Chapter 929: Mu Qinglan’s Trump Card

“I won’t kill you, because it’s too cheap to kill you directly.”

After Liu Ruoxian took Own’s face back, her heart gradually calmed down. Seeing Mu Qinglan who was almost mad, all the grievances and ruthlessness disappeared.

But even so, the resentment in her heart did not abate because of this, she had let herself suffer for a hundred years, and she wanted to let him taste this kind of taste.

All this is her own self-inflicted, no wonder others.

“Why didn’t you kill her? Keeping this kind of woman is also a scourge. If you don’t get rid of it, this king can help you.”

Swallowing the golden mink is completely puzzled. In its understanding, we must eliminate the roots, otherwise it will be endless disasters.

This woman is so insidious and selfish, for her own selfishness, she can sacrifice her own good sister without hesitation, this kind of person should not live in this world.

“She is more painful to live than to die.”

Ye Xiu understands why Liu Ruoxian did this. On the one hand, the face has been taken back, and she will be more painful alive than dead. This is also a punishment. On the other hand, she will not be too annoyed even if she is alive in Jianzong.

After all, this face originally belonged to Liu Ruoxian, and she took back things that belonged to own.

So this is the best result.

“so troublesome.”

Swallowing Golden Sable also understood at this time. Although it has lived for a long time and has a wealth of experience, it has not yet understood the human mind.

But it doesn’t want to know, it will look forward and backward after thinking too much. It still likes to do whatever it wants, doing whatever it wants.

Can’t understand? Beat you Life can’t take care of itself.

“This is the sword technique that I promised you before, please accept it.”

Liu Ruoxian took out a Jade Slip from the storage ring and handed it to Ye Xiu. Although Ye Xiu didn’t take the initiative to help this matter, he still helped himself draw Mu Qinglan over.

“No, I didn’t help you, on the contrary, you helped me a lot, so I feel ashamed of this sword art, so you can put it away.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and said, he didn’t help much with this matter, but Liu Ruoxian helped himself a lot.

If you count it, this is the second time she has saved herself, so he can’t ask for this sword art.

Reactive merits are not subject to rewards.

“I don’t like to owe favors, you can take it.”

After Liu Ruoxian finished speaking, he put Jade Slip into Ye Xiu’s hand, and then left.

Suddenly, a streamer shot from behind to her heart, Liu Ruoxian frowned, and directly grabbed the streamer in his hand.

But the moment this thing started, it turned into a puff of air and rushed into her palm and spread along her Meridians all over her body.

“what is this……”

Liu Ruoxian was shocked and looked back, because this thing was thrown by Mu Qinglan.

At this time, the power in her body began to violently agitate, and an ominous premonition struck her heart.

“Haha, Liu Ruoxian, don’t be smug, you got your own face back, but I know what you hate the most, don’t you hate men, then I will make you a bitch with the best of men.”

Mu Qinglan slowly stood up with a sorrowful expression.

“what did you do to me?”

Liu Ruoxian’s face was ugly, she knew very well what was going on in her body, it was the sign that caused the phagocytosis.

But she only broke out once a month ago. Calculated according to time, the next time it should be eleven months later, and this time the eruption of Yin Qi is more violent than before.

“Have you heard of Yinzhu? This is a gift I have prepared for you.”

Mu Qinglan smiled coldly and said, “Don’t blame me. If you don’t trouble me, I won’t do this to you. Since you don’t make me feel better, then I won’t make you feel better.”

Yin Zhu is a foreign body formed by the condensation of Yin Qi, and it will continue to absorb the Yin Qi between heaven and earth to strengthen itself.

For ordinary people, Yin Zhu would not cause much harm to them, but for Liu Ruoxian, it was a deadly poison.

Others don’t know Liu Ruoxian’s situation, but she knows exactly what Xuan Chi’s genital body fears the most.

Just getting close to something cold and yin, the yin qi in her body will riot.

Although she got a yang thing that can suppress the yin qi in the body, this in itself is a palliative but not a permanent solution, and she suffers from the yin qi biting the body every year.

This process is very painful. If you don’t want to be painful, you can only combine with a man, Yin & Yang blending.

But how can she, who pretends to be high-minded, accept that a man touches her body.

Once a year, Liu Ruoxian may be able to bear it, but what if it is once a day?

Now that the yin pearl enters the body and directly merges with the yin qi in her body, her body will continuously absorb the yin qi between the heavens and the earth at a rate dozens of times faster than before, and it will explode every day.

No matter if you are a chaste woman, you can’t resist such torture and gradually become a man’s plaything. Unless she commits suicide, she will not be able to escape this curse.

This was something she had prepared a long time ago for this day.

If I can’t get it, then I will destroy it.


Liu Ruoxian’s expression changed drastically, and the Yin Qi biting her body was very painful. Not only did she have to endure the attack of the cold and cold energy, but also the pain of burning her body with desire and fire. This process was simply ice and fire.

She can bear it once a year, but if it is once a day, then she really doesn’t have to live.

“Do you really want to kill me now? Come on, do it.”

Mu Qinglan opened his arms and closed his eyes, waiting for Liu Ruoxian to kill her.

In fact, after Liu Ruoxian took her face back, she didn’t want to live anymore.

She has become accustomed to being held in the moon by the stars. Let her experience the disgusting Life again, which simply makes her life worse than death.

Liu Ruoxian was ruined before her death, and she was considered worthy of this life.

“you go……”

Liu Ruoxian’s body shook, angrily said, the cause in the body had already begun to riot, she was about to be unable to hold on.

But even so, she didn’t want to kill Mu Qinglan, it would be too cheap to kill her directly, especially now.

Because she is more painful to live than to die.

“You don’t kill me? It’s okay, then I will watch you slowly fall, of course, you can also commit suicide, but I remember that you still have no revenge for killing your father, haha.”

Mu Qinglan left after speaking. She was not afraid that Liu Ruoxian would commit suicide. If Liu Ruoxian died, the 36 lives of her Liu family would not be reported.

Watching Mu Qinglan leave, Liu Ruoxian staggered and almost fell, but Ye Xiu was quick to hold her with his eyesight and hands.

But Liu Ruoxian, who was involved in this matter, looked like a frightened kitten, and instantly pushed Ye Xiu away and shouted, “Don’t touch me!”

She is extremely sensitive now, and Ye Xiu’s touch immediately shook her heart and almost couldn’t hold it.

She didn’t want a man to dirty her body.

“Are you OK?”

Ye Xiu didn’t know what changes would happen to Yin Zhu entering Liu Ruoxian’s body, and even Yin Zhu heard it for the first time. He only felt that her condition was not very good, so he asked.

“If you want to help me, leave here quickly, just as if I’m begging you.”

Liu Ruoxian shouted, she must now calmly resist the impact of Yin Qi, if Ye Xiu were here, she would definitely be affected by Yang Qi in her body.

After a long time, she really can’t hold it anymore.

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