Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 73 A pill for Hei Buliuqiu

Early the next morning, Lu Yu came to Fang Qian's alchemy room again.

After a whole day's rest, he had regained his strength, and he was in great spirits and in excellent condition.

"Junior Brother Lu is here so early? I have already cleaned the furnace and can start it at any time. I wonder what kind of elixir you plan to refine?"

Fang Gan rubbed his hands and said with a smile.

In fact, he was looking forward to Lu Yu's operation of the alchemy furnace. Yesterday, due to lack of confidence, he did not see clearly how Lu Yu operated the alchemy furnace. Today was a good opportunity to observe carefully.

"I just want to practice my skills. I wonder if Senior Brother Fang has anything to recommend?"

Fang Gan smiled and said: "Although it's just a practice, Junior Brother Lu has such a good skill, it would be a pity if we don't pursue some benefits!"

"Next month will be the day when Xiaoli Tian's secret realm opens. Now the disciples on each mountain peak are gearing up and actively preparing for the battle. In the recent period, the best thing bought on the market is the elixir to boost cultivation. , and first-aid healing elixirs.”

"Among these elixirs, the most cost-effective is the Xuepou Dahuan Dan. The materials required for it are not very scarce. I have them all ready-made here, and the price is very good. However, it is slightly more difficult to refine. A little bigger..."

"But with Junior Brother Lu's skills, it shouldn't be a problem to refine this elixir."

"Xue Po Da Huan Dan?"

Lu Yu frowned and began to think.

"Let me think about it..."

Xue Po Da Huan Dan is a first-aid healing medicine. Although it is very good, among Lu Yu's alchemy stars, he has a better choice.

I just don’t know if the materials are enough…

So he looked through the existing materials in Fang Qiandan's room, combined with some of the materials he brought over, and compared the two for a long time.

Fang Qian thought he was feeling sorry for the materials, so he said with a smile: "Junior brother Lu, feel free to use the materials I have here, and treat it as my support to you, as long as you allow me to watch and observe!"

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Fang!"

Lu Yu finally took stock of the materials and made a decision in his mind.

Turn on the furnace!

Lu Yu waved his hands, and his true energy suddenly surged out.

All the required materials flew up together, and under the pull of the true energy, they filed into the alchemy furnace, extremely quickly but in an orderly manner.

Behind him, Fang Gan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

The more advanced the elixir is refined, the more stringent and demanding the details are. Even from the moment the materials enter the elixir furnace, they are already particular about it.

For elixirs like refining the Snow Soul Great Return Pill, you cannot slowly add the ingredients one by one, because from the moment they enter the elixir furnace, their pharmacological properties have already begun to interact with each other. reaction.

Lu Yu's method of adding materials at this time has clearly become a master's style.

Even Fang Qian, a veteran of alchemy for many years, could not fail to do this, because this test not only requires an incomparable familiarity with the various properties of the materials, but also requires the control of the true energy to the peak.

Just based on this move, Fang Qian was already impressed by Lu Yu in his heart.

I have to say that alchemy is something that really requires talent. For someone like Junior Brother Lu, it is obvious that the old man is giving him a meal!

Added lava crystals!

Immediately, a fierce fire broke out in the alchemy furnace.

Fang Gan's eyes widened and he began to pay close attention to Lu Yu's every move and every detail.

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a faint smile on his lips.

He is not afraid of Fang Gan stealing his master.

If the techniques in the Alchemy Stars can be stolen so easily, then one must underestimate the Supreme Alchemy of the Lotus.

In fact, the core of his method of refining elixirs is to purify the elixir energy, and the purification of elixir energy can only be achieved by the power of red lotus. Therefore, no matter how Fang Qian learns or memorizes it, it is at best in vain and rare. Its god.

Lu Yu's operation of the alchemy furnace turned out to be faster. Fang Qian was so dazzled by it that he quickly lost his memory. He quickly found a piece of paper and scribbled on it, and then he could barely keep up with Lu Yu's rhythm.

After about a quarter of an hour, Lu Yu stopped and breathed out softly.

Fang Qian was startled: "Is it healed already?"

Lu Yu smiled: "It's not that easy. Let's take a rest and wait for the heat."

Refining Dan Qi also requires step-by-step operations. Otherwise, if he keeps exerting the power of red lotus, Lu Yu may be exhausted to death after refining it in one furnace.

In the following time, Lu Yu re-operated the alchemy furnace every one or two hours, and each purification operation lasted about a quarter of an hour.

This was repeated for a day and a night before the fire gradually went out.

Fang Qian also stayed with me diligently all day and night. I have to say that his diligence and studiousness are very worthy of recognition.

"Finally okay?"

Fang Qian was gearing up and excited. He looked even more anxious than Lu Yu, the person who started the furnace.

"Junior Brother Lu, how about I open the furnace for you?"

Fang Qian rushed to open the furnace before because he was afraid that Lu Yu would damage his alchemy furnace, but this time he wanted to know first what kind of elixir Lu Yu had made.

"Okay, then we have Senior Brother Laofang!"

In fact, opening a furnace is also a technical job. If you are not skilled in the technique, you may damage the alchemy furnace and materials, and in serious cases, you may even hurt yourself.

The alchemy furnace is opened.

Just like before, a large piece of white gas evaporated.

But the smell was obviously different from before, a burnt smell filled the whole room.

Smelling this burnt smell, Fang Qian's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Is it broken due to refining?

Fang Gan kept fanning the air with his palms, and finally waited until the steam dissipated, and finally he could see clearly what was going on inside the furnace.

I saw a dark, dull black object lying quietly inside the alchemy furnace.

Fang Gan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

What's happening here?

Just like last time, Fang Gan couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed them hard and stared again and again.

But the pill furnace is still the same!

This scene was actually very familiar to him. When he was still a young apprentice in alchemy, such a situation happened from time to time.

But how many years ago was that?

Fang Qian couldn't help but burst into tears. What a long-lost scene!

This elixir looks like a defective product that has been broken!

"Senior Brother Fang, how are you?" Lu Yu asked from behind.

"Well, you better come and see for yourself..."

Fang Qian stepped aside.

Lu Yu stepped forward, took out the elixir, held it in his hand, and used the alchemy stars in his body to understand the state of the elixir.

Fang Gan carefully observed the expression on Lu Yu's face, but could not see any change.

"At least, the elixir has been refined... Junior Brother Lu, there is no need to be discouraged. It is already very good to achieve such results for the first time..."

"There are also some extra materials here. How about Junior Brother Lu opening another furnace? However, this time, we should choose a less difficult one..."

Fang Gan comforted Lu Yu.

"No need!"

Lu Yu put away this precious black elixir.

"Isn't Yuanjiangwei City going to open tomorrow? We can't even open the furnace now."

"That's it!"

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