Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 71 The second star lights up

After returning to Jade Butterfly Peak, Lu Yu and Yang Chudie separated.

Although Nine Yang True Water has been obtained, the entire healing method is very complicated and requires preparation in many aspects.

After he made an agreement with Yang Chudie to try to heal his wounds in a few days, he hid in his room and closed the door tightly.

The first thing he did was to sink his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness and open the star map in his body.

At this time, two dazzling stars were already shining on the star map.

After being promoted to the True Element Realm, the second star on the star map finally lit up.

The first star before was transformed from the Lotus Nirvana Medical Sutra and showed bright white light. The second star that is now lit up has a hazy green light.

I don’t know what kind of effect this star will have, and whether it will be as magical as the Lotus Nirvana Medical Sutra.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, and his consciousness entered the second star of dim blue light.


My mind is roaring!

Countless and confusing information flooded into my mind!

Alchemy, alchemy furnace, alchemy energy, heat, pharmacology of alchemy, material properties, mutual generation and mutual restraint, relative conflict... all kinds of knowledge about alchemy cauldron, all-encompassing, broad and profound.

"This is... the Supreme Alchemy of Lotus Flower?"

"It's a star about the art of alchemy!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel shocked.

This star can be said to complement the first medical star.

The way of medicine and the way of alchemy are closely related to each other, and there are many intersections between the two. This star also complements many profound principles about the mutual interdependence of medicinal properties and attributes.

Now that this star is lit, he no longer has to rely on Fang Gan to complete any questions about alchemy.

"Huh? This is..."

Lu Yu suddenly discovered a lotus-shaped brilliance among the stars. Its state was very similar to the red lotus cyclone in his body.

Lu Yu touched it lightly, and a flash of light flashed across his mind.

"This... is actually the magical effect of the power of red lotus on alchemy. It turns out that the power of red lotus has the effect of purifying alchemy energy?"

"In this way, as long as the power of red lotus is injected into the elixir to purify the elixir when refining it, wouldn't it be easy to obtain high-quality elixirs!"

Lu Yu's heart was filled with excitement.

This second Alchemy Star is indeed no less magical than the Star of the Medical Scripture!

Lu Yu couldn't help but wanted to try it for himself immediately.

He immediately opened his eyes, jumped out of bed, and rushed out the door.

Then he ran straight to the small courtyard where Fang Qian was.

At this time, it was just dawn.

Fang Qian was watching the fire in the alchemy room, his eyes bleary.

Seeing Lu Yu rushing in hastily, he couldn't help being startled and suddenly trembled.

"Lu... Junior Brother Lu? Why so early? What happened?"

In the past few days, although Lu Yu often came to see him because of the need to heal Yang Chudie's injuries, there was never such an urgent time.

Immediately, he noticed something different from before, and his eyes widened.

" have already entered the True Essence Realm!" He was speechless.

Lu Yu didn't answer and asked directly: "Senior Brother Fang, can I borrow your alchemy furnace?"

"What are you going to use the alchemy furnace for? Are you going to refine elixirs for Master Yang again?"

Fang Gan was puzzled. In the past, when Lu Yu came to him, he would just throw the prescription materials over to him, but he had never mentioned using an alchemy furnace.

"But I'm practicing right now. I have to wait until I finish this furnace before I can help you!"

"Exercising now?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but his eyes lit up: "Can you let me have a look?"

With that said, he walked into Fang Qian's alchemy room.

A wave of heat hit my face.

In the middle of the alchemy room, a huge bronze cauldron stands, with blazing flames in it, and various materials in the furnace are being refined in the middle.

"I have been refining this furnace of pills for two days and two nights. I'm afraid I won't be able to finish it until noon."

When Fang Gan saw Lu Yu staring at the alchemy furnace intently, he yawned and explained to him.

Lu Yu turned to look at him and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Fang Gan must be tired after practicing for two days and two nights. How about I keep an eye on the heat for you next?"

"You come?"

Fang Gan couldn't believe his ears.

This Lu Yu's cultivation may be very powerful, but alchemy is not different from cultivation. It involves more skills and experience, and what matters is specialization in the art.

This guy obviously asked me for help every time he came to make alchemy before, but now he brazenly said that he would help him guard the fire!

Could it be that it started to expand because it was promoted to the True Essence Realm?

"Senior Brother Fang, go and rest quickly, leave this place to me!"

As Lu Yu spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and prepared to adjust the fire in the giant cauldron.

Fang Qian was suddenly startled, and quickly rushed forward and stopped in front of Lu Yu.

"Junior Brother Lu, you...what are you going to do? You...don't mess around!"

"My furnace is full of precious materials, and it can't stand up to your messing around. If it breaks down, I'll have to drink the northwest wind this year!"

"Senior Brother Fang, to tell you the truth, under your influence, I have studied several Alchemy classics carefully in the past few days. I already have a lot of experience in the way of Alchemy. I will never ruin this of yours. Lu Dan, don’t worry!”

How many alchemy books have you studied?

Fang Qian was vomiting blood in his heart.

Just read a few books, and you actually think you are an expert in alchemy?

Do you think making alchemy is that easy?

He kept telling himself to reassure himself, it’s strange that I can rest assured!

Lu Yu looked at the expression on Fang Gan's face and knew that it would not be so easy to get him to agree to control the pill furnace.

He thought for a moment, then unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the fire scale armor he wore underneath.

While Fang Gan was stunned, he took off his fire scale armor and harvested a small pine cone-shaped ball.

"This is an eighth-grade fire scale armor. I think it should be more than enough to counter Senior Brother Fang's batch of elixirs."

"I will leave this Fire Scale Armor with you. If I damage Senior Brother Fang's materials, I will compensate Senior Brother Fang for this. What do you think?"

Fang Gan took the Fire Scale Armor and was shocked.

Even for inner disciples, the eighth-grade treasure armor is an extremely rare treasure.

And this Lu Yu actually casually took out an eighth-grade treasure.

This kid is indeed not a simple character!

However, Fang Qian finally stopped stopping Lu Yu from manipulating the alchemy furnace.

Lu Yu began to play with the pill furnace wantonly.

Fang Gan looked on with horror.

Although this Lu Yu looked confident and calm, many of his manipulations seemed to Fang Qian to be meaningless or even completely unreasonable.

It seems that he has only read a few books and is completely unaware of the huge gap between theory and practice.

Fang Gan couldn't help but fell into complicated thoughts, and heaven and man were at war in his heart.

He hoped that Lu Yu would destroy the elixir, and then the fire scale armor would be his from now on.

But at the same time, he was worried, what if Lu Yu suddenly regretted it?

I am no match for him, I can't beat him at all!

Go to Uncle Yang to complain?

With Master Yang's favor and trust in this boy, there's no point in suing him!

Fang Qian's heart suddenly hung up, and he was worried about gains and losses, and he was extremely hesitant.

Time passed slowly bit by bit, and I finally made it to noon.

Finally, Lu Yu put out the flame in the furnace.

He looked refreshed, clapped his hands and said, "Okay!"

Fang Gan's face turned dark. He had no hope at all for this batch of elixirs. He was only thinking about what kind of words he should say in order to force Lu Yu not to regret it.

"Senior Brother Fang, should you turn on the furnace, or should I?"

"It's better... let me do it!"

Fang Qian replied weakly.

Although there is no hope for the elixir, this elixir furnace is also very valuable.

If Lu Yu, a stupid young man, was allowed to start the furnace carelessly and damage his alchemy furnace, then he would lose more than he gained. After all, this is the guy he eats.


When the alchemy furnace was opened, a stream of white gas steamed out, and the aroma was fragrant.


From the looks of it, the material doesn’t seem to be broken!

When the white gas was exhausted, bursts of glow were reflected in the cauldron.

Fang Gan couldn't help but feel a huge shock all over.

What's happening here?

There is actually Danxia? How can this be!

This is a scene that only appears when the refined elixir reaches its final state, which is extremely rare!

Could it be that under Lu Yu's random tossing, not only was this pot of pills not broken, but it actually turned out to be of excellent quality?

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