.

In the ninja.

As the largest ninja village, Muye is too prestigious ~ high.

Everyone knows that he occupies the most fertile land in the ninja.

Have the richest ninjutsu storage.

The number and quality of the ninja are the most.

Don't look at the current major ninja villages, all look at Muye.

But no matter which village, if you are single -headed with wood leaf.

Basically there is no chance of victory and confidence.

The reason why they dare to reveal the fierce closure from time to time from time to time.

Mainly because the wood leaf is located in the center.

Once a war with one of them.

The other three ninja villages are also easy to be scheduled to siege wooden leaves. Therefore, Ninja's favorite peace village, that is, Muye Ren Village. Ape Feiri cuts very thoroughly, as long as it does not take the initiative to provoke the incident.

The wood leaf does not give the major ninja villages to deal with the opportunity to deal with wood leaf.

The wood leaf can easily achieve strategic advantage through diplomatic means, etc., and so on.

One -to -one, wood leaves are not afraid, one -to -two can also resist ...

Such a strong strength.

Throughout the Ninja Realm, any ninja has the awe of this bandit.


In the eyes of everyone.

Uchiha Sasuke put the treasure land like Muye Village without leaving, but went to a big snake pill.

It is a very unwise behavior.

"Dashe Wan himself grew up in Muye. Can Dashe Wan give it?

"And his big enemy Uchiha Itachi, his brother grew up in Muye, and a younger brother ran to the big snake

"Hahaha, I remembered it, I remember in the previous video, there were all in the barrage, the Dashe Wan was killed by Uchiha Itachi?"

! "" "

All kinds of discussions are constantly, and many people smile in their mouths.

In Muye Village.

Many people are also discussing.

"It turned out that Uchiha Sasuke went to Dashe Wan like this.

"How did Dashe Wan communicate with this guy? Sasuke, this guy, is too much to put our wooden leaves in his eyes.

"Seeing what he meant, he felt, can you become stronger if you go to Dashe Wan?"

"We are the place with the most ninjutsu in the ninja world! In the future, Sasuke is too stupid! Why should I find a big snake?

Pills? We are not more excellent ninjas."

"That's right! Dashe Wan himself grew up in wood leaf.


Villagers communicate with each other.

The voice of everyone.

Sasuke naturally heard it.

He raised his brows, although it can be understood for his future decision.

But he has never thought about it at present, and he has to defect and go outside the doctor.

after all.

What a disgusting big snake pill.

I haven't even seen it.

I just saw it in the video.

"Although in the future, I did kill Uchiha Itachi, but it was because of Uchiha Itachi to release water. This shows that even if I ran to the side of the Dashe Wan, I just rely on the preface.Zhixuro's ridiculous mercy of mercy shit


"Can't rely on real strength to defeat that guy!"

"Such a result is not what I want at all!


Uchiha Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly, and secretly said to himself.

Previously, when he looked at himself and Itachi war, he was very happy at first.

However, the situation of Itachi after hiding repeatedly came out.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

In the future, it is because of the mercy of Uchiha Itachi's mercy.

He made him very upset now!

He didn't need the mercy of Uchiha Itachi at all.

"The villagers are right. Muye Village is the biggest platform. Here, I can learn more." Sasuke thought.

Of course, it is mainly because it is a bit disrespectful now.

Although the video barrage has said that Dashe Wan can even live forever in the future.

Seeking flowers ·

However, this guy was killed by Uchiha Itachi! And he was still killed by his future himself, all explained that his strength was strong

Wherever you go.

Just this level.

Why should he let his Uchiha Sasuke run to learn? [ 221593181]

In the crowd.


The pharmacist laughed: "Oh, Lord Snake Maru, it seems that your curse is really tempting for people like Sasuke

Dashe Wan laughed lightly: "For so many years, what I have been studying has been able to have a great increase in the power of people. Any guy who has eager for power can't bear this temptation."


Among his men.

Of course, there are many people who died because of the curse.

But since so many experiments.

The curse has gradually stabilized.

Fully exploding can allow a ninja to exert 100 % strength.

"How can Sasujun's revenge people reject this power?" He laughed with lips and lips.

In the sky.

The video continues to play.

[After Uchiha Sasuke put down Haruno Sakura, he slowly walked out of the wooden leaf gate..

[Soon, the picture changed, and the next day..

[Numerous wooden leaves, gathered in front of Ye Tianmen..

[Switching Naruto wearing a orange coat, standing at the center of everyone..

[And the front of them is Kunye Sakura who is worried..

One time.

In Muye Village.

Many Muye Xiaoqiang showed surprise.

The building is staring.


"Oh! Shikamaru showed a surprise rarely, and laughed:" I didn't expect it, I finally played!

Ding Ci nodded full of joy and shouted, "Me too! I am! Yeah! Yeah!

Since the last six Payne video.

He showed him how to be stunned by the six Payne and was chased by the missile.

Never appeared in the video again.

This made Ding Ci very depressed.

What about my high light?! Give me some highlights, so that everyone will not say that I am fat in the future ...

I did not expect that at this moment, I finally appeared again.

This made Dingci think that the highlight of the factory can see the factory defense?

"Hey! Ningci, you are also." Every day, I looked at Ning Caidao next to each other.Essence

reminds you: Three things for reading-collection, recommendation, sharing_! (BIR

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