Chapter 880 Transcends Tribulation Ascends

Three days later, northwest China, a barren land.

A man and a woman stood on the top of a barren mountain, shrouded by a large formation within a radius of 100,000 miles, and the Ninth Stage quasi-emperor could not be broken.

“My son, you don’t actually need to be like this, Xiaohu can wait.”

The male and female were Ye Xiu and Xiaohu. At this moment, Xiaohu looked up at Ye Xiu. She understood what Ye Xiu had to pay for doing this. Not only did she give up her brotherhood, she also left Qingcheng Little Sister behind.

How good is she, worthy of the son’s treatment.

“What silly thing to say, you are my woman, I take revenge for you.”

Ye Xiu touched her little head and said.

“Little Sister is also…”

As soon as Xiaohu wanted to say that Qingcheng was also a young man’s woman, he was interrupted by Ye Xiu: “Xiaohu, you should know that after self-breaking through the imperial realm three years ago, he has been suppressing the Cultivation Base, just to wait for you to rise together. .”

“Amano has just passed through the Seventh Stage. It will take at least ten years to break through the Emperor. It is much worse. Today, there is only the Third Stage. The situation in Qingcheng is better than the more. It is still nowhere near the Ninth Stage. It will take at least a hundred years for them to break through the imperial realm to ascend with us.”

“From the moment I made my breakthrough in the imperial realm, I was destined to be unable to wait for them. I can’t suppress my own Realm for up to three years. Even without this, I will ascend them one step ahead.”

“So, you don’t have to blame yourself.”

Speaking of Lin Qingcheng, Ye Xiu’s heart was full of guilt, and they always got together little and more, but this girl had been waiting for herself in silence.

Although I have been with them in the past few years, this is not enough. Now Xiaohu is troubled by his previous experience and is depressed. He sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart.

He really didn’t want to stay any longer.

He believes that Qingcheng and Tianye will understand own, and that they have their own emperor soldiers, and no one will dare to touch them in the entire Nine Heavens continent.


Little Fox nodded, and after listening to Ye Xiu’s comfort, she felt better in her heart.

“Little Fox, we don’t know the situation in the fairy world, and we don’t know what will happen when we fly up. In order to prevent us from losing contact, you can hold this talisman for communication. As long as we are no more than tens of billions of miles apart, it will work. Let us communicate.”

Ye Xiu took out a jade talisman and handed it to the little fox, “If the distance between us exceeds this distance, don’t you go to me. Ascension own power as much as possible, save yourself, wait for me to find you, understand ?”

This jade amulet was made by him in the past few days while setting up the formation, for this purpose.

The situation in the fairy world Nine Heavens mainland has no records, because there is no precedent for any ascending emperor to reproduce Nine Heavens.

He didn’t know what kind of situation the immortal world was like, so he had to prepare for the worst.

As for Xian Jie, he really didn’t care about it.

“Little Fox remembered.”

Little Fox nodded, she was not willing to be separated from Ye Xiu, but no one knew what the situation in the fairy world was. She was not too disappointed if she was mentally prepared in advance.

“One more thing, your surname is very eye-catching in the immortal world, so after entering the immortal world, if we really separate, you will use Ye as the surname, and then I can rely on that to find you.”

Ye Xiu reminded once again that the reason why the little fox was knocked out of the mortal dust was because of the Tushan Fox Clan’s rebellion. If the little Fox takes Qingqiu as the surname, it will be easily detected by the Tushan Fox Clan, which is quite dangerous.

They are married anyway, and changing their surname to own is not a big deal.

“Little Fox understands.”

The little fox nodded heavily.


Ye Xiu kissed the little fox on the forehead, then looked up at the sky, releasing his breath completely.


The sky, which was originally a clear sky for thousands of miles, was instantly covered with dark clouds, stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

It looked like a black canopy covering the sky, where thunder snakes surged and lightning thundered.

A terrifying force descended from the darkness, instantly locking the aura of Ye Xiu and Xiaohu.

The next moment the robbery cloud rolled, like a giant dragon, and its color changed drastically.

Afterwards, a huge, golden armor with a thunder snake around him, God of War, poked his head out of the clouds, with a pair of grinding disc-sized eyes, cold and ruthless, like a god looking down on the people.

In the end, its gaze was fixed on Ye Xiu and Xiaohu.

“Little Fox, come to me.”

Ye Xiu frowned, and his face also showed a solemn look.

He has experienced a lot of Heavenly Tribulation, Black Cloud Tribulation, Red Cloud Tribulation, and even Chaos Thunder Tribulation.

Moreover, the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder in his body has not reacted at all until now, as if it was not transformed by the power of thunder.

If the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder couldn’t control it, then the little fox would be in danger.

So he tried his best to spur the purple sky divine thunder, and a lot of thunder light appeared on his body, but the other party was unmoved.

Suddenly, a golden spear with a length of hundreds of feet appeared in its hands and threw it down, fast as lightning, hitting Ye Xiu and Xiaohu respectively.

“Come here.”

Just when the two spears were about to stab them both, the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder suddenly reacted, and in Ye Xiu’s roar, the two spears pierced into his body at the same time.

In an instant, he felt his own soul primordial spirit was hit by a sledgehammer, and because of the sudden incident, he almost knocked him out.

Fortunately, his nerves had gone through the constant tempering of the Universe Soul Forging Technique and the Hongchen Heart Song, and they were already as tough as iron.

Only after a little bit of adjustment, he recovered.

“I see.”

Ye Xiu understood why the immortal robbery was so terrible at this moment.

According to ancient records, even in the ancient times, when the emperor ascended in Transcends Tribulation, there was a 50% chance of falling.

With the passage of time, the probability of falling is getting higher and higher, and in the end, the falling rate even reached as much as 80%.

In other words, ten immortal emperors Transcends Tribulation, it is very likely that eight of them will be obliterated on the spot.

Now that I think about it, I understand that the previous Heavenly Tribulation was all aimed at the physical body, and people have habitual thinking. It suddenly changes the way, and more than 90% of people may not be able to bear it.

Now that you know its characteristics, then the immortal robbery is not a cause for concern.

“Little Fox, I won’t block the robbery for you from now on. This Heavenly Tribulation is aimed at the primordial spirit. It is good to bear it personally.”

Ye Xiu reminded that the power of this immortal calamity is not small, but as long as it can be carried down, it will help you purify the soul in a disguised form, and his soul has doubled in just those two strokes.

You know, his soul is already extremely pure, and he can continue to condense. This is no longer what Human Lock can do.

With such an opportunity for Ascension, he will naturally not forget Little Fox.

This girl does not look at the Eighth Stage after the Cultivation Base, but she also cultivated the Universe Soul Forging Technique and the Red Heart Refining Song, the soul has already surpassed countless emperors.

So she was able to Transcends Tribulation herself, but it was a pity that he didn’t know about this, otherwise he would take Mu Tianye and the others to ascend together.

They also cultivated the Universe Soul Forging Technique, and already possessed the strength of Transcends Tribulation.


Ye Xiu’s words just fell hard, and two thunder spears plunged straight down again.

This time Ye Xiu didn’t try to stop him, but let the two spears pierce into his body and the little fox’s body respectively.

Just as Ye Xiu thought, Xiaohu easily carried it off, and his soul became more condensed.

“The son…”

Little Fox looked surprised. Just when he was about to speak, Ye Xiu’s voice came from his ear: “Little Fox, don’t be distracted, the immortal robbery behind will get stronger and stronger. Try your best to Transcends Tribulation. I’ll talk about it later.”

Ye Xiu himself was not afraid of distractions, but Xiaohu couldn’t. Her soul was not as tyrannical as her own. In case something went wrong, he didn’t have any regret medicine on him.

After listening to Ye Xiu’s words, the little fox immediately held his breath and concentrated his attention, fully resisting the immortal robbery.

It seemed that the two of them had no hands, and the golden armor God of War became angry, and the frequency of throwing both hands became faster and faster.

Boom boom boom…

The thunder spear, like a squally rain, constantly bombarded the two of them.

But Ye Xiu and Xiaohu are like two strong reefs, and I can’t move like a mountain despite the wind and rain.

I don’t know how long it took, the two souls have been condensed to the extreme, and even a faint golden light appeared on them.


Suddenly, the golden armor God of War in the sky let out a roar, and the body began to transform into two thousand-foot-long Yanyue knives, with Thunder Dragon coiled on them, unparalleled in power.

As soon as they appeared, it seemed as if the power in Jieyun had been taken out, and Jieyun began to dissipate.


Two Yanyue Knives tore through the void directly and appeared on top of Ye Xiu and Xiaohu’s heads, as if there were two big invisible hands waving at them, and then they slashed.


With a loud noise, the two vomited blood at the same time.

But this blood is indeed black, and it exudes a stench, and it is the Impurities hidden deep in the flesh.

A mouthful of blood was spit out, and both of them felt as if the shackles of their bodies had been completely opened, which was extremely refreshing.

At the same time, he felt his body lighten, and his connection with Nine Heavens mainland was also completely cut off.

At this time, the two opened their eyes and found that they were enveloped in a golden beam of light. The power in it was repairing the injury suffered during Transcends Tribulation, and the power in the body began to change.

Ye Xiu tried to keep the situation of the immortal robbery to remind Tian Ye and the others, but was blocked by the golden light, and no news could be passed on.

“No wonder there is no record of Immortal Tribulation on the Nine Heavens continent.”

Ye Xiu understood the reason, and then the two were slowly lifted off by the golden light.

Whoosh whoosh…

At this time, the four Daoist shadows flew from a distance.

It was Mu Tianye, who had a lot of money, Lin Qingcheng and Qin Wanqing, but Ye Xiu felt that there was still a gaze in the distance, watching here.

Although he did not appear, Ye Xiu knew that the person should be Qitian.

Lin Qingcheng and others shouted from below, but at this time Ye Xiu and Xiaohu were no longer in the same time and space with them, and they couldn’t hear their voices at all.

Similarly, Lin Qingcheng and the four of them couldn’t hear them either, they could only watch each other go away.

“I am waiting for you in the fairy world.”

Ye Xiu finally tried his best to penetrate the golden light barrier, leaving these words, the beam of light flashed and disappeared into the sky.

Ye Xiu and Xiaohu also disappeared together.

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