Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 195 I see people with their hearts

Soon, Yang Chudie learned the formula for operating the furnace, and under Lu Yu's guidance, she began to take over the operation of the furnace.

Lu Yu was finally able to temporarily free himself from the state of high concentration. After taking the pills to replenish his vitality and taking them, he hurriedly sat aside to meditate and restore his strength.

About two hours later, Lu Yu had almost recovered, and stood up and said to Yang Chudie:

"Master, you take a rest, let me take over!"

At this time, Yang Chudie was almost at her limit, and immediately retreated after hearing Lu Yu's words.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said with emotion: "This alchemy is really a strenuous job! I didn't expect that it would take so much effort just to maintain the furnace!"

Lu Yu was silent in her heart. She didn't know the skills of refining Dan Qi, which was equivalent to using her own cultivation to wrestle with Xu Mingshen, and the consumption was naturally huge.

"Master, please rest assured. Don't be too surprised no matter what you see later!" After saying this, Lu Yu injected the power of the red lotus into the furnace and began to refine the chaotic gas mass in the furnace. Because he was going to refine the chaotic gas mass transformed by the strong man in the Return to the Sea Realm, the usual operation strength was no longer helpful. Lu Yu had to go all out to achieve the effect of refining. In other words, he would fully exert the power of the red lotus in front of Yang Chudie without reservation. In this way, the secret of the nine red lotus cyclones hidden in his sea of ​​qi would no longer be hidden. It was for this reason that Lu Yu insisted on waiting for Yang Chudie to come back and solve this problem together. Suppressing the chaotic vitality in the furnace and keeping it stable, perhaps other deacons could do it, but if he wanted to expose his own secrets, Lu Yu chose to trust only Yang Chudie. Lu Yu tried his best, and the power of the red lotus surged out. Just like the scene Xu Mingshen saw before, the shadows of nine red lotuses appeared around Lu Yu's body again.

At this moment, the operation of Lu Yu's Qi Sea was fully displayed without reservation.

Yang Chudie immediately noticed that there were nine small Qi Seas hidden in Lu Yu's Qi Sea at the same time. These nine small Qi Seas gathered together and interacted with each other, and the power stimulated was far greater than the nine small Qi Seas themselves.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be stunned. It was the first time she saw such an incredible way of exercise.

At this time, she finally understood. No wonder Lu Yu could always defeat the strong with the weak and do things that others couldn't do. It turned out that the root of everything was here.

Although she was extremely curious in her heart, Yang Chudie knew that now was not a good time to ask questions. She suppressed her curiosity and silently watched Lu Yu surrounded by red lotuses.

After staring at Lu Yu for a quarter of an hour, Yang Chudie finally retracted her gaze and sat cross-legged to recover from the exercise.

The two of them took turns operating the furnace, and after a few days, they gradually got better.

Yang Chudie became more and more proficient in operating the furnace, and began to have some spare energy, no longer exhausted every time.

So occasionally she would go out of the alchemy room, tell some things, and bring back some supplies.

Qi Yunkai and others saw that Yang Chudie was acting normally, and they knew that Lu Yu must be fine, so they were relieved.

More than ten days passed like this, and it took nearly a month.

One morning, when Yang Chudie woke up from her meditation, she suddenly found that her body no longer felt suspended in the air, as if the entire alchemy room had returned to the ground again.

The alchemy furnace in the alchemy room had stopped rotating in the air and stood quietly in the center of the room.

Lu Yu stood next to the furnace, staring at the furnace in front of him in a daze.


Yang Chudie said in surprise.

Lu Yu came back to his senses and nodded: "Successful."

"Why not open it and take a look?"

Yang Chudie asked. After so many days of refining, she was also very curious about what kind of pill it would be.

"Because I haven't figured out how to deal with this pill..." Lu Yu said disappointedly.

"Although this pill has been made, it is not an ordinary pill, but a whole ball of rich vitality. Because Xu Mingshen's cultivation is too huge, plus the original ten top-notch treasures, the spiritual energy contained in them is very rich, so this furnace of pills can only be made into the current state."

"In other words, once the furnace is opened, it must be swallowed immediately, otherwise the vitality will naturally dissipate and return to nothingness. Even if it exists in the furnace without opening, it cannot last long. It will soon turn into a pool of mysterious water and disappear."

"I haven't decided yet whether to open the furnace or hand it over to the Elders' Council for disposal. After all, most of the ingredients in this furnace are refined from the traitor Xu Mingshen..."

After Lu Yu finished speaking, his burning eyes stopped on Yang Chudie's face.

Yang Chudie knew that Lu Yu was waiting for her opinion.

She did not directly answer Lu Yu's question, but asked: "Tell me in detail what happened? Why did Xu Mingshen suddenly come to our Yudie Peak?" Lu Yu then told him everything that happened after Xu Mingshen appeared.

After listening to Lu Yu tell the whole story, Yang Chudie's eyes flashed with light, and he suddenly asked a question that Lu Yu had never thought of.

"Where is that phantom bead? Is it really not with you?"

Lu Yu was stunned and said nothing.

Then in front of Yang Chudie, he took off his clothes openly.

Yang Chudie was stunned and didn't know why.

Lu Yu suddenly grabbed one of her snow-white hands and gently pressed it on his abdomen.

Due to years of hard training, Lu Yu's muscles were extremely strong and well-proportioned. Yang Chudie only felt a beautiful feeling of distinct lumps on his hands, and his pretty face couldn't help but feel a slight heat.

She was about to reprimand Lu Yu for doing things so indifferently and not looking at the occasion.

But at this moment, she felt Lu Yu's body shake slightly, and the shadows of nine red lotuses gathered around her again.

Through the palms pressed on Lu Yu's body, she could clearly see the state inside Lu Yu's Qi Sea, just like a picture scroll displayed in front of her eyes.

This feeling is mysterious and mysterious.

She clearly saw the nine small air seas, transformed into the shape of red lotuses, constantly rotating forward and reverse, switching back and forth.

Finally, a black bead with surging clouds and mist appeared in the middle of Lu Yu's Qi sea.

"If I'm right, this should be the Huanli Pearl..." Lu Yu's voice sounded at the right time.

Yang Chudie was shocked: "How could this happen?"

Lu Yu shook his head: "I don't know exactly what happened. It was probably because the Huanli Bead opened the teleportation circle on its own and tried to escape from my Universe Bag, but was captured by my Qi Sea."

Yang Chudie's beautiful eyes widened. This was the first time she had heard of such an unbelievable thing.

However, Lu Yu Qihai's situation itself is an incredible state.

"In that case, just swallow the elixir in the furnace without thinking about anything else."

After a moment of silence, Yang Chudie finally said.

She looked at Lu Yu in front of her, her eyes becoming extremely deep.

"This secret about you must never be known to anyone else, otherwise you will die without a burial place!"

"Do you know the origin of this Huanli Pearl? The last time it appeared in the world was thousands of years ago. At that time, it was in the hands of a demon. This demon used this Huanli Pearl to bring the Eight Great Immortal Sects caused countless disasters!”

"If you let other people know that the Huanli Pearl is actually in your body, I am afraid that not only Xu Mingshen's accomplices will come to trouble you, but even the real elders who have great trust in you now will also have trouble with you. I am suspicious of you and even suspect that you might be reincarnated as a demon!"

"So, you must keep this secret tightly, do you understand?"

As Yang Chudie said that, she picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on him, as if covering his body could cover the secret.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He looked directly into Yang Chudie's eyes.

"Senior Sister, don't you doubt whether I am the reincarnation of the devil?"

Yang Chudie's straight nose wrinkled slightly and said, "I see people with their heart, not just their eyes."

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