Chapter 932 Heaven Court Law Enforcement Team

Ye Xiu ran all the way, and three hours later, he had already reached the center of Ten Thousand Beasts Valley.

At this time, he took out his identity jade card and released Divine Sense to feel it, and vaguely felt a familiar breath moving fast.

This breath comes from Bai Longfei.

“Brother brother, can’t you find a fixed place to wait for me?”

Ye Xiu raised his head and looked around. There were dense forests everywhere, and he could still feel a strong breath. Obviously, they were all Demonic Beasts who were above human beings.

But the situation was urgent, and he could only bite the bullet and chase after him. It was another half an hour before he touched Bai Longfei’s hiding place.

This is a bush, where the vegetation is as high as one person, and one or two people hidden in it can’t be found.

Divine Sense scanned it and found no one inside. Apparently they used the Breath-Containing Technique to constrain their breath.

But under the perception of the identity jade card, he has nowhere to hide.


As soon as Ye Xiu was about to enter, there was a clear voice inside, which made Ye Xiu obviously startled, how is it a female voice.

“Sorry, I found the wrong place.”

Ye Xiu thought he was looking for the wrong place. He turned around and left while taking out the identity jade badge to feel it, only to find that the breath of the brother was indeed here, which made him stop again.

He felt that even if the woman hadn’t met his senior, she must have met his senior, otherwise how could she have the identity of Bai Longfei.

“Is it the younger brother?”

At this moment, Bai Longfei’s voice came from inside, but he was obviously weak.

“it’s me.”

Ye Xiu replied and walked in immediately, and found that Bai Longfei was lying in a woman’s arms at the moment, his face was pale, there were a few blood stains on his clothes, and he was obviously seriously injured.

The woman’s face was also pale, and although she looked good, she was not as stunning as Liu Ruoxian and Xiaohu.

“Junior Brother, take her away quickly and leave me alone.”

Bai Longfei said immediately.

“Bai Dage, how can I leave you behind? No, I don’t agree. It’s better for you to go. I’ll lead them away.”

The woman refused directly. Bai Longfei had done enough to save herself, and she could no longer drag him down.

“No, you can’t stay. You still have a grievance to avenge. You can’t stay and wait for death. As for me, you don’t have to worry. The person they want to arrest is you and won’t embarrass me.”

Bai Longfei shook his head and said, he has been seriously injured now, and they can’t run fast with them, and following them will only drag them down.

Instead of all dying here, he might as well die alone.

“Bai Dage, if you don’t go, then I won’t go either. The big deal will die together.”

The woman had a firm face. She had fled for so long and experienced too many things. Bai Longfei was the first person to help her without asking for anything. If she left, how could she be worthy of Bai Longfei.

Besides, she was tired too, escaping here from Wuji Immortal Realm, wandering on the line of life and death all the time, she was really tired, and it would be worthwhile to die with Bai Longfei.

Anyway, her own relatives are dead, and she has nothing to worry about.

“what happened?”

Ye Xiu was a little confused, there was no danger in this place, how could it be dead or alive.

Bai Longfei’s strength is still so great, ordinary Earth Immortals are not opponents, how could he suffer such severe injuries.

“It’s a long story.”

Bai Longfei sat up with the pain and looked at Ye Xiu: “You take her away and ask her if you have any questions, let’s go. It’s too late when it’s too late.”

“Want to go, do we agree.”

At this moment, they liked an angry shout from afar, and then Ye Xiu and the others felt a few strong auras appearing, and they rushed towards this place very quickly.

“Broken, the Heaven Court law enforcement team is here.”

When the woman heard this voice, her face changed drastically.

“Heaven Court Law Enforcement Team?”

Originally lying on Ye Xiu’s shoulder and hanging up high on his shoulders, Tian Tian Jin Sable, after hearing the five words “Heaven Court Law Enforcement Team”, suddenly sat up with hatred in his eyes.

“You know the Heaven Court law enforcement team?”

Ye Xiu was a little strange, it was the first time he heard this name.

“You offend Heaven Court?”

Tuntian Jin Miao ignored him, but looked at the woman and asked.

“It’s not that I offended Heaven Court, but Heaven Court asked us to do things for them. My father didn’t agree, and they secretly manipulated the major forces to destroy our sect.”

When the woman said this, her eyes were full of hatred, and she wished to say that all the dog thieves of Heaven Court had been killed to avenge her relatives.

But she knows her own strength very well. Under those executioners, how can she kill them if she can’t even protect herself.

“Well, well, this is the case, so don’t resist.”

Swallowing the sky golden mink jumped off Ye Xiu’s shoulder after speaking, opened his big mouth, and a strong suction appeared, firmly sucking the woman and Bai Longfei.

Before the two of them could react, they were swallowed by it.

“Little Ye Zi, you come in too.”

Tian Tian Jin Shou looked back at Ye Xiu, and also swallowed him in, then turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.

Ye Xiu, Bai Longfei and the young girl looked at each other in the space in the belly of Swallowing Golden Sable.

“Junior Brother, what is this place?”

Bai Longfei was a little shocked, he looked like an independent space here, but they were swallowed by the golden mink just now.

“This guy is Sky Swallowing Golden Sable. This is the space in its belly. Don’t worry, this guy is very capable and should be able to escape.”

Ye Xiu explained.

“You have a good chance to meet this kind of fetish.”

Bai Longfei was a little surprised. The Sky-Swallowing Sable is an ancient alien species. It is said that the powerful Sky-Swallowing Sable is even more terrifying than the dragons, but the number of Sky-Swallowing Sables is scarce.

Ye Xiu had a good chance and directly conquered one. This was a great opportunity.

“What an opportunity, I wish he was far away from me.”

Thinking of his own experience during this period of time, he really didn’t want to get too close to it. This guy could get into trouble too much, but it just couldn’t leave.

Speaking of it, he is also a little strange. This guy is usually unprofitable and can’t afford it early. This time he will take the initiative to help. It is almost the sun hitting the west.

“You are in the blessing and don’t know the blessing, forget it, I will reply to the injury first, and I won’t tell you.”

Bai Longfei glanced at Ye Xiu and said, to be honest, he was really envious of Ye Xiu, the potential of swallowing the golden sable is very large, and it will definitely be a great help after getting along with it.

If you change to be yourself, it is too late to be happy, how could you dislike it, but this time he suffered a very serious injury, almost hurting the foundation.

Even if he recovers, he has to recuperate for a while.

“This Big sis, I heard you just mentioned the Heaven Court law enforcement team, what kind of force is the Heaven Court law enforcement team?”

Ye Xiu asked. The map he had previously obtained from Bai Longfei showed the various forces in the Seven Great Immortal Territories of First Stage. Although some had only one name, it also gave him a certain understanding of the situation of First Stage. The word Heaven Court did not appear on the map.

In other words, this Heaven Court is not the power of the First Stage, it is likely to come from the Second Stage, or a very secret organization.

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