Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 186 The sound shocked the whole audience

"What? This Fang Gan is here to preside over the Lun Dan Conference?"

"What a joke!"

"Where's Lu Shen? Where did Lu Shen go?"

"This is the first Dan Conference. Didn't Lu Shen show up for such an important occasion? Only one deputy was sent out to deal with it?"

"We are here to listen to Lu Shen's teaching of alchemy skills! Who is this Fang Gan? Who would be interested in your alchemy experience?"

In the Jingyan Hall, Fang Qiancai opened his mouth to say a word, and was immediately swallowed up by the huge roar of the crowd.

In comparison, the attitude of these new Jade Butterfly Peak disciples is quite good. Those representatives from all parties who had gone to great lengths to sit in the VIP area were furious when they heard Fang Gan's words. They got up and started shooting.

"Well, Lu Yu, you've put on too much airs! You came all the way to visit someone who can't see you, but now such an important gathering is so perfunctory?"

"This is simply nonsense! Previously, the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce was allowed to directly talk to the deacons at the first level, but now a small fang actually wants to show off?"

"Are we all of the same spirit as the Dali Sword Sect? Isn't this the way to treat guests?"

"Hmph, don't say that the Dali Sword Sect is the same spirit. Even if we are guests of other sects, we will not be ignored like this!"

"Relying on favor and being arrogant! This is relying on favor and being arrogant! This Lu Yu is so crazy because of how famous he is now..."

"Lu Yu! You must come out and give us an explanation today!"

The people in the palace were agitated and the discussion was getting more and more intense, and it was about to get out of control.

At the critical moment, a cold shout sounded.

"Why are you making such a fuss! If anyone doesn't want to hear it, get out immediately! Jingyan Hall at Jade Butterfly Peak is not a place for you to talk nonsense!"

The voice was not loud, but it resounded throughout the entire audience, as if it struck everyone's hearts directly, showing the incomparable strength of the speaker.

People turned their heads and looked around, and found that the speaker was standing under the high platform in the field. She was an expressionless woman, as cold and arrogant as a statue.

Everyone knows that this woman is called Chu Hongling. According to legend, she was a personal guard of Master Yudie in the past. She was personally taught by Master Yudie. Her strength is unpredictable and profound, and she has a transcendent status on Jade Butterfly Peak.

Her words immediately shocked everyone's hearts, and the whole place fell silent for a while.

Fang Gan immediately seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and continued to speak.

With just one sentence, he immediately changed the atmosphere in the palace.

"What I want to share with you today are some of my experiences in successfully refining the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill."

The entire audience was shocked, and all the previous complaints came to an abrupt end.

"What? Did I hear it correctly? What is your experience in refining the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill?"

"This Fang Gan successfully refined the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill? Isn't this impossible!"

"Real or fake? Which Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill? Is it really Lu Shen's Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill that only uses fifty-five kinds of ordinary materials?"

"This is impossible! When Lu Shen demonstrated the refining process of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill, we all watched it from the sidelines. All the operations were complicated and mysterious, like a heavenly book, and we couldn't understand it at all! How could this Fang Gan be copied? "

"It's ridiculous! This Fang Qian has fought pills with me before, but his level is not as good as mine. If he can refine the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill, doesn't it mean that I can do the same?"

"But if this is not true, why would God Lu let him come on stage to preside over the Dan Conference?"

Faced with all kinds of doubts from everyone, if it were in the past, Fang Gan would have hidden his face and ran away. But at this moment, he remembered Lu Yu's encouragement and affirmation to him before coming here, and he felt confident in his heart.

Fang Qian smiled slightly and raised his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Senior brothers and junior fellow apprentices, do you want to listen to what I continue to say?"

The scene suddenly fell silent.

People suppressed their curiosity and shut their mouths obediently.

Even the representatives from various parties in the VIP area who had raised eyebrows sat back down in their original positions and never mentioned anything else that required Lu Yu to come out and give an explanation.

Fang Qian took a deep breath, calmed down, and finally officially started his story.

Fang Gan spoke for nearly two hours.

What he said was novel, logical, conclusive, and well-founded. Everyone in the hall was fascinated by it, and no one came out to question whether he was qualified to stand on the stage.

Those who came to this gathering can be called "professionals", but when faced with what Fang Qian said, not only could they find no fault with it, but they also felt like they were enlightened and suddenly enlightened.

Especially Dong Tiande, who was in the audience, was particularly shocked because he had always been familiar with Fang Qian.

He knew exactly what level Fang Gan was in the past, but now that he was sitting in the audience listening to the lecture, he felt that the Fang Gan on the stage was so unfamiliar.

He expresses clearly, reacts quickly, draws inferences from one instance to another, and makes things happen at will. Just listening to his story, Dong Tiande can hardly keep up with his logic.

At this time, Fang Qian's whole person was completely transformed, as if he was a completely different person.

If it weren't for the fact that the two of them had just said hello before the conference started, Dong Tiande wouldn't have believed that this person was really Fang Gan.

How could he suddenly become so powerful?

People often say that when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. Could it be that... is this because of the personal guidance of Lu Shen?

This Fang Gan is really lucky! A beginner is born to be a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak, and he can get to know an expert like Lu Shen...

While Dong Tiande was shocked, he couldn't help but feel a bit sour.

"All in all, if you want to use these fifty-five common materials to refine the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill, you must draw the east qi from the west, the fire from the south to the north, make the top clear and the bottom bright, the earth sinks and the sky rises. This is the Wuhua Lotus Heart The key to the entire refining process of elixir!”

"For these various methods, Senior Brother named them the method of extraction!"

After spending a full two hours, Fang Qiancai finally explained clearly in words the key to refining the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill.

Fang Gan couldn't help but let out a long breath.

In fact, it was with Lu Yu's help that he finally summarized these specific theories. If he had summarized it himself, he would probably have made a mess, because in the process of copying the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill, many times He only knows what is happening, but does not know why.

The scene was quiet.

The theory that took two full hours to explain was naturally not easily digested by everyone.

However, Fang Qian's purpose today is not to let everyone in the audience completely learn how to withdraw.

He kept Lu Yu's instructions in his heart, and he didn't ask everyone to fully understand, as long as they knew the direction to move forward.

Fang Gan picked up a cup of tea on the table, drank it in one breath, and then continued.

"To put it bluntly, I'm afraid it's hard for everyone to understand what's so special about this method of detachment. Why don't I use a real object to demonstrate it for everyone!"

With that said, Fang Qian waved gently.

Suddenly a huge cauldron was lifted onto the stage.

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