Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2407 Stabilizing the rear

Fan Yunle did not give Lu Yu a clear reply in the end. He only left a starry sky coordinate for Lu Yu and asked Lu Yu to rush to the predetermined coordinate location to prepare first. He would then reply separately.

After saying that, his body ignited a raging fire, and the flames went out in an instant, and his figure disappeared. The entire deep space of the universe returned to darkness and silence, as if he had never appeared before.

"Has he left already?" Fu Jing said in shock.

Lu Yu said: "Come without a shadow, go without a trace. Originally I thought we had the means to defeat the enemy, but now it seems that our estimate of the power of the Red Square Blazing Sun Dayan God King is still seriously insufficient, but the current situation , which is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Fu Jing whispered: "Are you really going to the Central World to carry out the mission of assassinating the Lord of Pantian?"

Lu Yu turned around and faced her: "Do we have any other better options now?"

Fu Jing couldn't help but feel silent for a while.

Although she was still mentally depressed at this time, she had somewhat recovered some ability to think. She knew that what Lu Yu said was indeed true. First of all, they faced the first dilemma, which was that Lu Yu could no longer stay in this Cancer Star Territory, otherwise Qiu Yu would The people from Tonggong will come over immediately.

Don't forget, when he was confronting Chen Miaoxin and Mo Lin, Lu Yu deliberately exposed the power of the Great Bixiao Saint, and successfully scared them away. After the two of them went back, they would definitely confront Qiutong Palace, and then Coupled with the fact that the Lotus Seed is blooming, Qiutong Palace will definitely pay special attention to this matter. If Lu Yu continues to stay here, there is absolutely no chance.

This is also

Why did Lu Yu ask Dayan God King to help him hide his whereabouts? When the people from Qiutong Palace came to find him, the most suitable person to do anything secretly was Dayan God King. As a local snake, he wanted to stay here. It shouldn't be that difficult to lead the people of Qiutong Palace to follow in the wrong direction.

Of course, he still had to bear certain risks, so Fan Yunle did not directly agree.

"I heard that there are many powerful people in the central world. It is a high-dimensional world where Taoism is prosperous, laws are prevalent, and the level of cultivation is extremely high. In such a world, let alone assassinating gods like the Lord of Pantian, your identity Will it be discovered at the first time?" Fu Jing said softly.

Although she did not explicitly dissuade Lu Yu, her worry was palpable.

Lu Yu said: "You don't have to worry about this. Since the party dares to promise to send me directly to the Six Paths Alliance, then naturally they will not just arrange an identity for me, but also a series of supporting details, such as I will be prepared for changing my appearance, adjusting my cultivation, hiding my characteristics, etc. It will never be discovered directly by others, so we can expect their methods!"

Fu Jing stopped talking.

Lu Yu continued: "Of course, I won't put all my hopes on them. In fact, after I reached the golden elixir, I have an unprecedented level of control over the power in my body, which gives me more power. As long as you give me some time to study autonomy, it may not be impossible to achieve a complete transformation.

, maybe you won’t even be able to recognize me by then! "

Seeing Lu Yu's playful smile, Fu Jing knew that he was deliberately trying to create a relaxed atmosphere. However, she couldn't relax at all, and instead felt increasingly heavy.

"So, you have made up your mind," Fu Jing said softly.

Lu Yu sighed softly: "I'm sorry, I can't bring you with me this time. Although I am very confident, there are too many uncertainties in the Central World. Only by staying here, you are the best." Besides, I also need someone to help me stabilize the rear."

For Lu Yu, the biggest pillar behind him is not the Peacock Daming King or the Dayan God King, but the Ark on the Other Side.

As long as the Ark of the Other Shore is still in his hands, then he will have the confidence to challenge anyone, even if the other party is someone from the Qiutong Palace.

However, currently, all the resources on the Ark on the Other Side are almost exhausted, and the performance is not as good as before. It is necessary to enter a period of incubation to re-accumulate resources.

In addition, the Fountain of Innocent is still hidden in this star field. One day it will make a comeback, so it is necessary to establish a stable stronghold here. It does not require a behemoth like the Freemasons, but at least it must be controlled by oneself. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to call this the "rear area".

To run such a large rear area, you must have people you can trust enough. Currently, the people Lu Yu trusts the most are Yudie and Fu Jing, but no matter who they are, they are not enough to operate in such a complicated situation. He is alone in the situation, but if the two of them join forces,

That's probably about it.

Fu Jing said: "I understand what you said, but I, but I just can't bear it."

For a moment, Lu Yu felt that his heart was about to melt, but he still had to endure it and said with a cruel heart: "We will not be apart for too long, three years. At most, I will be separated for three years." Will come back here again!”

Fu Jing said: "Your current golden elixir can only last for three years. It was King Peacock Ming who said it, right?"

"Yes, so within three years I must complete the tasks he assigned and come back here again!"

"But what if I mean what if, if you don't complete the task in three years, what will you do then?"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said: "If that's the case, it's really the worst situation, but I will still find a way to come back here. At worst, everything will start from scratch again!"

Fu Jing nodded silently: "I understand, then you can go without worry! I will stay here to protect this rear area for you, and I will never let you start from scratch!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh.

What more can I ask for when my confidante is like this?

It is precisely because of such a virtuous wife that he has the courage to face any dangers and challenges on the road ahead.

"Before we separate, I want to nourish you one last time. I can't let you go back looking so sick."

With that said, Lu Yu kissed Fu Jing's lips again and started a new round of Qi balancing and nourishing.

This time it lasted longer.

The two of them were like two trout, mingling together for a whole day and a night.

When Fu Jing became energetic again, he

The light group they were riding finally arrived, with the reservation coordinates provided by Fan Yunle.

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