Chapter Ninety Hundred and Thirty Chapter

“Rhubarb, you are laying a formation here to protect her.”

No matter how stupid Ye Xiu was, he understood Liu Ruoxian’s situation at this moment. Although she was beautiful, she had never thought about what happened to her.

The main reason for asking this is that I am not at ease because this place is too remote, and Demonic Beasts are infested. In her current situation, once she encounters Demonic Beasts, it will definitely be a dead end.

In any case, she had lived by herself twice, and he couldn’t just leave without her safety.

But it is not easy for him to stay, so he can only use this method to protect her.

“What is your name?”

Tuntian Jin Miao glared at him. He called himself this way before. Because of the special circumstances, it also annoyed Mu Qinglan, so he didn’t have the same knowledge as him.

Now he even dared to call it that way, it was really a bully that the king could not succeed.

“The situation is urgent, so don’t care about these small things. The big deal is that you won’t call you like this in the future, just help to set up a formation, just as I owe you a favor.”

Ye Xiu sighed and said, when is this, this guy is still biting on this little thing, how can you be considered a personal thing, you can’t be magnanimous.

“If you let this king set up the battlefield, then you set up the battlefield. Do you think that this king is your slave?”

Tuntian Jin Diao glared at him, slapped him and then gave sweet dates, are you so foolish as the king?

What kind of existence is this king, how can you kid be able to command.

Besides, your favor is not worth money.


Ye Xiu frowned and hurriedly said, “She had helped me at the Tiansha Gate before. If it weren’t for her, we would have been exposed. Speaking of which, you have also accepted her love, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to leave safely.”

“Leaving her here alone under this circumstance is tantamount to letting her die, just as I beg you to succeed.”

Ye Xiu could see it, this guy eats soft or hard, and he can’t get any results as soon as he goes hard with it. He can afford it, but Liu Ruoxian can’t wait.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Swallowing Golden Sable is now more comfortable. It is not that he is unwilling to help, but that he does not like Ye Xiu’s attitude.

What qualifications do you have to order this king to do things? It is sentimental for this king to act, and it is duty if you do not act. If you want to force this king to do things, you are not qualified enough.

Now Ye Xiu agreed to vote, and he was too stretched, so he raised his hand to outline a few lines that grew bigger, and a formation took shape in an instant.

“Well, this formation can hide her breath and figure, as long as she doesn’t go out, there will be no danger.”

Tian Tian Jin Sable is confident and authentic.

“Ms. Liu, there is a formation guardian here, so I won’t stay here anymore. If you need help in the future, you can come to the Tianjue Gate in Lincheng to find me and say goodbye.”

Ye Xiu left without waiting for Liu Ruoxian to reply. He could see that Liu Ruoxian was almost out of control now. He stayed on and didn’t know what would happen.

Soon he rushed out of the canyon and came to the boundary of Lincheng, not far from the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Just when he was about to cross the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts and return to the Heavenly Jue Gate, the sudden change occurred.

A strong sense of crisis hit his heart, before he could react, he was shaken by a huge force, and his head sank to death.

“How can you avenge revenge?”

Swallowing Golden Sable reacted quickly, and at the moment Ye Xiu was beaten into the air, he jumped to the tree next to him. Looking back, he saw Liu Ruoxian with an ugly face standing not far away.

In other words, the blow just now was exactly what Liu Ruoxian did, which made him very annoyed. Ye Xiu took great pains for her. It was enough for this woman not to be grateful, and it was too much to deal with Ye Xiu.

Besides, this kid is still a man he likes, and he hasn’t given the mantra to himself. If he dies, he will find someone to ask for the mantra.

“Don’t worry, he just fainted, it’s okay.”

Liu Ruoxian took a breath and said that the palm just now was an empty palm. She didn’t use too much force, she just knocked him out.

“It’s almost… wait, you don’t want to talk to him…”

Swallowing the sky Jin Sable was taken aback, and immediately understood her intentions, her eyes were round, and this kid’s Yanfu was too good.

“I have a deep hatred that has not been reported, so I can’t die yet, and here I only know him, so I can only ask him to help. I hope you will keep it secret for me. You must not let him know, okay?”

Liu Ruoxian was very painful at the moment. This time, Yin Qi was more violent than before. She really couldn’t hold on to herself. If this continues, she will definitely die of Yin Qi.

If she didn’t have deep hatred and waited for her to repay, she would die if she died, but now she can’t die.

Ye Xiu was the only man she didn’t hate.

So she can only commit herself to him.

“You should be clear. Once you take this step, you can’t look back. Can you figure it out clearly?”

Tuntian Jin Miao reminded that Xuan Chi Yin Body is a very strange physique, and the feeling of combining with men is several times that of ordinary people. Once it has the first time, it will be out of control.

It’s like eating the most delicious food in the world, and eating other things in the future will be tasteless.

If she can’t control herself, she will become a slave to desire and a person who can do her best.

Even if the Xuan Chi Yin body is resolved, it still cannot change this.

“I figured it out clearly.”

Liu Ruoxian had long wanted to understand. The reason for choosing Ye Xiu was that besides watching him postpone, there was another reason, because she felt the hot Yang Qi inside Ye Xiu’s body.

If you combine with him, you can get rid of the fate of Yin Qi.

She thinks she can resist as long as she gets through this difficult time and the mere desires.

“In that case, the king won’t bother you.”

What else could Swallowing Golden Sable say, and then sketched out a few formations and laid a formation next to Ye Xiu, covering his figure.


Liu Ruoxian thanked the swallowing golden mink, and then walked slowly into the formation.

After half an hour, she walked out of the formation with a flushed face, and the Cultivation Base actually broke through to the Earth Immortals realm.

But her face didn’t have the slightest joy, because her body was still absorbing the Yin Qi between the heavens and the earth, which was not a good sign.

Normally, after the Xuan Chi Yin body and the pure Yang body are combined, the Yang and Yin species will be produced in both bodies. Using them as a guide, you can absorb the yang energy between the heavens and the earth, so that the situation in the body can reach Yin & Yang by itself. In a balanced state, the physical problems of both parties are thus resolved.

Now that the Yang species was born in her body, under the influence of the Yin Pearl, she could absorb Yin Qi much faster than the Yang species could absorb Yang Qi.

Over time, the amount of Yin Qi will still far exceed Yang Qi, then the Yang species will die out, and she will be beaten back to her original form.

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