Chapter 852 The Great Wilderness Surrenders Unconditionally

Outside the palace, Ye Xiu and others stood on the head of the city, waiting for news from the palace.

As for the Supreme Realm masters he had entered before, he also saw it, and his brows wrinkled. He didn’t worry about Jiang Li’s safety. As long as this kid moved his own identity out, the Supreme didn’t dare to hurt him at all.

He was just worried about what would happen to the destruction of the Great Wilderness.

After all, although more than a dozen Supreme Masters cannot change the result of the destruction of the Great Wilderness, they can already extend the time for him to destroy the Great Wilderness, and the longer it takes, the more unfavorable the situation on Qin Sheng’s side will be.

So things here must be decided quickly.

“Ye Shuai, look.”

At this moment, Xia Yufeng pointed to several supreme Taoists galloping out of the imperial palace.

“Why come out again, didn’t they just go in?”

Xia Houwu is also a little unclear. So, I am afraid that it hasn’t even arrived for a quarter of an hour since they entered. Is it possible that something happened inside?

Or are they ordered to capture Ye Shuai?

Thinking of this, his body involuntarily leaned against Ye Xiu. After all, he was able to distinguish him from other rebellious generals at this time, mainly because of Ye Xiu’s help.

If something happens to him, I am afraid that there will be no room for ascending in the Qin Dynasty in the future.

Although he couldn’t resist the siege of the Supreme Realm master with his strength at this time, it was okay to delay some time.

As a result, these few people flew directly over their heads without even looking at them from start to finish, which made them very puzzled.

What are they doing, half-day tour of the wilderness?

“what the hell?”

This situation also made Ye Xiu feel very strange. Judging from their aura when they came before, it was obvious that they were here to help Dahuang, so they left in a blink of an eye.

No, it should be fleeing to be precise, because the speed of these supreme beings is faster than when they came, and there is still a hint of fear on their faces.

It was as if something terrible was chasing them behind them.

This is the central part of China. There are only a handful of Supremes. Ten people added together, nowhere can they go, and what makes them feel scared.

By the way, Jiang Li must have moved.

Needless to say, as long as this kid moved out his own identity, it would be enough to scare them away.


Ye Xiu also secretly rejoiced that he had let this kid go for a trip. If it were someone else, it would be really difficult to do.

“Come out, they are out.”

Xia Yufeng saw that the large formation above the palace had been withdrawn, and at the same time Jiang Li was walking out of the palace with a group of people. The headed person was still wearing a dragon robe with a sad expression on his face.

It’s not the ancient supernatural power of the Great Huang Emperor or who.

“Is this to surrender?”

Xia Houwu was also dumbfounded.

According to the method Ye Xiu said before, it takes at least one or two days of fermentation to have an effect, but how long does it take for Jiang Li to enter? Is there half an hour?

He even led out the ancient magical powers and a group of officials from the Great Desolate Dynasty directly. This was exactly the rhythm of surrender.

This efficiency is too high.

“The ancient supernatural power of the king of the subjugated country, pays homage to Marshal Ye, the lone king is willing to surrender unconditionally to the Great Qin Dynasty on behalf of the Great Wilderness King.”

The ancient magical power pondered for a while and finally bowed to Ye Xiu, saying the hardest words in his life, and as soon as these words were said, his whole person seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

The emperor of the dignified Great Wilderness dynasty, who used to fight against the three dynasties of Daqin and Daewoo, has now become a prisoner of the ranks, and even dare not even have the courage to raise the conditions.

This kind of humiliation was unprecedented, and it made him really want to kill himself with a single stroke, so that he would not have to bear these things.

But when he learned that Da Qin was actually related to the Profound Sky Sacred Land, he didn’t even dare to have the courage to commit suicide. It was the top power in China, a giant existence.

If they want to destroy the Great Desolate Dynasty, it is as easy as exploring the bag.

This is not difficult to see from Jiang Li’s one-shot killing of his father’s emperor. Although he doesn’t know how high Jiang Li’s Cultivation Base is, it will never exceed the Supreme Realm.

The most likely one is the Cultivation Base of Ninth Stage.

But with this kind of Cultivation Base, one blow to kill the father emperor who has made a breakthrough in the Supreme Realm, one can imagine how powerful the Sky Profound Sacred Land is.

It’s just that he didn’t understand why Tianxuan Sacred Land would intervene in the affairs of Central China, and why he would choose the Great Qin Dynasty.

“Unconditional surrender?”

Ye Xiu was also stunned. Although he broke through the Dahuang imperial city, he also knew very well that if he wanted to let Dahuang surrender without blood, they would at least provide some conditions to ensure their future life.

Even asking for a kingship is a matter of reason.

Even Ye Xiu was ready to negotiate with them.

However, the ancient magical power intends to surrender unconditionally, which means that he will unconditionally give up everything he has now, and even hand over his own life and death to the Daqin Dynasty.

If it were him, even if he chose to commit suicide, he would never choose this approach.

After all, the king of the subjugated country should also have the dignity of the king of the subjugated country.

“Brother Ye, how about it, I’m doing a good job.”

Jiang Li immediately stepped forward to ask for his credit. This is what he made by himself. It is more direct, rougher, and more effective than your method.

“What did you do?”

Ye Xiu looked at Jiang Li and asked. He knew that this matter must have something to do with Jiang Li, but even if he moved out as a disciple of Tianxuan Sacred Land, at best he would be jealous of the ancient magical powers and others, and he would not be allowed to make such a decision. Bar.

“It’s nothing, just killed a supreme.”

Jiang Li shrugged and said, as if he was stating a trivial matter.


Xia Houwu and Xia Yufeng were shocked directly. They killed a supreme. What are you kidding about? Could it be that Jiang Li was already a master of the supreme realm?

How could it be, how old he is.

Even if he started cultivation in his mother’s womb, he wouldn’t be able to break through to the Supreme Realm at such a young age, because their cultivation is only the Seventh Stage King.

“Isn’t it just killing a supreme? What’s all the fuss about.”

Jiang Li didn’t take it seriously. You have to know that there are not ten or seven or eight of the Supremes who died in his hands, and this is just a First Stage Supreme, which has no meaning at all.

“It’s no wonder.”

After listening to Jiang Li’s words, Ye Xiu understood why this ancient magical power would surrender unconditionally, and his feelings were frightened.

The ancient magical power must now think that Jiang Li is an ordinary disciple of Xuanxuan Sacred Land, and then used this as a basis to infer the approximate strength of Xuanxuan Sacred Land, so he was frightened and surrendered.

But Ye Xiu felt that even in the Profound Sky Sacred Land, he couldn’t find a few characters like him, so the Sky Profound Sacred Land was not as powerful as the ancient magical powers imagined.

But this is fine, it saves him a lot of trouble.

“Well, I accept your surrender on behalf of the Qin Dynasty. As for how to deal with you, I will personally report to your Majesty. As for now, I also ask you to give up resistance.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he ordered people to imprison their Cultivation Base, and then sent someone to escort them to Daqin.

After all, this ancient magical power is the emperor of the Great Wilderness, and staying here is not conducive to the next work, so it is safer to escort back to the Great Qin Dynasty.

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