[In the sky, the video continues to play..

[Two people thrown away by Kakashi flew Qi Qi to the edge of the water pillar next to..

[Boom, the attack of the two was hit on the water column, and the thousand birds instantly hit the water pillar and iron box made of steel skin out of a mouth.

A large amount of water flow continued to flow out..

[And Naruto's spiral pill was hit on the iron tank, but it just made a depression, and it was not completely fragmented.

There are only a small part of the small cracks that cause the water to flow out..

[The attack scars caused by Uchiha Sasuke Thousand Bird have obvious gaps..

This scene.

But it was the pleasant people who had just been scolded.

"Well! Uchiha Sasuke's attack, the power is obviously stronger!

"This is the power of Chibird, it seems that it is more powerful than a spiral pill."

"So, if Qi Mu Kakashi didn't run out and inserted it, then it should be Uchiha Sasuke won?"

"It seems that it should be, Uchihasa Sasuke's move, Wizhis is obviously stronger. '

Although it did not directly separate the victory.

However, comparison through the damage caused by attack.

Everyone also judged who was even more powerful.

In Muye Village.

Uchiha Sasuke is extremely happy, okay, fortunately!

His strength seems to be more fierce than Naruto!

OK! I have to work harder!

Never catch this crane tail!

I am in the future, thank you for making so many awakening for me.

I will remember you!

The kaleidoscope writes wheel eye, Xu Zuo Neng, Thousand Birds, Leiche, Kirin ... These are all the east he learned from his future.

It was considered that he touched the future path in advance.

Can save a lot of detours.

When Naruto saw this scene in the video, it was frustrated, and said, "What, how is this.


He raised his right hand: "Is my spiral pill power so bad?


Although this trick is not yet.

But he has seen his future use several times.

So it's still very impressive.

Even with the help of Nine -tailed, he had directly condensed one.


After Jiuwei did not cooperate, he could not easily condense Chakra as easy as his thoughts.["You two, what do you do." After Kakashi shook the two away, his tone said solemnly: "Is this a battle between your companions!"]

[Uchiha Sasuke's eyes were cold, standing on the ground, and glanced at Naruto's damage caused by the damage to the iron water tank..


[Naruto is unwilling to look at it, saying: "Teacher Kakashi! I have already wanted to teach this big guy hard

["You two, you will only make trouble here, let the people around you worry." Kakashi glanced at Haruno Sakura and said helplessly to the three: "Okay, hurry back, not to do this extent in the future.Consultation.

[Naruto's unwillingness, after all, he did lose from the power of the move..

[So I left uncomfortably..

[Uchiha Sasuke also stepped down the top of the floor from the other side. On the way, I saw not far away.


[The back of the water tank has been completely broken, and the entire back is opened. The huge water flow flows down from the back of the water tank like the waterfall..

[Uchiha Sasuke, who was still slightly proud, suddenly stunned, his complexion was gloomy instantly..

"This! This is it?! Just caused by the vortex of the vortex?!"

"My God! What is going on! The positive damage is so small, but there is no place to hit the back, there is such a large hole? What kidding!

"Is the power of the spiral pill so powerful!

One time.

Everywhere in the ninja, I just had a joke on Naruto's spiral pill, thinking that he lost to Sasuke's residents and shocked

I can't see it before.

But the degree of rupture of the water tank on the back is much more exaggerated than Uchiha Sasuke!

"Yeah! Spiral pills are so amazing. '.!" Just entered school, and Konaru, who became a ninja school, shouted excitedly:

"Everyone! Everyone! Look! This is the skill I used to kill a Payne before!"

He excitedly screamed at the classmates next to him.

Earlier six Payne invaded wood leaves.

He didn't forget.

One Payne was hit by a spiral pill!

Although he will not use it yet.

But at that time, he had deeply remembered the trick of spiral pill!

Hahaha! After school, after school, medical squat vortex Naruto!

Be sure to let him teach me!

The students around were really shocked.

"The power of spiral pills is great!"

"Is this Naruto's ninjutsu?


"Brother Naruto is so amazing, it is indeed the hero of our bed!


"When he won the six Payne before, I was moved so much! Woohoo! Great, the village was saved!"

Children who are young.

For the content in the video, the most deep memory and the easiest to change their cognition.

Earlier six Payne invaded wood leaves, causing damage caused them to be scared.

But with the advent of the immortal Naruto, the six Payne defeated!

Also thorough, the children of the Ninja School regard it as a hero!

on the square.

"Papapapa!" How lost just now, how proud Naruto was at this time, he shouted excitedly:


[Hey! Do you see

! Do you see it?! I just say it, I am very powerful! My spiral pill is also very powerful! "

"Sasuke, I didn't lose to you!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth, his face was ugly.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

Unexpectedly, the future is really surpassed by this guy!

No, every day, I have to practice in the dead!

Ingenuity ... I must not lose! I must not be caught up so quickly, but I am the one who wants to revenge!

[The video continues to play..

[Naruto has left.] [ 221593011]

[But Sasuke heard Kakashi's voice again..

["Just the strength of your trick of thousands of birds just faced the strength of the same village partner, Sasuke."]

[Uchiha Sasuke looked up, Kakashi was sitting above the water pillar next to him..

[Sasuke's face is gloomy, no reply..

["Do you plan to kill Naruto. Kakashi's voice is already a little serious.]

[Uchiha Sasuke was silent for a moment, and his face left ugly..

[At this time, Sakura's narration sound again..

["Naruto noticed the darkness of Sasuke's heart. He knew that there was no way to make Sasuke back in a way of persuasion, so he planned to completely suppress him with strength and let him think about other things ... NarutoThis is the reason for me not to get rid of this ... No

He knew that he had grown up, and he was able to face Sasuke."]


"My inner darkness? Sasuke listened to these words and said silently:" How can I have any darkness, I am simply simply

To revenge."

Sakura's face flushed, her face was embarrassing, showing a stiff smile.

Attempt to use expressions to soothe your inner shame.


Auspicious video!

At the beginning, she was gone, and she had the expectations of her love with Sasuke in the video.

Only the depression is left!

I thought it would be her future memories of the sweet love story with Sasuke.

As a result, it is the abuse of single love love at all!

Too shame!

As she was embarrassed.

Yamako Nono laughed madly, and gave her a knife again: "Hahaha! I laughed at me! I thought Sakura

The big forehead is really with Sasuke. The result is simply a single love love! Really dish, Sakura, all become

Sasuke's teammates, they are still so disgusted! Haha, give up early.


Xiaoying: "..."

She took a deep breath.

Two fists.

Stinky well! Stinky woman! You will come down if you have the ability! I must fight with you!

Inuzuka and others next to them, there was no doubt that if the Yamanaka was next to the Yamanaka.

Two people must have become a piece.

As she was embarrassed, everyone in the ninja listened to the voice of Sakura in the video.

A few barrage appeared again.

(Barrage: Now that you know your waste, hurry up! Stupid, still reflect there, really reflect on it

Go to see Sasuke?)

(Barrage: Indeed, Sakura is really stupid! At least she really does not make joy when she was a child, always doing something stupid.)

Sakura: "..."

(Barrage: The most abandoned heroine is not talking about it. He knows that Sasuke has defeated, and his strength is also very strong.

Other people in Koba were stunned. I don't know what she wants to do, just like a fool.Cure

The most abandoned?

Sakura was hit again.

Although knowing that marbles often have nonsense.

However, so far, there is no good word for her.

This is too difficult to accept!

Am I really so bad?

(Barrage: Sakura really hates now, but after getting married in the future, it will become more attractive.)

(Barrage: Bo people are also called Naruto?! Not boring! Not burning at all! It's all fake PPT!)

(Barrage: Okay, the latest comics are pretty good now.)

Ninja people: "..."

"What are these people talking about!"

"Blog? This name has been seen several times in the barrage."

"What PPT, what comics, is the blogger biography a comic? You can't understand these words."

Everyone was confused.

However, because the barrage was always nonsense.

Therefore, the audience didn't care too much.

"" I heard this, Haruno Sakura is really a little stupid. She went to the rebellion of Uchiha Sasuke, but she was alone.

Go, isn't she afraid of death! "

"It's up to love, Haruno Sakura thinks Uchiha Sasuke wouldn't he kill her?


"Nonsense! It must not, how can I marry Uchiha Sasuke in the future?"

"But Uchiha Sasuke even killed without hesitation. I feel that he is really ruthless now!

Everyone continues to discuss.


In Muye Village.

"What! There is much more attractive after marriage?! The disdain of the Yamako Nono came:" Cut! How can this big forehead be available

Yes! I don't believe it! I must be more attractive than her!

Shikamaru: "Your name is qi, not charm."

"Roll! Dead Shikang Pills!"

The voice of the two reached below.

Sakura's heart keeps praise for Shikamaru!



Say well! Shikamaru!

She originally saw the barrage scolding her, and she was already sad.

However, someone boasted that she became more attractive after she got married. Suddenly, my heart was relieved.

Take it up.

Hey, I will never always be so annoying!

Grow! I must grow up, grow like Naruto and Sasuke!

Sakura cheer up for himself.

[Tianmu, the video continues to play..

[The picture changes..

[Under the moonlit, everything is silent, and most people have been sleeping in Muye Village..

[Uchiha Sasuke's backbone figure appeared on the road from Muye to the village..

[And behind him, it was Haruno Sakura..

"Is this? What happened?"

Everyone was stunned.


["I am different from you. Uchiha Sasuke's gentle voice slowly sounded.]

["It's not on the road." In his voice, with a hint of regret..

[The whole picture of Haruno Sakura appears in front of everyone, but at this time, her eyes are full of tears and are constantly falling.


"Cry! Crying is good!


"What are you doing? Uchiha Sasuke told her to break up?"

"Hahaha, at this time they should not (well) together.

Muye Village, the top of the Naruto Building.


Yamako Yinye said with a weird face: "Cry so powerful? Sakura, what are you doing, scare people.

Sakura's mouth was pumped.

How do I know! You eight wives!

["I ... I like Sasuke very much! Haruye Sakura shed tears and shouted loudly:" If Sasuke can be with me

If you are together, I will never let you regret it! Every day I will be happy every day, which will definitely make you happy! Absolutely ... Really!



[Uchiha Sasuke stood silently, because he was facing his back, he could not see his expression clearly..

["I will help you revenge, I will definitely want to do everything to help you! So, so stay here ... • Let's go with me

Please! "Haruno Sakura's voice gradually weaker, full of pleasure.]

For a while, the pure land in the ninja was uproar.

They finally understood what this was doing.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"So, Uchiha Sasuke is going to defect?!"

"Haruno Sakura knows he is going to defect, is he staring now?"

"My God, these words that Haro Sakura said is too exciting!


"This dead boy! You can have such a girlfriend like this! Too enviable! Haro Sakura like this family so much

Do you!


The residents of the ninja world are discussing, and many people are shocked by Sakura's appearance.

Similarly, it is too much for Uchiha Sasuke's indifference!

Inside the forest.

Dry persimmon ghostly spoke in surprise: "Wow, Mr. Itachi, if your brother agreed, then your enemies would be more

A younger sister ... but this woman looks weakened, there should be no threat.

Uchiha Itachi: "..."

He looked at Haruye Sakura in the video, and was silent

If it is her, maybe she can really do it.


For a while, a smile suddenly showed, and said, "It's a good girl ...

[ 221593011]

Let Sasuke happy ...

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