Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 187 He can do it, why can’t I?

Seeing the giant tripod being brought up, everyone couldn't help but cheer up.

The theory expounded by Fang Qian sounds thought-provoking at first, but it is not so easy to fully comprehend it. If it can be combined with practice, it will undoubtedly be much easier to understand.

"If the entire refining process of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill is demonstrated here, it will take too long, and the process is too complicated, which is not conducive to the demonstration of the extraction method..."

"Besides, let me tell you the truth. I have only mastered the skills of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill roughly. I can't guarantee that I can harvest the pill 100% every time. If I refine a pile of charcoal ash for everyone to see in such an important occasion today, it would be too embarrassing..."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and the atmosphere relaxed a lot.

Originally, when Lu Yu demonstrated the refining of Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill in the square, everyone was confused and had a lot of question marks on their heads. Now Fang Qian admitted that he did not fully master the skills, which was also reasonable. Everyone did not look down on him because of this.

"So, I plan to use a simpler way to demonstrate the extraction method..." Fang Qian continued. "Everyone knows that this Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill is made of 55 common materials. The specific formula has been announced by the senior brother, and everyone knows which 55 materials it is." "Today I will use the first four of these 55 materials to demonstrate what the extraction method is!" "Earth armor, stone shell, black sand, bright bone! These are the first four in the material formula!" "Everyone should be familiar with these four materials. They are all common materials in the alchemy room. But if I tell you now that I can refine a pill with only these four materials, I wonder what you think?" Fang Qian said as he took out the four materials and displayed them one by one on the stage. There was a buzz of discussion at the scene. "Earth armor, stone shells, black sand, and bright bones, these four materials can actually be refined into pills?"

"Is this impossible?"

"I have used these materials for so many years, how come I didn't know that they can be used to make pills alone?"

"I don't believe it!"

"Is this extraction method really so magical?"


Fang Qian took in everyone's reactions and couldn't help but smile proudly.

"It seems that everyone doesn't believe it, right?"

"Then why don't you let me try it!"

As he said that, Fang Qian checked the materials and the pill furnace in front of everyone.

After confirming that there were no problems, he opened the pill furnace again and put the four materials into the pill furnace one by one.

"Please open your eyes, everyone, the next step is to witness the miracle!"

Fang Qian reminded loudly and lit the furnace fire neatly.

The flames rose fiercely.

Fang Qian waved his hands repeatedly, and the true energy was injected into the furnace, accompanied by the fierce fire, to quench the materials in the furnace.

The people in the audience stood up from their seats, their eyes wide open, watching his movements without blinking, fearing that they would miss a tiny detail.

Fang Qian's movements were very quick, but compared to Lu Yu's operation in the square, they were undoubtedly much easier to understand, at least they were no longer confusing.

About a quarter of an hour later, Fang Qian stopped the operation and extinguished the flame in the furnace.

Everyone was shocked. It was completed so quickly?

Can it really be refined into a pill like this?

Dong Tiande, who was standing in the audience, couldn't help but frown.

He was sure that he had seen every move Fang Qian made on the stage clearly and remembered it accurately, but according to his previous experience, under such operation, there should be only a pile of charcoal ash in the furnace at this time, where would there be any pill?

But looking at the expression on Fang Qian's face, he looked completely confident, and he didn't realize that he might fail in the demonstration.

Could there really be a pill in the furnace?

The mystery was soon revealed.

Fang Qian opened the pill furnace without any nonsense and took out a light gray pill from it.

This pill looked very poor in appearance, and the Dan Qi contained in it seemed not to be strong, but there was no doubt that it was indeed a pill.

The whole audience was shocked.

Everyone was stunned.

It turned out that only these four ordinary materials were used to successfully refine the pill!

Although this pill looked like a waste pill, the significance of this matter was not the result, but its process. Just four ordinary materials can make the Dan Qi dense and condense into a pill, which in itself fully explains the problem.

This extraction method is indeed very mysterious!

No wonder it was possible to successfully refine the Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill with only 55 ordinary materials!

Fang Qian faced the crowd, held the pill high up, and said loudly:

"This pill has no special effect. If you take it, it will probably only increase your sense of fullness, but the mystery of the extraction method can be seen from it!"

"Only these four ordinary materials can be combined into a pill. What if it is a more advanced material? What if it is a more complex combination of materials?"

"Tall buildings rise from the ground! As long as we master this skill, we can use it for higher-level elixirs, such as Senior Brother's Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill, and of course other kinds of elixirs. As for the ability to To what extent we can achieve this requires everyone here to explore it together!”

"I, Fang Gan, was originally just an ordinary alchemy disciple. I was unknown in the Dali Sword Sect. Among all of you here, there are countless people who are more advanced in alchemy than me. Even I can master this technique. , I believe everyone here can do it too!”

"Perhaps one day in the future, some of you will use this method of separation to refine a pill that is even better than Senior Brother's Wuhua Lotus Heart Pill! Let me encourage you all!"

After saying that, Fang Gan walked off the platform.

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

Many of them did not want to let Fang Gan leave, and shouted loudly for Fang Gan to return and continue to answer many questions about the extraction method.

Fang Qian didn't want to agree, but the voices asking him to return became louder and louder.

Fang Gan had no choice but to return to the high platform.

He pointed at his throat and said: "To be honest, I really can't say any more. If I continue talking, my throat will start to smoke... So I'll keep it short!"

"As for the method of detachment, I was able to master it under the guidance of my senior brother. Next, I will compile my experience into a book, and ask my senior brother to annotate this book so that everyone can better understand this. It’s a technical skill, so I won’t answer the specific questions one by one here.”

"However, our Dali Sword Sect has always had a tradition that the Dharma should not be passed down lightly. Not everyone can own this booklet. We will only issue ten copies every month and provide them to the top ten disciples who have contributed points that month. ! Brother Qi Yunkai will give you detailed instructions on how to operate it later..."

"In short, if you want to know more about this method of separation, please work harder! Complete more tasks on the peak and refine more elixirs! This is also the best contribution to Jade Butterfly Peak!"

The audience burst into thunderous applause again, but this time Fang Gan never returned to the stage.

Dong Tiande stood in the crowd, listening to the applause coming one after another, and his heart was surging.

He subconsciously clenched his chubby hands.

Are you among the top ten contributors in points that month? I can definitely do it!

One thing Fang Gan said is indeed right. Since he can do it, why can't he do it?

After all, we all used to be partners in fighting pills together! Whether it's a comparison of alchemy attainments, talent, understanding, or historical record, where do you lose to others?

One day, I, Dong Tiande! He will also be the one who stands on the high platform and accepts the applause of everyone!

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