Chapter VIII: First Entry into the Immortal Realm

The golden light dissipated, and Ye Xiu appeared on an empty round table.

This round table has a large area, a radius of several hundred meters, and there are various peculiar runes flashing on it. With the arrival of own, this rune gradually disappears.

As for the surrounding area, it was deserted, not to mention the little fox, there was not even a ghost, Ye Xiu immediately took out the jade talisman, but there was no response, which means that they were not only separated, but also very far away.

“Oh, someone in this Nine Heavens continent has soared.”

Just when Ye Xiu didn’t know what to do, a voice came from the top of his head.

Looking up, I saw a white-clothed man descending from the sky and in front of him, but it looked like a big mountain standing in front of him.

The Cultivation Base of my own Emperor Realm was in front of him, but it was as small as an ant.


As soon as Ye Xiu wanted to speak, he heard the other person speak a little helplessly: “Forget it, one sheep is also rushing, and two sheep are also free, come with me.”

Without waiting for Ye Xiu to speak, he raised his hand to the convenience, Ye Xiu only felt that the light in front of him was dimmed, and people had come to a dim space.

There are also six people here, four men and two women, all of whom are the Cultivation Base of the Emperor Realm just like him.

Unfortunately, there is no little fox.

“Boy, which continent did you fly up from?”

The man who was talking was a scarfaced man, with a stab scar on his left cheek running from his forehead to the end, as if he had been injured by a certain Demonic Beasts.

It was a miracle to survive, and he didn’t expect that he could actually break through the emperor realm and ascend to the fairy realm.

“Nine Heavens continent.”

Ye Xiu came here for the first time, and he still wanted to learn something from the other party, so he didn’t hide it.

“Nine Heavens continent? I haven’t heard…wait, is that continent about to be destroyed?”

Not only the Scarface Man, but several others also showed incredible expressions, and said, “Boy, how did you break through the emperor realm? I heard that it is difficult for anyone to ascend in the Nine Heavens continent.”

“That’s a breakthrough.”

Ye Xiu frowned. These six people were obviously the same as himself, they had just ascended, how could they know about the Nine Heavens continent.

You know, when he was on the Nine Heavens Road, he had been to many places, especially in the last few years, the major Jedi also took the time to patronize.

But until Feisheng, he hadn’t heard anything about other continents.

“So breakthrough?”

The six looked at each other, and the Scarfaced Man walked over first, looking at Ye Xiu greedily, “Boy, did you get the nine-character mantra, as long as you hand it in, then we will be friends in the future.”

“How do you know the nine-character mantra, and why have you heard of the Nine Heavens continent and I haven’t heard of your continent?”

Ye Xiu became more confused. The Nine-Character Mantra is the secret technique on the Nine Heavens mainland, how could people outside know so clearly.

“You first hand over the nine-character mantra, and I can tell you these things slowly, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

The scarfaced man’s fist clenched loudly, threateningly.

“What if I don’t pay?”

Ye Xiu frowned and threatened me, you are not qualified.

“No? It’s up to you.”

The scarfaced man showed a sneer on his face, and he rushed to Ye Xiu while he was talking, and punched out.

In fact, he was just a test. He knew very well that the nine-character mantra exists on the Nine Heavens continent, but not all people who ascend can get it.

Unexpectedly, after his swindle, he was really surprised, and even the other five people were moved when they heard it, and the greedy color on their faces was beyond words.


Just when the Scarfaced Man’s fist was about to hit Ye Xiu, Ye Xiu also punched, but the latter hit the Scarfaced Man’s fist first.

Only one face, but the scarred man’s fist was blown by Ye Xiu with a punch, and his flesh and blood flew wildly.

The next moment, the previously arrogant scarfaced man squatted directly on the ground and wailed in pain.

The five people who had just wanted to take a share of the pie stopped immediately when they saw it, looking at Ye Xiu as if they had seen a ghost.

They are all strong in the emperor realm, and they have just ascended up, and their overall strength should be about the same.

Ye Xiu could punch the scarred man’s fist, which was a little scary.

“You are not on it?”

Ye Xiu’s eyes swept across them, as if two sharp swords were slashing across their faces, suddenly making their backs hairy and cold sweat.

“Your Excellency said and laughed, how could we do this kind of delinquent thing.”

“Right or right, you don’t know anything, we will accept the test of the nearby schools later, we must save our strength to stand out, otherwise it will only make others cheaper.”

“Yes, the martial arts test is very cruel, and if you are not careful, you will die. We meet is fate, we should watch and help each other, how can we kill each other.”

No one talks to you every word.

Ye Xiu’s strength was too strong, and he blasted the fists of the same rank.

With such a strength, the five of them are probably not their opponents when they join forces.

And what they are telling is also the truth, the test of the immortal sect is related to their next whereabouts and future, so they must pay attention to it.

Even if they have a backing in the immortal world, this pass must be passed.

“I want to know, how do you know the Nine Heavens continent and the nine-character mantra, isn’t it embarrassing?”

No matter what kind of sect test, if Ye Xiu couldn’t even figure out this matter, then he would encounter similar things himself in the future, and he didn’t want to be entangled in this matter forever.

“It’s not difficult, it’s not difficult at all.”

A purple-clothed man said: “The reason why we reach the Nine Heavens continent and the nine-character mantra is because our continent can get in touch with the immortal world, and we can learn about the situation of other continents through the immortal world.”

“You can contact the fairy world, how do you contact?”

Ye Xiu was stunned. The Nine Heavens Continent could not be connected with the immortal world, and because of this, he didn’t know anything about the situation in the immortal world.

It turned out that he thought that other mainlanders should be like him, but now it doesn’t seem to be the case.

“It’s just to contact our ancestors. They can project into the continent through their consciousness, but the cost is very high.”

The white-robed man explained.

“There have been people flying above the Nine Heavens continent, why can’t they do it?”

Ye Xiu asked, there were a lot of people in the continent of Nine Heavens who had soared. If other people could do it, why did the immortals in the continent of Nine Heavens never project it?

He didn’t believe that those immortals had no descendants and disciples on the road of Nine Heavens. There must be other reasons.

“Then we don’t know, our ancestor also mentioned this matter.”

The white-robed man shook his head. Although they can get in touch with the immortal world, there are many things that even their ancestors are not qualified to know, let alone them.

“If this is the case, why do you know so much about the situation in the Nine Heavens continent and still know the nine-character mantra?”

Ye Xiu asked again, according to what he knew now, it was basically possible to conclude that the immortal world was connected to many continents, and the continent of Nine Heavens was just one of the thousands of continents. If there were no special features, it would be impossible for everyone to know it.

This is also something he must figure out, otherwise it will always be a hidden danger.

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