Although it has passed so many years.

But Uchiha Itachi's heart is still full of guilt to Sasuke.

However, he couldn't show it.

For him, the best result was Sasuke as an enemy.

Take him as an eternal enemy.

In this case, as his brother, he could never let Sasuke happy again, and only pain to him.

Therefore, Uchiha Itachi is very uncomfortable.

After hearing Sakura said, willing to do everything, it will definitely make Sasuke happy and make Sasuke happy.

In the bottom of Uchiha Itachi's heart, he couldn't help but recognize Haruno Sakura.

Let Sasuke happy, his brother can't do it.

If others can do it, it is also his wish ...

"However, at this time, Sasuke was afraid it would be difficult to accept this heart." Uchiha Itachi looked at the video and murmured.

He also thought of other future videos played before.

Sasuke is still alive.

He also had a daughter with Haruno Sakura.

Although I don't know how many years later.

But at that time, Sasuke should be happy, right?

I really want to see it ...

Pure land.

The Uchiha family.

"Woohoo!" Uchiha Meiqin couldn't help crying and crying, saying: "It's a good child! Sasuke, if he lives up to her, he must scold him hard!

Uchiha's Fuyue's mouth twitched, and helplessly: "Sasuke, this time, now, how can you be in love, don't be excited, it will be better in the future."

The love memories of the so -called Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke are played here.

I know at first glance, this is not the tone of good love.

On the contrary, it is full of various bumps and sorrows.


Because I have seen a more distant future before.

Overall, the final ending seems to be beautiful?

In Muye Village.

Naruto shouted loudly: "Sasuke Sakura! What are you doing! Sasuke! Do you want to run away!

He looked at the video in shock, the crying Sakura, and Sasuke, who was carrying a small backpack.

In his eyes, a scene in the video looks very strange.

Both are my teammates.

Why are I am not there?

Sasuke frowned and said calmly: "Who knows, you want to know, look down below.

He is actually curious now.

What will you say next?

For the video, Sakura 810 said this point of saying that there was no touch.

That's naturally impossible.

But for him.

At this time, the so -called love is the most valuable and the most important thing.

This kind of thing can be abandoned at any time compared to real power.

Therefore, he would not overthrow his decision because Haruno Sakura said such a word.

What's more, from the bottom of his heart, he did have no idea of ​​Sakura.

I just want to revenge!

The so -called love, the so -called male and female friends such things, let Naruto this crane sink!


He looked at Naruto and standing next to him, and Hyuga Hina, who seemed a little shrank, slowly shook his head.

Naruto was suddenly confused and said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing!" Sasuke raised his head proudly, crossing his hands on his chest.

Drinking in your love! The tail of the crane! You can never surpass me!

For a while, she no longer had to be a bit thick.

Naruto, who was just in the video, the power of the spiral pills obviously surpassed him.

In the future, it is surpassed by Naruto.

Although he had just reconciled a little bit.

But this kind of thing can not happen or not ...

After listening to the video, Sakura was flushed.

This ... In the future, I dare to say so much to Sasuke! Sasuke ... What would Sasuke answer?

These words have always been accumulated in her heart and wanted to say it, but I really didn't dare to say it.

Although anyone knows Sasuke.

But every time she faces Sasuke, looking at his cold face, she always feels that if she really confess directly, it will definite

Will be rejected severely.

So she didn't dare.

Unexpectedly, the video in the video helped her rush once!

For a while, she no longer cares about the future in the video, and she said these words in the state of crying and sadness.

Had to the reaction of Qi Sasuke!

The incredible voice of Yamako Yoshino also came: "No! Sakura! You are too numb! Excessive!

Sakura's mouth was stiff, but too lazy to ignore her, and continued to watch the video.

[Facing Haruno Sakura's confession and invitation..

[Uchiha Sasuke still stands silently..

["If that's not ... (CDAJ)" Haruno Sakura cried and continued: "Then ... then you take me away

Right! OK! "]

[Her tears kept falling..

This remark also shocked many people in the ninja.

"This, the guy of Haruno Sakura means to leave the wood leaf with Uchiha Sasuke?"

"Use such a gentle word? This is called a defect! Ninja with wood leaf is improper, running as a rebellion, or two so small

Guys, they are too brave.


"Love the brain, love the brain! This is the proper love brain! Woohoo, like this girl, our destiny is really too

It's miserable, man, really can't help it! Sister! "

"For Uchiha Sasuke, I would rather betray the village? This is too exaggerated. This Haro Sakura is indeed vulnerable."

All parts of the ninja.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Many people talk about it.

Most people are disdain.

After all, as a ninja.

Because the person you like to betray the village, he also wants to follow the village.

This is obviously very irresponsible, and he is very foolish.[ 221593091]

In particular, it is still a large village like Muye.

"No wonder those barrage has been joking this female forbearance before." Yan Yin Village, Ohnu snorted coldly and said, "It's really foolish

Stupid penetration! Black soil! You guy has to give me a little reasonable! If dare to do the same behavior as this idiot, I will definitely

You are alive!


"Oh." The black soil touched his chin, the corner of his mouth skimped, and looked at Okuni and laughed: "If you can really live alive, you can die.

Then I may really have to try it."

"What!" Ohno stared at his eyes suddenly, his beard fried, shouting, "You dead girl! You shouldn't you really

Is it fascinated by which stupid boy! "


Black soil hair raised, and laughed: "How is this! Old man! Don't be stupid, for me, just in our village

I am not interested in these boring men! "

Oknamu exhaled a sigh of relief, and said: ‘Anyway, you must not learn this silly woman to love your brain like a silly woman, otherwise something must happen



In his heart, he was considered that the black soil was cultivated into a successor in Yiyin Village.

If the successor is a love brain.

Then he still cultivates a fart!

Ninja creatures.

The most important thing is that everything is based on benefits!

This is his criterion.

After a love brain, the whole village will be destroyed.


"You can take a good look at the video and see the idiot of Haruno Sakura. Take a look at her tragic fate.

Black soil laughed: "Don't they live well in the end?"



In Muye Village.

Ohno Monaki said: "Do you like to be treated by a man so much!


Many villagers were uproar.

"Sakura! You are too crazy!" Yamako Yoshino shouted in surprise.

Shikamaru frowned, and said, "Sakura loves to my mind, the future Sasuke in the video has obviously completely crooked,

Really, isn't it just a face, so important?


When Sasuke heard this, the corner of his mouth was pumped.

I always feel that I have suffered a disaster.

Yamako Yoshino was still shocked Sakura's words. When he heard Shikamaru's words, he immediately answered: "Oh! I have to

Having said that, it is still very important, but I think it must not be done to leave the village. Sakura should take the future Sasuke

Just bring it back.


Although she feels like she has some love brains.

But since he was a child, he grew up in the mountains.

For wood leaves, for family.

Yamako Yino is still very responsible.

As the daughter of the family.

Be defeated?

She doesn't dare to think about such a picture.

Therefore, she was shocked about Sakura's complete behavior.

In the Naruto Building, perceive class.

I felt that her daughter had almost collapsed.

He nodded quickly, saying, "Yes, yes, all the wildness has improved.

Being able to say such a thing shows that his training for so many years is still not unsuccessful.

on the square.

The Shimura Tuanzang looked at this scene, and laughed coldly: "The people of the Uchiha family are really the source of trouble of wood leaves! Kakashi,

Is this that trains your students? Thinking about these messy things all day is not like a ninja.


"I have said it long ago. If it is left to me to cultivate, there will not be so extra thoughts at the root!

His cold eyes stared at Sasuke.

Kakashi sighed helplessly, saying: "Mr. Tuanzang, although it seems that I really have some responsibility, but the seventh class is me

Responsible, how do I teach my students, don't need to intervene."

"Huh." Shimura Tuan hid coldly, no longer speechless.

Anyway, Uchiha Sasuke's potential threat.

He was divided!

The evil Uchiha clan like this did not have the possibility of wood leaf at all, but threatened the heal.

It's not a pity to kill a little.

Therefore, if there is a chance, he will never hesitate.

Naruto also reacted, watched the video, and was incredible: "What do you do, you want to leave

Open the wooden leaves ... "

"Sasuke, are you in the future, because you ca n’t beat me, are you afraid to run away?

"Then you are too timid.

Naruto looked at Sasuke, and his eyes looked down with some.

"What are you talking nonsense! Sasuke was stimulated immediately, and immediately cursed:" First of all! I will never be surpassed by you!

Secondly, I will not be scared to run away by you! The tail of the crane! "

"Why do you want to leave Muye in that video! Naruto shouted.

"none of your business!"

"Then you are afraid of me!"

"The tail of the crane! You dream! I will be afraid of you!


The two quarreled again.

Let the side, because of the words in the video, the Sakura, who was overwhelmed, stunned.

I just in the video.

He actually said to go with Sasuke.

Even if she was shocked.

Walk together, leave the village?

Sakura has never been like this


She can't help asking herself in her heart. If Sasuke is in the future, she really wants to leave the village and let herself go together.


For a while, she was tangled in her heart.

If for Sasuke, she may really leave ...

So, am I really in love?


In particular, after feeling the various eyes that the villagers gathered at her.

Sakura is even more embarrassing.

Although it was what she did in the future.

But this year, everyone watched the video. The difference between the future and the present, it seems that the difference is not so big.

It's easy to substitute!


The shelf of Sasuke and Naruto quarreled.

The eyes of the villagers were attracted by the two.

Sakura's pressure suddenly decreased.

not far away.

The ape flying sun looked at this scene quietly. He looked at Sakura, who was at a loss, and Kakashi, who had a tough attitude towards the Tuanzang.

There are Naruto and Sasuke who are louder than just now.


"Help Sakura attracting attention and relieve stress. He smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The seventh class is a very united and excellent class.

He has nothing wrong.

"However, the fetters of Sakura and Sasuke are so deep that they are so deep." He rubbed his head.

Love is not so easy to cope with him.

What was originally expected was that Chunye Sakura used the fetters to make Sasuke cheerful and out of hatred.

I did not expect that the effect was developing in the opposite direction.

"Forget it, at this point in time." Ape Feiri cherished Sasuke again, murmured: "Many things, no

It happened again!


This time, if he stared at himself, he didn't believe it, would he still have a defect?

[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[Hearing this words of Haruno Sakura..

[Uchiha Sasuke stood in place, silently silent for a while, and finally said slowly. In his voice, with

With a little smile and ridicule, said, "Oh, you are really annoying.

[Uchiha Sasuke turned slowly, and everyone finally saw his face again..

[Hearing the reply, Sakura immediately raised his head, and his eyes were a little happy. Looking at Sasuke: "Sasuke ... You ... you want, you want,

小 "] (Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

[She hasn't finished speaking yet..

[Uchiha Sasuke's figure flashed, and he regained her back, split a knife, and hit her neck..

[The face of the original surprise became confused instantly, Haruno Sakura's eyes were closed, and it could not be supported at all. Falling on the ground, it could only be slowly.

Close your eyes and faint..

[Uchiha Sasuke picked her up, and then put it on the bench next to him, and said faintly: "No."]

[Then, turned and walked away, out of the sleepy Tianmen...[ 221593091]

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