Chapter VIII

“These are actually leaked by our ancestors during the previous projection, and they also allow us to pay attention to the situation of the Nine Heavens continent when we ascend.”

The tall woman did not dare to conceal: “He didn’t tell the specific situation, but I guessed that the patriarch should be for the nine-character mantra. It is said that the nine-character mantra is actually a top secret technique in the fairy world. I do not know why it fell into the Nine Heavens continent. Big guys want to get it.”

“The nine-character mantra comes from the fairy world?”

Ye Xiu frowned slightly, but he thought about it.

This nine-character mantra is more powerful than any kind of Cultivation Technique in the Nine Heavens continent, especially after the nine-character is assembled, it directly allows him to overcome the enemy by crossing the four Realms in the Fifth Stage.

This is still under the circumstances that he has not fully understood it, if he fully understands the true meaning of it, its power can be enhanced, but to this day, he still has not fully grasped it.

Originally, he thought it was because own was not qualified enough, but now he understands when he hears these people.

It’s not that he is not talented enough, but that this thing originated from the fairy world, which is extremely profound.

The Great Realm is simply not enough to support his understanding of deeper things.

“Well, how many words did you get?”

The small woman tentatively said that the Nine-Character Mantra in the immortal world has also not been collected, but its single word also has a magical effect. If Ye Xiu gets a lot of words, it can also be comparable to top combat skills.


Ye Xiu frowned, and hurriedly shut up, glaring at the woman and said: “Don’t be clever, otherwise, I don’t mind damaging flowers.”

He did it deliberately, just to spread it through her mouth.

My current situation is very dangerous, the immortal elders are also interested in the nine-character mantra. Once people know that they have obtained the complete nine-character mantra, then this immortal world will have no place for him.

That’s why he pretended to answer subconsciously, even if someone finds himself, he will not endanger his own life.

The big deal is that I just pick out three of them and hand them over in the future.

“You misunderstood, I’m just curious, curious.”

The woman was taken aback, and quickly explained that she didn’t want to be injured by Zhao Yang, but this would affect the next martial art test.

“What do you mean by the sect test you just said?”

After Ye Xiu calmed down, he asked.

“I’ll explain this.”

It was the tall woman who spoke: “The martial art test is actually the first test for those of us who have ascended into the immortal world. Anyone is inevitable. After passing the test, the martial arts will accept us, otherwise , You can only join a small school or cultivation alone.”

“It is said that there is Huaxianchi in the martial arts. It can allow the rising people to directly cross the pseudo-immortal and human immortal realms and enter the Earth Immortals. Therefore, it is very important to get a good ranking in the martial arts test.”

“You probably don’t know the division of Realm in Immortal Realm. In the First Stage of Immortal Realm, Cultivation Base is divided into five grades, pseudo immortals, human immortals, Earth Immortals, Celestial Immortals and true immortals. Each Realm is divided into nine grades.”

This is also the fundamental reason why several people dare not make any more moves. Once they miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to join the martial arts group, and their ancestors will not play any role.

“Xianjie First Stage, what do you mean?”

Ye Xiu frowned slightly, he found that he really didn’t know anything about the situation in the fairy world.

“You don’t even know this…”

The woman was startled, but she understood the situation of the Nine Heavens mainland, so she said: “There are a total of Third Stage days in the fairy world, and here is the First Stage day, and there are seven great fairy regions in the First Stage day. We are now in the east. Li Xianyu.”

“It is said that every First Stage day has an upper limit of Cultivation Base, and the upper limit of First Stage day is the Ninth Stage True Immortal. As for the Realm above the True Immortal, it can only be known after entering the Second Stage days. I don’t know now.”

After all, they were new to the immortal world, and they knew everything they knew from their ancestors, so they were a little bit more than Ye Xiu, and they were not qualified to come into contact with deeper secrets.

Now she almost told Ye Xiu what she knew.


Ye Xiu nodded and said, “There is another question. Is the place that appears after this ascent is random or fixed?”

“Of course it is fixed. Our Tianyuan Continent is the same as your Nine Heavens Continent. After ascending, we will all come to Donglixianyu and will not appear in other places.”

Women’s Road.

“Then why is my wife not here?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Your wife? Did you ascend together? Shouldn’t…”

The woman suddenly thought of something and asked: “It stands to reason that people from Nine Heavens will only appear here, and they cannot appear anywhere else, unless she is not a human being.”

“She is a woman transformed from a demon race, she is indeed not a human being.”

Ye Xiu explained.

“It’s no wonder that the monster race will eventually appear in the monster domain no matter where it soars. The monster domain is also one of the seven immortal domains.”

The woman was relieved.

“How far is the demon domain from here?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Let’s tell you this, this Donglixianyu is divided into nine states, and the area of ​​each state is several times larger than our Tianyuan Continent.”

The woman continued: “The Nine Heavens Continent should be about the size of our Tianyuan Continent. Even if you know how big Dongli Xianyu is, the specific location we are now in is one of the 36 regions of Qingzhou. Fengyu is divided into 72 cities, each of which represents a province, and the area is very large.”

“As for where the Demon Realm is and how far it is from here, I don’t know, but it must be far, far away. It must be difficult to go to the Demon Realm with your current strength. You may still have a chance to join the sect.”

The area of ​​Dongli Xianyu is very large, and it is always in crisis. With his current strength, it is very difficult to get out of Dongli Xianyu, let alone go to the Demon Realm to find his wife.

Only by joining the martial arts, Ascension own Cultivation Base, may we have a chance to pass.

“I see, thanks a lot.”

Ye Xiu thanked her. Although she wanted to take action against herself before, she helped herself answer many questions, and the grievances between them were cleared.

At this time, he set a small goal for himself, to join the martial arts, Ascension’s own strength.

As for other things, I can only talk about it later.

“If you really want to thank me, just wait for the martial arts test to pull me when I need it.”

The woman said, the reason why she was patient enough to explain so much to Ye Xiu was that she wanted him to help when she was tested by the martial art.

There are so many continents in the lower realm. Almost every day, thousands of people ascend to Donglixianyu. These people are all top powerhouses who have ascended from all continents. Although she has great certainty to pass, she is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. .

If you can get Ye Xiu’s help, it will really be foolproof.

“If I have spare capacity, I can help you.”

It is impossible for Ye Xiu to influence his own plan for a stranger. He will only help if he does not influence his own.


The woman nodded and said: “By the way, my name is Qu Linglong, I don’t know what your name is yet.”

“Ye Xiu.”

Ye Xiu sat on the floor after talking to consolidate the Cultivation Base. This martial test is very important to him, and there is no room for loss. He must adjust his own state to the best.

“It’s really cold…”

Qu Linglong raised her eyebrows, originally she wanted to get close to Ye Xiu, it was impossible to see the situation clearly.

Simply sat down and adjusted his state.

I don’t know how long it took, a few people flashed before their eyes and appeared in a huge square, where thousands of people had already gathered.

Each one was gearing up, very excited, obviously all came to participate in the martial test.

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