Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 194: Far Away, Yet Close Before Our Eyes

Qi Yunkai and others quickly reported everything they knew to Yang Chudie.

After listening to everyone's reports, Yang Chudie remained silent.

She knew that Lu Yu must be in big trouble, otherwise the message sent to her would not be as simple as "reply soon".

But just judging from the situation in front of her, she didn't know what kind of trouble this would be.

"All of you, please step back. I will solve the problem here. You don't have to worry."

Yang Chudie ordered everyone, paused, and whispered to Chu Hongling on the side: "You stay here and don't let anyone get close to this area."

Chu Hongling nodded slowly.

Yang Chudie's body flashed with flying flowers, and the next moment her figure appeared in mid-air, flying towards the floating alchemy room.

Although the area around the alchemy room was blocked by layers of formations, these formations could not stop Yang Chudie at all. Soon she broke through the surrounding formations and broke into the alchemy room.

At this time, the alchemy room was in a mess. The alchemy furnace was still spinning in the air, but the rotation was not as stable as before. It swayed left and right from time to time. It seemed that there was a risk of overturning at any time. It was all controlled by Lu Yu. Only after making amends can we proudly continue to maintain it.

Every time the alchemy furnace shook, a large circle of air waves flew out. The reason why the alchemy room became a mess was precisely because of this continuous air wave.

As soon as he saw the aura of the alchemy furnace surging, Yang Chudie quickly concluded that the reason why the entire alchemy room was floating in the air was precisely because of the strange power generated by this alchemy furnace.

"Sister, you are finally here."

Lu Yu stood in the mess, his forehead covered with sweat. Seeing Yang Chudie suddenly appear, he couldn't help but smile with relief.

Seeing that Lu Yu was safe and sound, Yang Chudie breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, but gave him an angry look on her face.

"You are so capable! Have you forgotten what I asked Xiao Chu to tell you before I left? I told you again and again not to cause trouble, don't cause trouble, don't cause trouble! But you are doing well, not only are you causing trouble one after another, but also The troubles caused get bigger every time!”

Lu Yu listened to her complaints, and for some reason, he felt relaxed both physically and mentally.

He smiled cheekily: "Of course I haven't forgotten what my aunt told me, but the situation is forcing me to do it, and there is nothing I can do about it!"

Yang Chudie curled his lips and asked: "What's going on now? You'd better have a better reason! I rushed back as soon as I received your summons, and even the person assigned by Master Hailing The task has not been completed. If this delays Master Hailing's plan and causes me to be punished, then you will be beaten! "

Lu Yu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Senior Sister, your return this time will definitely not delay Master Hailing's plan, because Master Hailing's plan cannot succeed, and you will not be able to catch Xu Mingshen at all!"

Yang Chudie was startled: "Why do you say that?"

"Because Xu Mingshen is not outside, but here!"

Yang Chudie was startled and felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy. She immediately released her spiritual sense to check, but she could not sense anyone else's aura at all.

"Where is he?"

Lu Yu let out a breath and pointed at the pill furnace in front of him.

"Far away, yet so close."

Yang Chudie showed an expression of disbelief, and her beautiful eyes widened.

"What did you say? Xu Mingshen is in this alchemy furnace?"

Lu Yu nodded, and the expression on his face became serious.

"I know that this matter is really unbelievable, but I don't have time to explain it in detail now. Master Sister only needs to know that a strong man from the Return to Sea Realm is being smelted in this alchemy furnace at this time. All kinds of strange things outside The images all arise from this.”

"If the situation inside the alchemy furnace cannot be effectively controlled in time, there is a risk that the furnace will explode at any time. Once the furnace explodes, the power will be equivalent to that of a strong man in the Returned Sea Realm who ignites his own cultivation and self-destructs. I’m afraid that not only will my life be in danger, but the Jade Butterfly Peak will also become miserable!”

"So, I need your help, Master!"

Yang Chudie looked at Lu Yu blankly, and it took him a while to digest this fact.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Give me a helping hand and work with me to refine the energy in this furnace!" Lu Yu said.

Yang Chudie was puzzled: "But I am not good at alchemy. Although I tried to learn it with Yudie at the beginning, neither of us has any talent. We only learned a little bit."

Lu Yu said: "Of course I know this, so the main refining is done by me... Refining the vitality formed by Xu Mingshen's cultivation is not a simple matter. Not only is the process complicated, but it also takes a long time. , I simply cannot complete it with my own energy.”

"Therefore, when I am exhausted, I need someone to take over! I will teach my aunt a set of operating instructions later. When I am exhausted, my aunt will operate the alchemy furnace according to this set of instructions. The method cannot refine the materials in the furnace, but it can maintain the stability of the furnace. When I regain my strength, I will continue to refine it! By repeating this process, I will eventually refine it completely."

Only then did Yang Chudie understand Lu Yu's overall plan. If this was the case, she could indeed help, so she nodded.

"Okay, then let's do it like this!"

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