Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 196 It’s hard to get a vote

In the following days, the back mountain of Jade Butterfly Peak became a restricted area.

Yang Chudie specially set up layers of formation barriers to not only prevent other disciples from intruding without permission, but also shielded them from prying eyes from the outside world.

From the outside, the entire area in the back mountain looks quiet and peaceful, but if you look closely, you will find that this tranquility and peace are all static. There are only green grass and trees, a gentle breeze, but no active birds, insects or animals. In the meantime.

Because these are all just superficial phenomena, the purpose is to cover up the huge momentum caused by Lu Yu's swallowing of alchemy.

Yang Chudie's external rhetoric was that Lu Yu was developing a brand-new elixir. In order to avoid being stolen by outsiders, it needed to be kept strictly confidential. He also asked his disciples not to leak the news about the great changes in the back mountain, so as not to be stolen by someone with an intention. Thinking about it.

Regarding Yang Chudie's instructions, both new and old disciples surprisingly obeyed. In their view, the new things developed by the senior brother will be announced to them at the Dan Conference sooner or later. If they are stolen and learned by outsiders in advance, it will be their own interests that will be lost.

Therefore, although the previous news was powerful, it was only spread within Jade Butterfly Peak, and not many outsiders knew about this situation.

A few more days passed like this, and before I knew it, it was the day when the second Dan Conference started...

Yuanjiangwei City.

Over the past month, the most lively and busiest place in the entire market has been the warehouse of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce. No matter whether it is a day or not, its gate is always full of people coming and going.

Especially in the past few days, the Jade Butterfly Peak Alchemy Conference is approaching, and the visitors are about to cross the threshold. They all want to get a chance to attend the Dan Conference. However, unfortunately, the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce has rejected everyone. , because this time the Alchemy Conference will no longer be open to outsiders, except for Jade Butterfly Peak disciples, all outsiders will not be allowed to attend.

This undoubtedly disappointed the people who were paying attention to Jade Butterfly Peak. Especially after hearing that Lu Yu had been staying at home and working behind closed doors recently, it made everyone feel itchy and unbearable. They didn’t know what kind of big story he would hold back. Invite.

On this day, a richly dressed nobleman walked out of the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce angrily.

Officer Zhang, who was on duty, followed him carefully and escorted him out of the door, speaking in an earnest and sincere tone. But the noble prince did not give him a good look at all, and walked away without saying a word.

Director Zhang looked at the back of the noble young master leaving in a hurry, and couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart.

This noble young master came from Wangzhou County and was generous with his money. He was originally going to negotiate a big deal, but unfortunately he suddenly put forward an additional condition and wanted to attend the elixir discussion conference at Yudie Peak.

Regarding such conditions, President Yu Wanli was very straightforward and refused on the spot. In the end, they broke up unhappy and ended up like this.

Director Zhang felt it was a pity. In his opinion, if Yudie Peak continued to allow people to attend the elixir conference, the number of business deals that could be negotiated would increase by at least 30%, and even the deposit would have to be dealt with. He really couldn't understand why Jade Butterfly Peak made such a decision. Wasn't this forcing Bai Huahua's spiritual stone to be pushed out?

However, Director Zhang was just thinking about it in his mind, and he did not dare to express his thoughts casually.

After all, Jade Butterfly Peak is the supreme immortal family. No matter what decision is made, it will naturally have its own reasons. He does not dare to discuss the affairs of the immortal family.

Director Zhang shook his head, turned around and walked back.

However, he did not see that the moment he turned around to go back, the noble young man suddenly turned around and turned into a restaurant on the street.

After your young master entered the restaurant, he walked straight to a private room on the top floor without stopping.

A large table full of exquisite dishes had been ordered in the private room, but there were only two people cooking at the table. Including the noble gentleman who had just come in, there were only three people in total. It was really luxurious.

After your young master walked into the private room, a sudden wave of light and shadow floated around his body, and a pair of golden horns gradually appeared on his forehead.

It turned out that he was actually a Haixi dragon, and he had just deliberately hidden his identity before.

The other two people at the table were a man and a woman.

The woman was extremely charming, and there was a hint of wind and thunder in her movements, showing that her cultivation was extremely powerful. There is clearly a pair of colorful horns on her forehead, which shows that her true dragon bloodline is extremely pure. If it were in the land of Haixi, her status would be extremely respected.

Although there are no horns on the man's forehead, if there are Jade Butterfly Peak disciples here, they will definitely recognize him. Isn't this man the Fourth Young Master Long who was severely punished by Lu Yu some time ago?

The three people in the private room are all Haixilong people.


The dragon woman with colorful horns asked calmly.

The noble master shook his head, and then snorted heavily: "I didn't expect that a small Wanhe Chamber of Commerce would dare to make such a big show!"

"I took out 30,000 spirit stones directly in front of them and told them that if they agreed to my conditions, the 30,000 spirit stones would be my advance deposit!"

"But guess what?"

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