Chapter 920: Exciting

“Advanced Breath Restoration Technique? Why do you give this to me, I will be able to restrain Breath Technique.”

Ye Xiu was stunned. He thought that Sky Swallowing Golden Sable gave him some secret technique, but he didn’t expect it to be a breath restraining technique. He would do this too.

Although the word [Advanced] was added to this breathing technique, it could not be better than his grasp.

Otherwise, how could such a name be given.

“Can you do the same as the king gave it? Hurry up, time is not waiting.”

Sky Swallowing Golden Sable rolled his eyes, how high his eyes were, would ordinary breath-holding techniques enter his eyes? joke.

Although the name of this advanced Cultivation Technique is straightforward, its function is just like its name. It is really advanced. Although it cannot cover the secrets of heaven, it can completely converge its own breath, even if it is better than own Cultivation Base. People who are three or four bigger Realm can’t see through.

If it wasn’t for this kid’s previous performance that satisfied him, and wanted to take him to make a small fortune, how could he be willing to give it away with advanced breathing techniques.

“All right.”

Ye Xiu thought about it, too. If this breath-trapping technique was the same as the one he had cultivated before, then there was no need to use it.

Thinking of this, he immediately cultivated according to the content above, and the cultivation was completed quickly, with a heart move, and the breath of the whole body was completely restrained.

This advanced breathing technique is indeed stronger than the restraining technique he learned before. You should know that as long as the general breathing technique can hide about 70% of one’s own, it is already quite clever, but it will expose the body immediately when encountering a master. .

However, this advanced breathing technique can hide ten percent of the breath. If it is in a dimly lit place, as long as the opponent’s strength is not much higher than his own, even if he stands in front of him, the opponent will not be able to find it.

No wonder this guy can sneak into the Sword Sect without being discovered, it turned out to rely on this.

“How about it, awesome.”

Tuntian Jinshou said with a triumphant expression that the products produced by this king must be fine products, how can they be comparable to ordinary goods.

“It’s really amazing, you created it?”

Ye Xiu sincerely admired that the content of these breathing techniques seemed simple, but up to the essence, they had the effect of turning corruption into magic.

The person who created this technique must have a very high Realm, and may even have reached the point of returning to basics, otherwise it would be impossible to create such a secret technique.

The origin of Swallowing Golden Sable is very mysterious, and it knows so many things that it cannot be viewed with the eyes of ordinary people.

Maybe this is what it created.

“Ahem, this is just a trail. How could this king waste time on this kind of thing? Go away, this king will take you to a delicious drink.”

Tuntian Jindiao glanced at Ye Xiu bitterly. You guys are cultivating, why are you doing so much, and can you still play happily?

Saying it, he walked out first.

At this time and even late at night, there was a bedroom outside the secret room. The exit was facing a bed. There was a middle-aged man dressed in brocade on the bed. He was meditating and cultivation.

Because the two men’s movements were very light, coupled with the use of advanced breathing techniques to cover, they did not alarm this person.

Ye Xiu and Tuntian Jin Shou looked at each other, then quietly closed the secret room entrance to the door, tiptoedly pushed the door and walked out.

When the door was closed, the middle-aged man suddenly opened his eyes and looked around, but found nothing wrong.

“Is it because I heard it wrong?”

The homeowner scratched his head, and sighed after a while: “It seems that I was too tired during this period, and I have heard hallucinations. It’s time to rest.”

After speaking, the owner closed his eyes again and continued to meditate and cultivate.

Ye Xiu and Tuntian Jinshou were lying in front of the door, hearing the movement in the house, Ye Xiu’s heart almost jumped out. If this were discovered, it would not be a second.

Because at this time they have discovered that they are now in a sect, they don’t know what sect, but they have already felt a few powerful auras from all around.

Once their identity is revealed, they will definitely be caught in their urn.

Fortunately, this person has a thicker nerve and has not found any problems.

Otherwise they will be over.


The Sky Swallowing Golden Sable was excited. It liked this feeling so much that it couldn’t stop it.

In fact, the things it stole has been enough for it to last more than ten lifetimes, but it still couldn’t help stealing it. It’s not that these things are too precious, but this feeling makes it so infatuated.

This is even more exciting than going on some dangerous adventures.

“It’s really exciting.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, speaking of it, it was the first time he experienced this.

He has always acted upright, even if he wanted something, he would be upright. When did he ever commit the theft.

But let alone, this feeling is really thrilling, and he has never experienced it.

“Go, go to their treasure house and have a look.”

Swallowing Golden Sable smiled, and there was a bright light in his eyes.

Before in Jianzong, it patronized Jianzong’s treasure house, but there was nothing good in it, and the most precious thing was recorded by the Promise Sword that they had hidden in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

The Promise Sword Record has some value, but it is useless. What it fancy is the Taiyi Gold Essence that carries the Promise Sword Record. This is a good thing.

This place seems to be worse than Jianzong, maybe there is something good.

After speaking, the two quietly arrived near the treasure house in the dark.

Treasury is an important place of martial art, naturally guarded by people, and Cultivation Base is not low, they are all masters of Realm.

However, it was not difficult for the expert to swallow the golden sable, and directly took Ye Xiu around an inconspicuous place behind the treasure house, facing the corner with a paw.

No sound came out, but the hard wall was directly cut into a big hole like tofu.

“Good fellow, this was built with waste stones, right?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes widened. The barren stone is a very hard stone, the texture is like black iron, even a low-grade immortal artifact is difficult to cut so easily. At the same time, it also has the function of isolating Divine Sense detection.

Therefore, most of them are used by sects or forces to build Buddhist scripture pavilions or treasure houses, supplemented by formation protection, which is almost like an iron barrel.

Qu Linglong told him the reason why he knew this.

At that time, he built the scripture building and treasure house in Tianjuemen with his own hands.

“what is this.”

Tian Tuntian Jin Shou said that if it was before, it would have to use some other means, and now it is completely unnecessary.

Part of the Taiyi fine gold has been refined, and its claws have long surpassed ordinary fairy artifacts, plus it has used some skills, don’t cut this thing too easily.

“Then what are you waiting for, go in.”

Ye Xiu said, anyway, I have already taken the things here before, Liangzi has already knotted, take one to take, and take the two, why not have more of those.

“Say it first. After you enter, the king will pick it first, and you will pick the rest. Do you have any comments?”

Tian Tian Jin Sable blocked the entrance of the cave and looked at Ye Xiu.

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