Chapter 922 The Girl in Black

The Tibetan Scripture Building is the center of the martial art, and under normal circumstances, the guards are extremely strict.

But at this time, because the deeds of another group of bandits were exposed, there was no one here, and Ye Xiu easily got involved.

It’s a pity that the Cultivation Technique classics here also have a powerful Seal of Restrictions. Since his Realm at this time really can’t be opened, he can only release Divine Sense to check them one by one. If there is no Restrictions, he will use it for reference. Most of these are All kinds of strange things about the fairy world are of no value, so they are not marked as Restrictions.

But for Ye Xiu, it was an opportunity to increase his knowledge, so he didn’t care whether these classics were useful or not, so he directly packaged and rubbed them with Jade Slip, and read it later when he had time.

Just when he finished sweeping the first floor and was about to go up to the second floor to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net, a man in black walked down the stairs and ran into Ye Xiu.

“Who are you?”

The two yelled out almost in unison, but then Ye Xiu thought of where he was, and hurriedly shut up, looking at the man in black warily.

The man in black was completely black from head to toe, and even his appearance was hidden in the black gauze, and he couldn’t see exactly what he looked like.

But judging from her figure, she should be a woman.

“Your Excellency, don’t get me wrong, I am not a disciple of this sect, just like you, so you don’t have to worry about my influence on you. You take yours, and I take mine. How about everyone not damaging the river water?”

Ye Xiu quickly explained to avoid her misunderstanding and cause unnecessary trouble, because from her appearance, she should have come to take advantage of the fire, just like her own. Maybe the group outside is her companion, deliberately revealing this to lead away. The guard so that she can come in here.

He can only swallow the golden mink as a helper. It is not very reliable. If he really fights, he may not be able to get out of his body.


The woman immediately understood what Ye Xiu meant, feeling that he regarded herself as a thief, and a smile appeared in her eyes.

Of course she was not a thief who came to steal things, she was originally a disciple of the Tianshamen, and her dress was also helpless.

Originally, she was on Insight Cultivation Technique, and she came down to take a look when she heard the movement outside, but she didn’t expect to meet Zhao Yang and was mistaken for him to steal something.

Not to mention, this feeling is pretty good, so I thought about continuing to pretend.

She also wanted to see what this kid wanted to do here.

“You come down from the second floor, is there any restriction on it?”

Seeing her promise, Ye Xiu couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

He had finished rubbing all the classics on the first floor that were not sealed by Restrictions, but there was nothing of value, so he wanted to go to the second floor to have a look, but if there were Restrictions on it, he would not go.

After all, this place is too dangerous to stay for long.

“Yes, what do you want?”

The girl came in spirit.

“Swordsmanship or something.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while and said, before fighting with Sword Sect, he realized the importance of swordsmanship.

Although the Promise Sword Record is good, it is after all other people’s Cultivation Technique, and he is not good at directly cultivating it. If it is here, it should be able to make up for his shortcomings in this area.

“Yes, but it is a fragment, and it has not been included in the Tianshamen. If you take it for cultivation, you don’t have to worry that Tianshamen will trouble you afterwards. I don’t know if you are not interested.”

As soon as the woman’s eyes turned, she felt amused, but she would not do anything to damage the Tiansha Gate, and the sword art she said did exist, and its power was not bad, because it was too severely damaged, so No one has cultivation.

It’s not bad to send him away with this swordsmanship.

As for why he didn’t take action against her, it was because she felt that Ye Xiu was different from the thieves he had encountered before. He was not greedy and didn’t touch the classics that laid down Restrictions.

Otherwise she wouldn’t talk so easily.

“Of course I’m interested.”

Ye Xiu said, he likes this kind of “clean” swordsmanship, and he doesn’t have to worry about getting troubled afterwards.

Moreover, this is only for temporary use, and he will choose again when he returns to the Heavenly Jue Gate, because he wants to come there with a lot of powerful swordsmanship.

“Give you.”

The woman directly threw a Jade Slip, which was rubbed down by her before. Although this sword art is incomplete, it has a lot of reference value, so she rubbed it down and watched it every day. Now she has completely remembered the content inside. Next, this Jade Slip is useless.

“Thank you.”

Ye Xiu took Jade Slip and was very happy. Just when he was about to take a look, there was a voice outside.

The guards who had left came back again, and a few others were about to open the door for inspection. Obviously they also realized that the enemy was probably slamming, which made Ye Xiu frowned.

Once found, he is done.

“You hide first.”

Upon seeing this, the woman immediately understood Ye Xiu’s meaning, and immediately asked him to hide.

“how about you?”

Ye Xiu looked at the girl in black without knowing why she was not nervous at all.

“Hurry up, it’s too late to explain.”

The girl in black said again.


Ye Xiu didn’t care about this anymore, jumped directly on the beam, and ran the advanced breathing technique to completely reduce her own aura, but the woman was still standing in place, which made Ye Xiu unable to understand.

At this moment, the door of the room was opened, and a group of disciples rushed in. They were visibly startled when they saw the girl in black, and then they saluted at the same time: “Senior Sister Liu, you haven’t gone back yet.”

“Senior Sister?”

Ye Xiu on the beam of the room only felt a little dizzy in his head. This woman would actually be a disciple of the Tianshamen, didn’t he hit the muzzle.

“No, I’m watching here, there will be nothing wrong, you can withdraw.”

The woman waved her hand. At this moment, she really wanted to see Ye Xiu’s appearance. It should be fun.


Several people nodded and immediately retreated.

Although their Senior Sister Ruoxian did not take long to ascend, she is now a master of the Ninth Stage Realm of Human Immortals. She is highly talented and terrifying, and she is also very powerful. Normal Earth Immortals are not her opponents.

She is here to guard the Buddhist scriptures building, which is more useful than all these people combined. They can just catch the gang of thieves and perform meritorious services.

That group of thieves was too Damn it, and they stole all the treasures hidden by the door owner, and the door owner even offered a reward.

Whoever can win this group of thieves can become his true disciple.

This is a great thing, all of them are gearing up, and they are naturally no exception.

“They’re gone, come down.”

The woman in black looked up at where Ye Xiu was hiding.

“Are you a disciple of Tianshamen? Why do you want to help me?”

After Ye Xiu came down, he looked at the girl with puzzlement, now he really couldn’t figure it out.

“Why, do you want me to tell them you are here?”

The woman asked rhetorically.

“not me……”

Ye Xiu was stunned. The fool wanted her to sell herself, but he felt that this woman must have other requirements, so he said: “What on earth do you want to do, just say it, I don’t believe you will be saved for nothing. I.”

“I just saved you for nothing.”

There was a smile in the woman’s eyes, and that was the result she wanted.

Seeing his bewildered performance, the depressed mood has also been relieved a lot.

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