Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 72 Qi Transformation of the Five Elements

"This is……"

Fang Qian carefully took out a pill from the cauldron, his hands trembling.

Bursts of rays of light covered his face.

"This is the seventh grade!"

"Purple Jade Snow Pill, it's actually a seventh-grade pill!"

Fang Qian rubbed his eyes hard, trembling his lips, and stared again and again, unable to believe that this was true.

"Well, not bad, not bad!"

Lu Yu nodded with satisfaction.

"How's it going? Senior Brother Fang, I'm not lying to you. I've told you a long time ago that I won't destroy your ingredients. Isn't this elixir pretty good?"

Is this more than good?

This Purple Jade Snow Pill is an elixir used to assist cultivation. It can purify the true energy in the body, making the true power more condensed. It is extremely effective and is very popular among practitioners in the true essence realm. A kind of elixir.

Compared with its powerful effect, it is also very difficult to refine.

Even if Fang Gan did it himself, he was not completely sure that he could successfully refine it.

In fact, he has been planning to refine this elixir for a long time, and the materials have been prepared, but he has not started yet because he lacks confidence.

In the recent period, Lu Yu had been bringing him various prescriptions for help, allowing him to refine many strange medicines. This invisibly increased his confidence, and he finally decided to start the furnace.

But even if he made up his mind to start the furnace, he never thought that he would be able to refine the elixir into a seventh-grade elixir. In his original plan, it would be a blessing to be able to refine it into the lowest five-grade elixir.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu managed to refine it to the seventh level after just a few random fiddlings!

Is this pure luck, or is he really capable?

"Junior Brother Lu, you... how did you do it?" Fang Qian looked at Lu Yu with excitement.

"Didn't I say it before?" Lu Yu shrugged unnecessarily, "Reading, I have been studying some Alchemy classics very carefully recently, and I have benefited a lot, so when you are free, you should read more books! "

Can this be achieved by reading more books?

Fang Gan rolled his eyes and was speechless for a while.

But other than that, he couldn't find a more reasonable explanation.

This guy obviously didn't know anything about alchemy a few days ago and left all the alchemy matters to himself. But now he can easily refine the best elixirs in the blink of an eye. This can't be achieved by just a simple sentence of luck. explain.

Perhaps, this is true talent.

Thinking of this, Fang Qian couldn't help but feel sour in his heart. He didn't expect that this junior brother Lu Yu was not only extremely talented in cultivation, but also had such a high talent in alchemy!

Moreover, he also has an eighth-grade treasure armor, and he is favored by Uncle Yang!

God, this guy is so jealous!

But soon Fang Qian adjusted his mentality again and smiled broadly at the seventh-grade Purple Jade Snow Pill in his hand.

A thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand.

He couldn't just envy these advantages of Junior Brother Lu, but he still held onto what he had in his hands.

He found an exquisite small wooden box, carefully put the Purple Jade Snow Pill inside, and put it away.

"Thank you so much, Junior Brother Lu Yu, for your help! In a few days, it will be the opening day of Yuanjiangwei City. After I sell this elixir, I will definitely treat Junior Brother Lu to have a good drink, and we will go and drink the most delicious medicine. Expensive Burning Immortal Wine!”

Lu Yu was slightly startled: "Yuanjiangwei City?"

A smile appeared on Fang Gan's face.

"Junior Brother Lu has just started his career not long ago. He has been busy these days with the things that Uncle Yang told him. He must not have been to Yuanjiangwei City yet, right?"

"Yuanjiangwei Market is at the foot of Langya Peak in the center of our sect, with Langya Peak in the back and adjacent to Yuanjiang River. It is the most prosperous market in our Dali Sword Sect, with a dazzling array of treasures and everything you need!"

"Not only our disciples of the Dali Sword Sect will trade there, but also chambers of commerce from all over the world have set up branches there. Businessmen from other places and overseas visitors also come to visit from time to time..."

"A lot of new and strange things happen there, and it's quite interesting. If Junior Brother Lu has some free time, why not come with me and have a good look at it? I'll keep it open to your eyes!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel excited.

He smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then I will go with Senior Brother Fang to broaden my horizons!"

"However, Senior Brother Fang has already made a good elixir. It would be boring for me to just hang out without any business. I wonder if you can lend me Senior Brother's elixir furnace for a few days?"

Fang Gan was startled: "You also want to make elixirs and sell them in Yuanjiangwei Market?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Just practice your skills!"

This seventh-grade purple jade snow elixir was actually worth the elixir that Fang Qian had refined for a year. Naturally, he would not be stingy about lending the elixir furnace to Lu Yu.

So he waved his hand generously: "You can just use it!"

Lu Yu did not start refining the pill immediately, but returned to his room.

He set the time to open the furnace for the next day.

Firstly, he needed to prepare materials, and secondly, he needed to recover his physical strength.

On the surface, it seemed that he had just fooled around a few times and easily refined the seventh-grade elixir, but in fact this was not the case.

It is not a simple matter to purify the elixir energy to the extreme. The difficulty of refining the seventh-grade purple jade snow elixir is actually the limit that he can reach at present. After this, the red energy in his body is reduced. The power of the lotus was exhausted.

Lu Yu sat cross-legged on the bed in the room, raised his hand slightly, spread his fingers, and turned his palm upward.

Suddenly, a ball of flame appeared in his palm.

This is the power of true fire evolved from the true energy in his body, and it is this power that gives him the ability to purify the alchemy energy.

If this scene were seen by others, they would probably become stupid.

He is obviously only at the first level of the True Yuan Realm, but the true energy in his body has actually begun to transform into the five elements, and he is still in a state where the power of true fire is fully realized.

"I don't know what the result will be if I face that senior brother Qi Yunkai again at this time?"

Lu Yu still clearly remembers that when he had a conflict with Qin Xiang and Qi Yunkai at the entrance of the mountain gate because of the capture of the disciples of Tianquan Peak, he had a face-to-face confrontation with Qi Yunkai.

At that time, Qi Yunkai's power of true fire had absolute suppression on his condensed true power. Now that he has also condensed the power of true fire, I don't know what will happen if the two of them fight again.

"The power of my true fire was probably condensed successfully because I swallowed the Nine Yang True Water. As for the other four attributes, I don't know how I can condense it?"

Qi transforming the five elements is a power that is only available in the late stages of the True Yuan realm.

Possessing a five-element attribute is the seventh level of the True Element Realm.

Those who have three of the Five Elements attributes are at the eighth level of the True Element Realm.

The ninth level of True Essence Realm is achieved when all five elements are present.

After reaching the ninth level of the True Essence Realm, and then integrating the five elements into one, you will reach the Return to the Sea Realm.

Lu Yu is only at the first level of the True Yuan realm, and his true energy has already begun to possess the attributes of the five elements. It will only be more difficult to improve in the future.

Moreover, just condensing the fire attribute, one of the five elements, has already consumed the Nine Yang True Water accumulated over many years in Tianquan Peak. As for the other four attributes, what kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures are needed to condense them? Lu Yu simply dare not Imagine.

Through this small flame in his palm, Lu Yu seemed to have seen that his future path of cultivation was filled with bottomless pits one after another.

Therefore, he must start preparing for a rainy day from now on, work hard to make money, and accumulate resources.

The only consolation is that he already has the means to make money.

Although he can only purify elixirs similar to the first-level seventh-grade Purple Jade Snow Pill at the moment, he believes that as his strength increases, his purification ability will definitely increase with the tide.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu stopped thinking and took back the flame in his hand.

He calmed down and closed his eyes.

After a while, he entered a meditative state.

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