Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 185 Dan Conference

In a blink of an eye, the day of the first Dan Conference came.

Dong Tiande arrived at Jingyan Hall early.

Because the Wanhuaden Hall specially used to hold the Rondan Conference has not yet been completed, the first Rontan Conference was temporarily held here.

Although he has been living a comfortable life since joining Jade Butterfly Peak, what Dong Tiande can't forget is the Alchemy Conference held once a month.

Because his original intention of joining Jade Butterfly Peak was to listen to Lu Yu's teachings and hone his alchemy skills.

Now, finally having the opportunity to get up close and personal with this alchemy master and receive his teachings and guidance, Dong Tiande couldn't help but be excited.

There were many people who thought like him, so the Jingyan Hall was overcrowded very early and there were no empty seats.

Looking at the crowded hall, Dong Tiande urgently felt the necessity of Wanhua Palace.

It is said that it is a large hall that can accommodate ten thousand people. When he first heard about it, Dong Tiande was shocked by Lu Shen's ambition and courage. But after a series of things happened recently, Dong Tiande felt that everything was going wrong. There is nothing surprising about the human-scale Wanhua Palace. This is basically a reasonable and normal level.

As long as Lu Shen lets the outside world know that he will teach in public, let alone 10,000 people, the venue with 100,000 people will probably be filled to capacity.

When the hall was overcrowded and even the aisles were full of people, a special area was set aside in the center, designed to look like a "VIP seat."

People couldn't help but be curious, wondering who exactly was qualified to sit at the VIP table.

However, when the people at the VIP table actually appeared, it caused an uproar in the palace.

"These people don't seem to be disciples of our Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"Little Jinding! Yang Muyun! I remember that he didn't leave Baoding Peak, right? Why is he here too? And he's sitting in front?"

"Isn't it said that the Lundan Conference is an internal gathering of Jade Butterfly Peak? How come there are outsiders participating?"

"Why! They didn't join Jade Butterfly Peak, but they can sit in the front, but those of us who left the original mountain and joined Jade Butterfly Peak can only stand in the back!"

"This is so unfair!"

The crowd became restless.

However, a piece of news soon came and silenced the restless crowd.

"This is Senior Brother's decision!"

"Elder brother, this is also to expand the influence of Jade Butterfly Peak!"

"Do you think the seat in front is easy to sit in? Only our partners from Jade Butterfly Peak are eligible to sit there, and there is only one quota per partner!"

"Even if they have a quota, they will still fight fiercely among themselves! Did you see the person in front carrying a golden gourd? His name is Li Tianbao, and he is a disciple of Huiyanfeng! I heard that they returned to Yanfeng to get the There was a quota, but many people were vying to come, and in the end they were in a stalemate and decided who would come through bidding. In the end, Li Tianbao spent 300 spirit stones to get the qualification. "

"So, you are so blessed that you don't know how to be blessed. Just for you to stand here and listen, you have already earned hundreds of spiritual stones! What else is there to complain about?"

After hearing these remarks, everyone finally stopped complaining about the foreign dignitaries and started talking about today's gathering.

"Should we be able to see Lu Shen today?"

"I wonder what kind of alchemy skills Lu Shen will teach us?"

"Will he explain to us the refining process of Cleansing Pill today?"

"Hey, wake up! What sweet dream are you dreaming about? With your level, how dare you think of the Dust-Cleaning Pill?"

"What I mean is that I just want Lu Shen to talk to us. I don't want to learn the dust-free elixir... Grandma, you can't afford pork, why don't you allow me to watch the pigs run away?"

It's getting closer and closer to the start of the conference.

Almost all the people have arrived, but Lu Yu, the protagonist of this conference, has never shown up.

While people were waiting anxiously, Dong Tiande suddenly saw a familiar figure passing by him, it was Fang Gan who he had not seen for a long time.

"Fang Qian!" Dong Tiande shouted loudly.

Fang Gan was walking towards the central area of ​​the venue when he suddenly heard someone calling his name and turned his head subconsciously.

"Hey, Fatty Dong, why is it you? Why are you here?" Fang Gan said in surprise.

Fatty Dong touched his nose, feeling slightly embarrassed.

In the past, the two of them were old rivals in the alchemy arena. The last time they met, they were fighting together and fighting like crazy. Who would have thought that when they met again, they would be in such a situation?

"I am also a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak now, and we are brothers in the same sect now!" Fatty Dong said.

Fang Qian nodded suddenly. He realized that during this period of seclusion and study, he missed many wonderful things on Jade Butterfly Peak.

"The Alchemy Conference is about to start. I'm going over there first. We'll talk later!"

Fang Gan waved his hand and continued walking towards the center of the venue.

Dong Tiande knew that the other party could be said to be the oldest alchemy disciple at Jade Butterfly Peak. He would definitely help Lu Yu in this situation today. He had many matters to deal with, so he didn't care at all.

He also waved his hand: "Go and do your work first, and we'll talk when we're free!"

So the two of them passed by each other.

Some disciples around him couldn't help but started talking.

"It turns out he is Fang Gan!"

"It is said that this man is Lu Shen's right-hand man. He turns out to look like this."

"Didn't you hear that this person has gone crazy by refining alchemy? He has been locked in the alchemy room all day, why has he escaped now?"

"What year are you from? With Lu Shen here, how could you possibly make him go crazy? Lu Shen has already saved him!"

"But this person is indeed trusted by Lu Shen. I heard that Lu Shen has been in seclusion these days and has not seen anyone. Only this senior brother Fang Gan can enter his residence."

"It shows that this person's relationship with Lu Shen is unusual!"

"Perhaps I should have asked him just now about what alchemy skills Lu Shen will teach today. He must know!"

"Hey, I said you are really impatient. The elixir discussion conference is about to start. We will know what Lu Shen is going to teach right away. What's the point of knowing it for a while?"

Dong Tiande felt somewhat proud as he listened to the discussions of the people around him.

This is something he has never thought about in the past. One day in the future, he will feel honored to know Fang Qian...

Not long after, there was a clear sound of knocking on the alchemy furnace, and the whole place fell silent.

The first Alchemy Conference is finally about to officially begin!

Under the gaze of everyone, Fang Gan walked onto the high platform in the field.

Dong Tiande was puzzled.

Why did Fang Gan come up? Where are the Lu Yu people? where is he? Why haven't you shown up yet?

At this moment, Fang Gan on the stage spoke up and said something that made Dong Tiande feel that the whole world had been turned upside down.

"Fellow disciples, I am Fang Qian. Today I will host this alchemy conference and share with you some of my recent experiences in alchemy..."

Suddenly, the whole place was in an uproar.

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