Chapter 921: Exposed?

“Why? Didn’t you say that the meeting was divided into half?”

Ye Xiu glanced at it and said, this guy said so nicely, he would lose the chain at a critical moment. It was this kind of person that he looked down on most.

“The king said that the meeting will be divided into half, but the king has the final say, you can rest assured that the value is definitely the same.”

Tuntian Jinshou glared: “If you don’t want to, then don’t go in. This hole was dug by this king. If you want to go in, dig it yourself.”

“I’ll dig as long as I dig, but don’t regret it.”

Ye Xiu didn’t intend to compromise. This kind of thing would happen twice. If you let him pick it first every time, then he would pick a fart.

Although some things are of the same value, some things can’t be found, such as the dragon blood fruit obtained before. It is also priceless outside. Once it appears, it will be looted, and some things are rotten on the street, although There is some value, but when you sell it, you will find that no one wants it at all.

Even if someone asks for it, the price will be greatly discounted. After all, are things expensive?

The two are completely incomparable.

Then he took out his own fairy, and if you don’t give it to me, then we don’t want anyone else.

Because he couldn’t do what swallowed the golden mink, so quietly he opened a gap.

“Fuck, you really plan to do it yourself, but you will harm us like this.”

Swallowing Golden Sable’s face was speechless. In its impression, this kid has always been very good at talking, and he made this decision only because of this.

Who would have thought that this guy actually played his cards this time out of common sense.

If they make any movement, with their strength, they will definitely be trapped here.

“Then I don’t care, who made you cheat me.”

Ye Xiu’s gesture is about to start.

“Don’t, this king takes it, so, let’s work hard, whoever gets the first is whoever gets it, right?”

Swallowing the golden sable is really convinced, this guy started to be ruthless than himself, he suddenly regretted bringing this kid over. Didn’t this find an uncle for himself?

If you don’t agree, you will die with yourself. If you want to die, don’t take this king.

“No, you open your mouth and swallow it, and there are dozens of treasures at once. Who can compare with you? I don’t care how you get along with others before. Here, no matter what, everyone will be divided according to how much you give. This time You and I have almost the same effort, so it should be evenly divided, otherwise, no one would want to get it.”

Ye Xiu was also aggressive this time, and the dragon blood fruit was forgotten before, after all, he didn’t exert much effort, even if he didn’t give him a dragon blood fruit, he had nothing to say.

But this time is different. The two have exerted the same strength and assumed the same risks, so why should they choose first.

It seems that I will definitely have cooperation with it in the future, and I must set the tone of cooperation at one time.

Avoid trouble in the future.

“Okay, even if you split evenly, this king will convince you.”

Swallowing Golden Sable can also see it, this kid looks easy to talk, that’s because you haven’t touched his bottom line.

But it’s okay, no one can say how much effort is allocated.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and then put away the fairy artifact, and then entered the treasure house with the Swallowing Golden Sable.

As soon as he entered, he was blinded by the colorful light in front of him. There were so many things inside, and the immortal stones were piled up into mountains.

As far as the quality is concerned, it is certainly not as good as the previous secret room, but the number is dozens, hundreds of times as much as the treasure in the secret room.

Swallowing Golden Sable has a high-sightedness. It doesn’t even bother to look at those things that are not influential. After turning around in it, he picked out a few valuable things and said: “This king is only interested in these few, and they are also valuable. It’s almost the same, this time this king will let you pick first.”

After all, this place is the border area of ​​Donglixianyu, and there is nothing good about it.

But it still understands the reason that the thief doesn’t go empty, and it has to take some more or less, otherwise it will be sorry for its glorious profession.

“Take all of these, the rest belongs to me.”

Ye Xiu could see that these things were not of low value, but he didn’t use them for the time being, so he didn’t snatch them. The remaining things, such as immortal stones, were more useful to him.

What I said before is just to lay the foundation for future cooperation and to plan for the future.

“Yes, but you have to hurry up and don’t finish it all. There are ways to steal, understand?”

Tuntian Jin Miao reminded that this is the lifeblood of a martial art after all, what to eat and drink after taking the rest.

Just take something you need, even if it is discovered, it will be harmless, let alone fight for such a thing.

This is also the fundamental reason why it has stolen so many things and can survive to the present.

“It’s up to you.”

Ye Xiu hadn’t planned to empty this place originally, that would be too much.

He only took tens of thousands of immortal stones, which sounds like a lot, but in fact, he was very kind because he didn’t even get one-tenth of these immortal stones.

After that, he picked some precious medicinal materials and refining materials. Although they were not as good as those obtained by Tuntian Golden Sable, they were generally good, and they were all available to him right now.

Feeling almost done, the two guys got out of the previous hole.


Just when they were about to go to the Buddhist scripture building, a loud shout suddenly appeared in the distance, which shocked the two of them.

“Damn it!”

Swallowing Golden Sable’s face looked ugly. It had been stolen for so long, and it was the first time someone spotted it on the spot, so it shouldn’t be.

But now it was not the time to think about it, it was about to kill it, but it was stopped by Ye Xiu.

“What are you doing? If you don’t leave, you won’t be able to leave.”

Swallowing Golden Sable looked at Ye Xiu in a puzzled manner. If you want to die, stay by yourself, don’t hurt this king.

“Don’t worry, the person they found doesn’t seem to be us. If you look carefully at the direction of their eyes, it doesn’t seem to be here.”

Ye Xiu said through a voice transmission, he found that although the people around here were all moving, they were also coming towards them, but their eyes were fixed on other places.

In other words, it is very likely that they are not exposed, but others.

“It’s really the case, what the king said, how could they find this king with these stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs.”

Swallowing Golden Sable was reminded by Ye Xiu, and he also found this, and he let go of his heart, and said, “Go, go over and take a look.”

He didn’t think it was a big winner. Since he met “comrades”, even if he couldn’t say hello, he had to go and see.

Such a fun thing, how can it be missing.

“If you want to go, I won’t go, I’d better go to the Buddhist scriptures building for a round.”

Ye Xiu didn’t want to join in the excitement, besides, at this time, there must be no one guarding the Buddhist scriptures building. He could give them a “sound of the east”, and making a fortune in a muffled voice is the kingly way.

“That’s OK, you go, this king will go to the theater first, and then go to the Tibetan scripture building to find you later, remember to wait for this king there, don’t leave first, or this king won’t forgive you.”

Tuntian Jin Sable is not interested in the things in the Buddhist scripture building at all. In contrast, he wants to watch a good show.

However, it still can’t do without Ye Xiu now, so he can only wait there, so as not to miss it.

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