Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2405 Why not?

Red Lotus and Skyfire collided head-on.

In fact, the volume of Tianhu is far greater than that of Red Lotus, but when the two came into direct contact, the sky fire disappeared instantly and disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

This is not a feint shot by the opponent, but the power of Sky Fire has been completely absorbed and disintegrated by the Red Lotus Domain, and has been distributed to many dimensional spaces at a ratio of one in millions. It looks like Sky Fire was instantly swallowed by Red Lotus. .

This is the benefit of Lu Yu's golden elixir. He can drive the golden elixir law in his body more flexibly and efficiently than before, and instantly transform the original "lotus born outside the lotus" into a "devouring lotus".

At this time, with just this one move, he was able to face the gods without falling behind.

After achieving such an impressive result in his first trial, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel more confident. He raised his hand again, and suddenly a red line flew out from his fingertips, fissuring towards the deep dark space, as if it were splitting the void.

"Now that we're here, how long will we have to hide our heads and show our tails?" Lu Yu said loudly.

The answer to him was a ball of fire

At the end of the red line flying attack, in the dark sky, a ball of flame suddenly ignited, burning the red line sent by Lu Yu instantly.

At the same time, a familiar figure also appeared, it was Fan Yunle, the second master of the Freemasonry.

At this time, his whole body was bathed in firelight, like a god born in the flames, which was completely different from the previous impression he had on Lu Yu in Heiliang City.

"Second boss?" Lu Yu said uncertainly, "What do you mean?"

Fan Yunle laughed and stomped out of the firelight

He stepped out and said, "Mr. Lu, your progress is really amazing. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean any harm. I just feel itchy and want to experience the power of the blooming lotus seed!"

"Experience?" Lu Yu said in a playful tone, "The second master is really good at talking. If I hadn't followed up just now, I would probably be the one experiencing your red blazing sun, burning with fire, right?"

Fan Yunle said with a smile: "Young Master Lu is serious. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. We are already friends. It's just a matter of learning from each other! That's it. That's it. That's it."

Lu Yu sneered in his heart. Although the other party said something nice on the surface, in fact, this was a test. He could guess that this must be the result of the instructions from God King Dayan behind his back, and he would determine his next attitude by testing his strength. Commonly known as watching people order dishes.

Fortunately, he passed the test with flying colors this time. Even if the other party wants to offer a dish next, it will definitely be the biggest one.

"Second Master, there's no need to beat around the bush. Let's all be honest. It's definitely not an accident that you appear here. Tell me, what advice does your Majesty the King of Dayan have?" Lu Yu said.

Fan Yunlai nodded and said: "Master Lu is really quick to talk, so let's be honest. I will appear here. It is indeed the arrangement of His Majesty the God King. It is just incidental to test your cultivation level. The most important thing is that His Majesty the God King wants to ask. What are your next plans? Will you follow the arrangements of King Peacock and go to the Six Paths Alliance to assassinate the Lord of Pantian? "

After hearing the last sentence, Lu Yu couldn't help but froze.


Assassinating the Lord of Pantian was a plan that King Peacock Ming only mentioned to him at the last moment of their separation. It was so highly confidential, how could the other party know it so quickly? Could it be that God King Dayan had been closely monitoring the desolate land before? ? Or is it that the other party has the ability to read minds?

"Young master, you don't have to be suspicious," Fan Yunle said with a smile, "This matter was revealed to His Majesty the Divine King by King Peacock Ming on his own initiative. This is the result of their private communication in other dimensions. King Peacock Ming hopes to get His Majesty's help in this matter, otherwise , do you think you can really enter the Six Paths Alliance to assassinate the Lord of Pantian with your ability? Not to mention other things, just the simplest point, you need to know in what capacity you should join the Six Paths Alliance without arousing suspicion? , you are now a well-known figure in the entire Yongle Immortal Court!"

Lu Yu's brain was working rapidly, trying to determine whether the other party's words were true or false. Is this what the other party said from the bottom of his heart, or was it a new round of testing?

In the end, he still tended to believe the other party, otherwise all this would be too unbelievable. And judging from the arrangement of King Peacock Ming, he actually had a premeditated plan to assassinate the Lord of Pantian. Under such a general premise, King Peacock It is not so incredible that King Ming chose to cooperate with God King Dayan.

"It is true that I intend to assassinate the Lord of Pantian, but King Peacock Ming did not tell me that I would cooperate with you on this matter," Lu Yu said cautiously.

Fan Yun said happily: "He didn't tell you this because His Majesty the God King did not agree before, but now His Majesty has made up his mind.

, he decided to help you in this matter."

"Why is this?" Lu Yu looked confused, "For so long, your Majesty the God King has been hiding his head and tail. Even the people from the Six Paths Alliance refused to take action when they came to the door of his house. Instead, he was worried that his identity would be exposed. Isn't it true? Isn’t he worried about this now?”

Fan Yunle said: "I knew you would have doubts about this. Even now, I won't hide it from you. Before this, there were indeed some conflicts between His Majesty the God King and King Peacock Ming. Therefore, His Majesty the God King did not stop the Six Paths. Alliance, on the contrary, you are happy to see the results. If you hadn't suddenly appeared, this matter would have gone in a completely different direction."

"Now that the misunderstanding between His Majesty the God King and King Peacock Ming has been resolved, a new cooperation agreement has been reached between them, so this matter has naturally passed, and His Majesty the God King's attitude has also changed."

"But in the final analysis, what really made His Majesty the God King make up his mind to do this is because of you, Mr. Lu!"

Fan Yunle's eyes were piercing, he looked straight into Lu Yu's eyes, and he spoke firmly.

"Me?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised.

"Yes, His Majesty the God King saw the hope of success in this matter in you, so he made up his mind. Although he will have to bear some additional risks, as long as this matter can be accomplished, it will be nothing! "

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean by this? Why does he have no worries after this thing is done? Could it be that he also has some deep grudge against the Lord of Pantian?"

Fan Yunle said with a smile: "There is naturally no deep hatred between His Majesty the God King and the Lord Pantian, but as long as this matter is completed, we will be able to crack the multi-dimensional mystery here and recycle the Innocent Spring here into its original form. By that time, His Majesty the Divine King's recovery will have entered a new stage, and we no longer need to be so cautious and hide our heads! "

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the treasure of Lord Pantian that King Peacock Ming mentioned before. He once said that it would be the key to contact the source core of the Immaculate Fountain. It seems that this matter is indeed true.

At the same time, Fan Yunle's words also revealed another important information, that is, God King Dayan is also determined to win the Fountain of Innocents. This is his ultimate goal of staying here for thousands of years.

In this way, will the purposes of both parties conflict?

Fan Yunle seemed to have read through Lu Yu's thoughts, and said with a faint smile: "Young Master Lu, don't worry, we understand your past and the situation you are facing now. King Peacock Ming also clearly mentioned your current needs to His Majesty the God King God King Your Majesty has agreed that as long as this matter can be accomplished, he will give priority to meeting your needs before taking away this spring."

"Really?" Lu Yu was slightly startled, "His Majesty the God King is willing to give priority to meeting my needs?"

Fan Yun said happily: "You still need a large amount of the Innocent Spring to refine yourself. This actually does not conflict with the needs of His Majesty the God King. After your needs are met, His Majesty can take action on the Innocent Fountain. As long as this is If things can come true, then you will complete the Lotus Seed

After tempering, His Majesty the God King will obtain the ancient spring, and the Peacock King Ming will also complete his self-transformation. It can be said to be a win-win result for all three parties. Why not? "

Lu Yu didn't speak. On the surface, it seemed true, but so many years of life and death and ups and downs had taught him one thing, that is, promises that have not yet been made are just a pie in the sky.

There is no doubt that the other party is drawing a big pie for himself at this time.

But even so, he finally decided to accept that no matter whether the cake was real or fake, someone had to make it first before he could eat it in the future.

Lu Yu smiled casually: "Listening to what you said, I can't help but feel excited. Come on, tell me, what kind of help can you provide me?"

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