Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 193 Earthshaking

Since the first Dan Conference was a complete success, there was a whole night of celebration on Jade Butterfly Peak.

This is also a grand event that has not happened in Yudie Peak for many years. In order to keep everyone entertained, Yu Wanli from the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce specially brought a batch of Burning Immortal Wine from Yuanjiangwei City, making everyone drink so happily that everyone was drunk. Xunran.

When Qi Yunkai woke up, it was already the afternoon of the next day. He shook his hungover head and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He hadn't experienced such a feeling in many years.

Over the years, his cultivation has become more and more sophisticated, and ordinary wine can no longer make him drunk. Only this special Burning Immortal wine can make him experience the feeling of hangover again.

However, although Burning Immortal is beautiful, he cannot be greedy.

Nowadays, he is responsible for many important tasks on Jade Butterfly Peak. It is okay to get drunk like this occasionally, but it is absolutely impossible to do this every day.

Qi Yunkai silently performed Xuan Gong, and in a moment all the drunkenness was driven out of his body, and he suddenly felt refreshed.

He walked out of the house and started wandering around Jade Butterfly Peak.

He was used to patrolling the Jade Butterfly Peak before officially starting to deal with matters. Firstly, this helps him keep abreast of the latest developments on Jade Butterfly Peak. Secondly, seeing that Jade Butterfly Peak looks new every day, he feels very excited.

But this time, not long after he walked out, there was a sudden loud noise.

This loud noise was so intense that even the ground beneath my feet trembled visibly.

Qi Yunkai couldn't help being stunned.

The sound came from the direction of the back mountain, and he subconsciously thought of Lu Yu. He didn't know that he was refining some earth-shattering elixir.

"what happened?"

"It must be Senior Brother again!"

"Only Senior Brother can achieve such a momentum!"

"No wonder Senior Brother didn't show up at the Alchemy Conference last night. It turns out he was planning something new!"

"I don't know what new things Senior Brother will come up with this time..."

There happened to be a group of disciples passing by, and after hearing the loud noise, they started talking about it.

Qi Yunkai felt quite emotional when he heard their discussion.

I don't know since when, everyone has become accustomed to the big scenes caused by Lu Yu.

Although he felt this way in his heart, his inner views were similar to those of these disciples, and he didn't think this matter would be serious. As long as Lu Yu was in charge, everything would be controllable.

After arriving at the buzzing hall where his office was located, Qi Yunkai called an outer disciple on duty and asked him to go to the back mountain to check the situation. After a while, the outer disciple came back and reported that everything was as usual.

Qi Yunkai ignored the matter and completely forgot about it, and concentrated on his work.

Now there are hundreds of people on Jade Butterfly Peak. He is responsible for arranging what these people eat and use every day, including what tasks should be assigned to them and how they should take turns to work. It's complicated, but it's all extremely important work, related to whether Jade Butterfly Peak can operate smoothly.

Qi Yunkai lost track of time as he became busy, and until it was completely dark, he was still planning in the Buzzing Hall.

Just when all his work was about to be completed, suddenly an inner disciple hurried over.

"Senior Brother Qi, why don't you go to the back mountain and take a look? There seems to be something wrong in the back mountain..."

Qi Yunkai raised his head in shock: "Back Mountain? What's wrong with Back Mountain?"

"It's Senior Brother... His new alchemy room seems to be about to collapse!"

Qi Yunkai couldn't help but be stunned.

Didn’t you say everything was business as usual? Why is it about to collapse now?

What is going on?

"Let's go! Go and take a look now!"

Qi Yunkai immediately threw away the pen and paper in his hand and strode out of the buzzing hall.

When he arrived at the back mountain, many disciples had gathered here, including Qin Xiang, Bao Zi, Su Buyi and others, who also rushed over.

The focus of everyone's attention is the newly built alchemy room.

I saw that the originally brand-new wall had now cracked with huge cracks, and it indeed looked like it was about to collapse.

"What's going on?" Qi Yunkai walked up to Qin Xiang and others and asked, "Didn't you say it was okay when there was a loud noise before? Why did the good alchemy room suddenly become like this?"

Qin Xiang spread his hands and said that he didn't understand the situation either.

Baozi smiled and sighed: "When has Brother Yu's matter ever been understood by others?"

Su Buyi remained silent and didn't speak.

Qi Yunkai asked again: "Have you contacted Brother Yu? Did he say anything?"

Qin Xiang said: "I have contacted you a long time ago, but there has been no response... However, at this time, the magic circles around the alchemy room are all open, and outsiders cannot enter. Looking at this posture, I think Brother Yu must be refining alchemy inside! "

Baozi smiled and said: "Brother Yu is refining alchemy. It's not unusual for anything to happen. It's just a small alchemy room that collapsed. It's just a small scene. Don't worry, there will definitely be no danger!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was another loud noise.

This time it was no longer a simple tremor, but the entire mountain continued to shake, as if an earth dragon was turning over.

In the area where the new alchemy room is located, the ground is rising high, rising rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Rocks of all sizes were flying everywhere.

Everyone dodged in a panic.

After a long time, everything calmed down again.

The area where the new alchemy room was located had risen by more than ten feet, but the building itself was safe and sound. Although it was cracked so badly, it still did not collapse.

Everyone was stunned and looked up at the alchemy room that had become taller.

Baozi was so scared that his face turned pale. He swallowed his saliva and said with difficulty: "I take back what I said just now. Brother Yu is still a little dangerous in refining the elixir..."

After this movement, more disciples were attracted.

Soon, everyone was surprised to find that the area where the alchemy room was located was still rising, but it was not because the ground was rising, but the entire alchemy room and its foundation had separated from the mountain of Yudie Peak and floated in the air.

This scene scared many disciples.

Such a scene, let alone saying that they had never heard of it or seen it, everyone had never even thought about it.

"Everyone retreat, leave the area of ​​the back mountain!" Qi Yunkai shouted loudly.

The whole alchemy room was floating higher and higher. If it suddenly fell down, it would be a tragedy. Therefore, for safety reasons, Qi Yunkai evacuated all the disciples from the back mountain.

After a busy period, everyone retreated to the edge of the back mountain.

Although it was night, the moonlight could still clearly see a huge black shadow floating above the Jade Butterfly Peak. The eerie and strange aura made everyone feel cold in their hearts.

Faced with this unprecedented situation, everyone was at a loss for a moment and didn't know what to do.

Qi Yunkai was also at a loss.

He walked to Chu Hongling, who also came after hearing the news, and whispered: "Senior Sister Chu, how do you think this matter should be handled? Should we send a message to Uncle Yang to know?"

Chu Hongling also encountered such a scene for the first time, and didn't know how to choose for a while.

While hesitating, a sudden sound of breaking wind came.

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded.

"No need, I'm back."

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a graceful figure flying in the air. Under the bright moonlight, she was as beautiful as a fairy in a painting.

It was Yang Chudie who was on a mission ordered by Master Hailing. She hurried back in the starry night.

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