Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2406 Assistance Conditions

Fan Yunle said: "We, the Freemasonry, have worked hard here for many years and have mastered most of the resources in this star field. With our resource advantages, we have close trade relations with many forces in the outer star field. Including the two major immortal courts in the Central World, they also have close cooperation with us, which means that we have the ability to let you enter the Central World through formal channels, or even send you directly to the Six Paths Alliance. "

Lu Yu was not surprised when he heard this. He had long noticed that the ratio of resources here was abnormal, and there seemed to be a black hand behind the scenes. Otherwise, how could Evergreen Bone Lord, who was in charge of Beixuan District, have an army? A huge fleet comparable to a regular army?

Fan Yunle's words now only further confirm this point.

"According to what you said, your Freemasonry's influence on the Central World is really great. I'm curious, how big is your business in the Central World?" Lu Yu said calmly.

Fan Yunle smiled: "I know what you want to say. You want to say that since our Freemasons have reached out to the Central World, we shouldn't be so low-key and cautious, right?"

"But in fact, this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. The reason why our Freemasonry was able to intervene in the Central World was actually by taking advantage of the situation where the two Immortal Courts were hostile to each other. We are in the gray area between them. This We have just opened up a situation and want to ensure the advantage in the gray area. The biggest prerequisite is that our identity cannot make Yongle and Shenhua feel threatened. In this

At one point, keeping the existence of His Majesty the God King secret is the top priority."

"From this, you should know that we are actually taking a big risk in providing you with such assistance this time because once His Majesty the Divine King's existence is noticed by the two Immortal Courts, then the Masonic Association's painstaking efforts for so many years will be Business will be completely wasted.”

Lu Yu first nodded in approval, then quickly shook his head and said, "You're not right."

Fan Yunle was slightly startled: "What's wrong?"

Lu Yu said: "The reasons for surviving in the cracks, gray areas, and using the opposing situation of the two immortal courts to restrain each other are all good, but the last reason is a bit too thin."

"Although Freemasonry is quite large, to your Majesty the God King, this is just the result of what he has done casually over the long years. Even if his identity is exposed, the worst he can do is leave and start a new one. There is really no need to be so careful. There must be other reasons behind him being so cautious.”

"Other reasons?" Fan Yunle suddenly couldn't help but his eyes narrowed, "What other reasons are there?"

Lu Yu was silent, and after thinking for a moment, he slowly said: "First of all, God King Dayan is hidden in this remote place, and is separated from the central world by hundreds of millions of galaxies? He cannot be worried that Yongle and Shenhua will To launch an offensive against him, it is impossible for the two geniuses to restrain each other and have free hands to attack him."

"So, if I'm not wrong, what God King Dayan really cares about is that he is running the Freemasonry.

In the process, the relationship derived from it is to put it more straightforwardly, that is, he should have developed an internal response in the two immortal courts, and he is still in a high position in the two immortal courts. Because of this, the Freemasonry Only then will you be able to thrive in the gap between the two innate talents."

"What your Majesty the God King is really worried about is not that his identity is exposed, but that his inner identity among the two innates is exposed. This is the real reason why he has been so cautious!"

Fan Yunle was completely shocked by Lu Yu's words and looked at Lu Yu dumbfounded.

Lu Yu turned around and looked at him with sharp eyes: "How is it? Am I right?"

Fan Yun said happily: "His Majesty the God King's wisdom is far beyond our reach. If this is really his plan, do you think I will know these inside stories?"

Lu Yu smiled: "You said that, I already knew it. You don't have to admit it. It's enough for everyone to understand each other tacitly."

For a moment, Fan Yunle's eyes were full of killing intent, but he quickly concealed the past. Although the whole process was just a flash in the pan, it was still accurately captured by Lu Yu, but he didn't say anything more, just pretending that there was no trace of it. aware.

"Well, this at least proves that your Freemasonry is indeed reliable on this point, but this is just the first help. Is there any other help?" Lu Yu said again.

Fan Yunle said: "Also, when necessary, we will provide you with strength assistance, especially at the last moment of assassinating the Lord of Pantian. We will help you, but accordingly you must also create something for us.

It’s too early to talk about suitable entry conditions now, and we’ll have to wait and see when the time comes! "

Lu Yu said: "What kind of help is this so-called helping hand? Will His Majesty the God King Dayan personally take action?"

Fan Yunle said: "I can't give you an accurate promise now. I can only guarantee that as long as the situation permits, we will go all out. But before that, you must first create favorable conditions. At least you must first transfer the power of the Pantian Lord." Find out the specific location and then we can decide on the next step!”

"The specific location of Lord Pantian?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "Isn't he in the dojo of Pantian Dao?"

"The dojo of Pantian Dao?" Fan Yunle couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You really don't know anything about the situation of the Six Paths Alliance, but that's fine. If you enter the Six Paths Alliance in such a state, it will not easily arouse suspicion. Specifically, Please wait until you get to the Six Paths Alliance to get familiar with the information!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

It seems that the situation of the Six Paths Alliance should be more complicated than he expected, but it doesn't matter. This is a very challenging thing, and he has already been mentally prepared for it.

"Do you have any other questions?" Fan Yunle asked again.

"What? Are you going to arrange for me to go on the road this time?" Lu Yu asked back.

Fan Yunle said seriously: "The blooming of your lotus flower has attracted the attention of powerful people from all sides. The entire Cancer Star Territory has never attracted so much attention from all parties as it does now. Arrangements must be made early, otherwise things may change later." ”

Lu Yu said: "You should know that I am not a

I came here, and now I am asked to leave without saying a word. How is this possible? Besides"

After saying that, Lu Yu glanced at Fu Jing, who was trapped and weak beside him, and Huo Yunru, who was still unconscious: "What should they do?"

Under normal circumstances, Lu Yu would not think of being separated from Fu Jing and his daughter, but this time he was going to the Central World. For others, it meant supreme prosperity, but for Lu Yu, There is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. There are not only the Six Paths Alliance, but also Qiutong Palace and Shence Mansion. His biggest enemies are there.

Under such circumstances, he still had not made up his mind whether to take the mother and daughter with him.

"These are just small things," Fan Yunle said. "Whether it's your two companions or your subordinates who stayed in the Beixuan District, I can provide them with shelter. Whether they stay in a safe place or arrange other arrangements. We can meet you somewhere, these can be discussed later, but no matter how they arrange it, at least you have to leave now!”

Lu Yu said: "If this is the case, then I have only one last request!"

"any request?"

"Since you have investigated my background so clearly, you should know how tense the relationship between me and Qiutong Palace is. Could it be that I have been caught in the Kunlun Mirror by them now? As soon as I enter the central world Have you ever thought about the possibility of becoming their prisoner immediately?”

Fan Yun said happily: "The Kunlun Mirror, the artifact of creation, does have the ability to see into the heavens, but if you want to drive such an artifact

, but it requires a big price to pay, and no one will use it to target you all the time. But, what exactly do you want to say? "

Lu Yu said: "It's very simple, please His Royal Highness the God King to divert the attention of Qiutong Palace for me, at least not let the people in Qiutong Palace think that I will enter the Central World at this time. Only in this way can I concentrate on going there." Accomplish our common goal! ”

"This is the help I need most right now!"

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