Hiroshi Ning's eyes flashed and nodded slowly, and said, "I saw it.

Every day asked: "What are you going to do? So so many people gather at the door?"


Hiroshi Ningji slowly said: "If I didn't guess wrong, it should be related to the defection of Uchiha Sasuke.

The two communicated here.

Li Luke looked at it in a hurry.

"What about me! Where am I going! He was anxious, hoping to find his own figure.

Everyday said silently: "You look like this, so easy to find, since it doesn't appear, then it must not be there!" Ah! "Li Locke's face was unbelievable:" How do you! "



Mitkai laughed: "Yo! Little Li! Don't be sad! Youth is eternal! Maybe in a certain place, you are struggling in the future!


"Woohoo! Teacher Kai! Xiao Li heard this, and quickly cheered up, shouting," Yes! I can't be frustrated "I" Seventy Fortune "! I must have contributed to everyone a day!


Naruto shouted, "Ah! It's me in the future! What do I want to do! Shouldn't it be to find Sasuke.


Kakashi nodded, and said, "Look at this, it is likely."

Naruto suddenly looked at Sasuke with a disgusted look, saying: "Sasuke, you really hate, actually doing such troubles, and we have to bring you back.

Sasuke said coldly: "I didn't let you take a nosy! Close your mouth!


Inuzuka also communicated with the oil actress: "Hey, Zhi Nai, it is actually there! It's really rare! Oil Houzhi touched her sunglasses and sighed with a deep tone:" Yeah, it's rare...... Although I know I am very transparent.


But he actually has a unwilling heart!

Even if you can't do it in reality, can you make yourself scenery in the video once?

At the same time as everyone is discussing this picture.

In the video.

The sound came again.

["Naruto!" Haruno Sakura's face showed a sad expression, and sobbing gently: "Please! Please!

Sasuke brought back! "]]

Once this says.

Everyone was determined.

"Sure enough! It is the Uchihasa Sasuke's defection!"

"What do these ninjas of the wood leaf gathered? Do you want to find Uchiha Sasuke back?"

"Look at Haruno Sakura like this, be sure."


"Uchiha Sasuke is a betrayal! Isn't these people going to chase him?"

As a ninja.

Each ninja is the most taboo for the so -called rebellion identity.

Because the characters such as the rebellion, in front of the ninja, in front of the ninja villages, they do not have a place.

No matter which village you are.

As long as it is a rebellion, then the villages will be very spicy to you in various villages.

There are few so -called ninja worlds saying from this village to another village.

The ninja of the wood leaf is the ninja of the wood leaf, who defeated. Even the other four villages will not be seen. At most, the value is executed after squeezing the value of it.

It is impossible to gain trust.

Therefore, in this case, the first idea of most people in the ninja is that these ninjas of these wood leaves are going to chase Yu Zhibo Sasuke.

[Listening to the request of Haruno Sakura, the complexion of the vortex Naruto became solemn. The next moment, he gave his thumbs up and stated with a smile: "Rest assured! Sakura! I will definitely bring Sasuke back back!]

["This is the agreement of our life! I decided to complete it!"]

[Although he laughed, he could make everyone feel the seriousness in his eyes, that determination!]

[Even across the screen, people in the ninja world can feel that the rotary Naruto said solemnly.

"This guy is serious.


"Combined with the future, it seems that the Swangs Naruto has failed? A few years later, Uchiha Sasuke's guy was still rebelled, and he wanted to destroy the wood leaves."

"No, when Swangnuan Naruto is married in the future, isn't Sasuke Sasuke reconciled with Muye? Could it be a rebellion and a congratulatory gift? And will you get married with Haruno Sakura?" (See the violentNovel novels, just go to Novel Network!)

The residents of the ninja watched the solemn Vortex Naruto in the video.

For a while, I couldn't help but feel that the words of this person are completely credible and trustworthy.

Muye Village.

The villagers, Inuzuya, etc., looked at the Naruto in the video, and looked at the reality at this time.

On the back of the neck, he squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Naruto with his mouth watching the video.

There was a trace of confidence in my heart.[ 221593261]

"Although this is a bit sorry for Master Naruto, but I still think that Master Naruto now is a little naive ...

"Oh, in fact, I think so too. The progress of Master Naruto in the future is really great, and it looks so reliable and mature.

"It is indeed the child of the fourth -generation Naruto ..."

Sakura also looked at the video a little dull.

"I ... I'm please Naruto?" She was also a little stunned.

Please Naruto to find Sasuke?

Such things, I always feel unreliable.

Let Naruto go, it is better to go by herself?

He ......

Thinking that in the video just now, Naruto and Sasuke's fighting performance is not comparable.

Sakura has to admit that the future Naruto is indeed more powerful in terms of strength.

"This guy, is it from this time and has become reliable?" Sakura said secretly.

She remembered again, the previous wedding video, the adult Naruto wearing a kimono.

He looked like.

Just look at it at a glance.

It will make people feel trusted.

As if he agreed, there was nothing that could not be completed.

Naruto started from this time and became mature? Looking at the video, Sakura thought.

In the sky.

The video continues to play.

[But at this time, the sound of re -appearing is the previous narration of Haruno Sakura..

[The picture in the sky has also begun to start quickly..

[Muye Xiaoqiang attacked Qi Qi, accepting the order of Naruto Tsunade, and brought 2.6 Uchiha Sasuke back to Muye..

[Along the way, encounter many powerful enemies..

[Muye Xiaoqiang is one -to -one, one on one by one, and writing a weird enemy in turn!]

[There are archery, there are spiders, and the bones can become larger into weapons ...]

[Because the fighting screens are all flashing, the people in the ninja cannot know the specific results of the specific victory..

[But the thrilling battle scenes still shocked many people..

Is it so bullish?

These people have just graduated from Koba Ninja School to become a ninja?!

[Finally, the scene that appears is at the end of the legendary end!]

[The sound of the narration of Haruno Sakura still sounded: "I don't think about it, so I let Naruto shoulder the burden and all the responsibilities

Push him ... "]].

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