Chapter 931: Bai Longfei in Distress

“It seems that Yin Zhu has completely aroused your physique, and dual cultivation alone cannot completely change your condition.”

With so much eyesight, Swallowing Golden Sable could see through Liu Ruoxian’s real situation at a glance. While it regretted Liu Ruoxian, it also envied Ye Xiu’s beautiful blessing.

This Xuan Chi Yin body is an excellent dual cultivation Human Cauldron. Both parties can get great benefits in a double cultivation, and Liu Ruoxian has been completely trapped by this kid since then.

With this girl’s character, it is impossible for her to accept the second man touching her.

And her physique has not been resolved, so there will be one time, there will be a second time…

Why didn’t this king encounter such a good thing?

“Please keep this matter secret for me.”

Liu Ruoxian sighed and said, this incident was unexpected to her, but Ye Xiu can’t be blamed, but Mu Qinglan can only be blamed. This time they really suffered a loss.

Although she got her own face back, she was caught in an endless loop. What’s better is that in a short time, she doesn’t have to worry about Yin Qi biting her body.

As for the future, let’s talk about it later.

“You can rest assured at this point, this king’s mouth is very strict.”

Tuntian Jin Miao nodded. Although it usually doesn’t pay attention to it, it also knows that this matter is important. It is saying that it does not want this kid to know about it, so that he will not show off in front of him.

“Thank you.”

Liu Ruoxian nodded, and said: “He has a chance to wake up soon, and I won’t see him.”

“You go, he can leave it to this king.”

Swallowing Jin Miao Road.


Liu Ruoxian left after speaking, but the pace was obviously a little unnatural.

After she left, Sky Swallowing Golden Sable removed the formation, hung Ye Xiu up and placed it next to a big tree, looking at the Cultivation Base that had reached the sixth rank of the fake fairy, it couldn’t help sighing in its heart.

A few days ago, this kid had only the third rank Cultivation Base, which was three Realm lower than himself. In a blink of an eye, he was just like himself.

The most frightening thing is that when this kid was in the third rank, he was able to compete with himself. Now his Cultivation Base is comparable to himself, so he can’t beat him.

“No, never let this kid watch my jokes.”

When it said that, it jumped onto Ye Xiu’s shoulder, and then took out a lot of Monster core from the space for refining, and its Cultivation Base also began to quickly Ascension.

An hour later, its Cultivation Base broke through to the seventh-grade fake immortal, and when it was about to attack the eighth fake Cultivation Base, Ye Xiu woke up.

“What’s wrong with me?”

Ye Xiu rubbed his heavy head, a little confused.

“Your kid is really lucky. Just now a Demonic Beasts of the ninth-rank fake immortal attacked you. If it weren’t for the help of this king, you would be dead now.”

Swallowing the sky Jin Miao directly transferred this kindness to himself, anyway, Liu Ruoxian only said that he should keep a secret, and this is not a violation of his promise.

“That’s it, thank you… Wait, my Cultivation Base…”

Ye Xiu just wanted to talk, but found that the own Cultivation Base had a breakthrough, and two realms were continuously broken through. He was promoted from the pseudo-fairy fourth rank to the pseudo-fairy sixth rank. The centenary in his body was also very vigorous, and it didn’t look like the breakthrough just now. Condition.

“You were seriously injured just now. For you, this king gave you a 10,000-year blood Lingzhi Mushrooms. This is a holy medicine. It is not just for you to make a breakthrough.”

Swallowing Golden Sable’s eyes flashed: “If you want to thank this king, don’t just talk about it, you have to take action, this king’s requirements are not high, just give one or two mantras, this king doesn’t dislike it. of.”


Ye Xiu didn’t refuse. Swallowing the golden mink saved himself and helped him break through the Cultivation Base. This kindness is higher than the sky, a mantra, and no matter how high the value is, it can’t compare with his small life.

“Ahem, this king is joking with you, in fact, a master passed by here to save you, this king is just a little help.”

Tuntian Golden Sable originally thought that Ye Xiu would refuse his own request. After all, this request was a bit too much, and it never thought that Ye Xiu would agree to it.

Who would have thought that this kid would have agreed directly, which made him useless to prepare to lay down his words.

Although it wanted to get the nine-character mantra, it always felt inauthentic to get it in this way, so it made another excuse.

But after saying this, it regretted it, this is the nine-character mantra.

“It turned out to be like this. I wonder if that senior left his name?”

Ye Xiu was still a little strange at first, the other party was able to attack him unconsciously, his strength must be very strong.

The strength of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Sable is equal to that of his own. If the opponent can easily injure himself, it will definitely defeat the Sky-Swallowing Golden Sable. How can it save itself?

After listening to the explanation of Tuntian Jinshou, the doubt in his heart was solved.

“No, they are in a hurry, so they left after saving you, saying, that kind of expert would appreciate your reward? Save it.”

Swallowing Jin Sable shook his head and said.

“That’s a pity, I still want to come to thank you.”

Ye Xiu said.

“Don’t worry, this king remembers that the person looks like this. If you encounter him in the future, this king will tell you again. By the way, don’t you want to go back to heaven? Go ahead. There is nothing to stay in this place.”

Tian Tian Jin Shou shook his paws and said, he can no longer entangle this matter. There are many mistakes, and this kid is very shrewd.

In case he found a flaw, wouldn’t it just pick up a rock and hit his own foot.


At this moment, Ye Xiu felt a shock in his chest and took out the Jade Identity Card from his arms. Then Chu Ruqing’s somewhat eager voice emerged in his mind: “Ye Xiu, are you still in Ten Thousand Beasts Valley? ”

“Yeah, what’s the matter?”

Ye Xiu was a little puzzled. Chu Ruqing is the leader of the faction, so he contacted him for this matter?

“That’s right. You immediately rush to the center of Ten Thousand Beast Valley. Your Senior Brother Bai is injured. Remember, you must ensure the safety of your Senior Brother Bai. I will send someone to support you.”

Chu Ruqing hurriedly said.

“Senior Brother Bai is injured, what’s the matter?”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised. Bai Longfei’s strength is very strong. Although he only has the Cultivation Base of the Ninth Stage of Human Immortal, the pressure on him is much stronger than that of Fengyun Wuji and Zuo Liuyun. The ordinary Earth Immortals are probably both. Not his opponent.

There were only a few low-level Earth Immortals in the center of Wanshou Valley, how could it have wounded Bai Longfei.

“This matter is a long story, you can go quickly, remember, you just brought him out in the past, don’t ask or care about other things, do you understand.”

Chu Ruqing reminded that the consequences of this matter were very serious. If it is not done well, even Tianjuemen will be implicated, so he must also be cautious.

“Okay, I’ll go over, right, where is Brother Bai now?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“You hold the identity jade token, as long as you get close to where he is, the token will respond, so be careful about your safety.”

Chu ruthlessly said.

“Don’t worry, the master, I know what to do.”

Ye Xiu grabbed the token and hurried towards the center of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

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