Chapter 851 The Marshal asked me to bring you a word

In the Great Wilderness Palace.

“Dear Aiqing, now any of you still have a way, as long as I can save my great desolate foundation and not fall, I am willing to share this great desolate state with him.”

The ancient magical power was completely panicked, he originally had great hopes for Elder Ge, not to mention that there was a living example of Daewoo before his eyes.

But who once thought that this group of people did not act according to common sense, but appeared directly outside the imperial city, and occupied the four major city gates with the momentum of thunder.

They completely disrupted their plan.

Now he couldn’t do it if he wanted to escape, he could only hide in the palace, relying on the guardian formation to linger, waiting for the butcher knife in Ye Xiu’s hand to fall.

When he thinks that his ancestor’s foundation will be destroyed in Own’s hands, and even the family’s interests cannot be guaranteed, he feels an unprecedented sense of helplessness.

“Your Majesty, surrender. If you surrender now, you may still be treated well by the Qin Dynasty. If you continue to resist, the consequences will be disastrous.”

“Yeah, your Majesty, we are now surrounded by them. If it weren’t for the plan of Elder Ge to take away the supreme worship, we would not be so passive. Now we can only choose to surrender.”

“It’s all to blame for the bad ideas of the old man, which made us completely passive. Now we can get many rewards when we directly surrender while we still have the power to resist. Otherwise, when they attack with all their strength, we will be unable to return to heaven. ”

Almost none of the ministers chose to continue to die with the Great Wilderness, after all, they had spent countless efforts in cultivation to this point.

Now that the Great Wilderness is obviously no longer able to keep it, they naturally have to persuade the ancient magical powers to surrender. Only in this way can they justify their submission to the Great Qin Dynasty.

Just as the little eunuch thought before, they are nothing more than a change of master, and their status will not be greatly affected.

But if you are a traitor, it will be difficult to get reuse from the Great Qin Dynasty.

“Asshole things, your majesty is not waiting for you, how can you ignore your majesty for the immediate benefit, your majesty, the ministers feel that these people are wrong and disrupt our military’s mind, and should be blamed.”

At this moment, the previous Hubu Shangshu suddenly stood up and said with a gloomy expression.

He had already left a bad impression on the ancient magical powers before, and at this time he stood up and showed his determination that even if Dahuang finally surrendered, he would still be protected by the ancient magical powers.

After all, he was a great desolate emperor, and the Great Qin Dynasty could not rush to extinction. It was still possible to seal a idle prince.

It is better to continue following the ancient magical powers than to start over again.

“Xiao Kaizhong, why don’t you stand and talk because your back hurts? If it weren’t for your mistake, why would the Great Wilderness land in this field? Now stand on the side and talk coldly, who do you think you are.”

“Yes, it’s too special. Damn it. If it weren’t for you, how could we persuade your Majesty to surrender? It’s not your responsibility.”

“The veteran believes that Xiao Kaizhong should be sentenced to death in order to rectify the dynasty.”

As soon as Xiao Kaizhong’s voice fell, he immediately drew a siege from the officials. Strictly speaking, Dahuang’s turn came to this field, and Xiao Kaizhong had an unshirkable responsibility.

Otherwise, relying on the resources in the treasury of the Great Desolate Dynasty, no matter how you can invite reinforcements.

Now he has stepped up to show his loyalty, what did he do?

If you want to die, don’t pull on daddy.

“Shut up all to me.”

Ancient Shentong’s face was gloomy and watery, so when are you still fighting, can’t you give some ideas for the widow? Even if it is surrender, you have to discuss a charter.

“Your Majesty, I know I have serious guilt, so I am willing to go out and negotiate with Ye Xiu, try to preserve the foundation of the Great Wilderness, which is considered to be a crime, and I ask your Majesty to agree.”

Xiao Kaizhong was flushed with what they said, so his head became hot and he directly said his own thoughts.

“Well, well, Xiao Aiqing is worthy of being the minister of the humerus of my Great Desolate Dynasty. It is up to you for this matter. Please set up as many conditions as possible.”

The ancient magical power sighed. Now in this situation, he no longer hopes that the Great Desolate Dynasty will be able to come back to life. He only hopes to benefit the ancient clan.

“Your Majesty, the envoy of Great Qin outside asks to see you.”

At this moment, a guard rushed in and bowed.


As soon as this situation emerged, the scene suddenly became quiet. How could anyone from the Great Qin Dynasty be able to enter the Great Desolate Palace under such circumstances.

Here is the guardian of the top big formation.

“Let him in.”

The ancient magical power thought for a while and said, since people are here, there is no reason to ignore it.


The guard retreated, and then Jiang Li walked in steadily.

Jiang Li glanced at everyone, and finally fixed his gaze on the ancient supernatural powers, saying: “You are the emperor of the Great Wilderness, we Ye Shuai asked me to bring you a sentence, unconditionally surrender within three days, otherwise the day the city breaks, it will be you. Wait for death.”

“Fuck, this is too arrogant.”

This is the voice of all people. They have not completely lost their combat effectiveness in Dahuang. Don’t you force us to fight to the end? Will you be able to speak.

Even if Marshal Ye really meant this, you can’t be tactful and give us a step down?

“Why don’t you talk, let me give you a happy talk about okay or not, I don’t have time to waste with you here.”

Jiang Li said impatiently, if Ye Xiu were here, he would definitely kick him. Does daddy mean that.


Gu Shentong sighed, ready to agree.

Because he knew that the other party had mastered the way to enter the palace, and once the news spreads, even if he didn’t surrender to the Great Wilderness, he would not be able to return to heaven.

“Vana boy, whoever gave you the courage to confess in my Great Wilderness, just because you want me to surrender to the Great Wilderness, it’s a foolish dream.”

At this moment, an angry shout came from a distance, and then a dozen or so Daoist shadows galloped from outside.

The man in the lead had some similarities with the ancient magical powers. He was indeed the leader of the country, Gu Zhantian, who had been away from the Great Wilderness for more than ten years. At this time, he had already broken through to the supreme realm.

And the ten people behind him are all Supreme Realm masters.

“My son has met my father.”

The ancient magical powers were overjoyed when they saw this lineup, and now they were saved from the famine.


Jiang Li glanced at the person and pointed out. A shocking Sword Qi is like a pike, piercing the ancient war sky, fast as lightning.

By the time he reacted, it was too late.

Hearing a puff, Gu Zhantian’s chest was directly punched out of a blood cave, and he was directly killed by a spike.

“Xuan Xuan Jian pointed, you, are you a disciple of Xuan Xuan Sacred Land?”

The supreme beings were directly taken aback by this sword finger. They all came from within Shenzhou, and they naturally recognized the origin of Jiang Li’s trick, and at the same time understood what Tianxuan Sacred Land meant.

Tianxuan Sacred Land is an overlord in the interior of China, and it is not comparable to these Rogue Cultivators.

Since Jiang Li’s Cultivation Base is not as good as them, they dare not make a mistake.

“is it not OK?”

Jiang Li said lightly, although he didn’t want to reveal his identity, he had already packed the ticket in front of Ye Xiu. If he ran for nothing, then where would he put his face.


After the Supreme Masters had determined Jiang Li’s identity, they dared not stay, and turned around and ran.

Only those people of the Great Wilderness Dynasty are left swaying in the wind.

Can anyone tell me what happened.

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