Chapter 850: Jiang Li’s Envoy

“General Xia, leave this to you.”

Ye Xiu looked at Xia Yufeng. In fact, by comparison, Xia Houwu was more suitable for this trip, because he had a greater impact on the Great Desolate Dynasty, after all, he was originally a general of the Great Desolate Dynasty.

But he could see that Xia Houwu’s face was a bit wrong at this time, and he obviously didn’t want to come forward.

That being the case, he wouldn’t be overwhelmed, anyway, the difference is not very big.

“Thank you Ye Shuai for your understanding.”

Xia Houwu hurriedly thanked him. Although he had rebelled, it was a decision made in desperate circumstances. After all, he valued his own life more than being loyal to the Great Wilderness.

This is understandable, even in the face of ancient magical powers, he dare to say so.

But if you betrayed, then you betrayed. If you try to stab the original master’s knife, it’s a bit unreasonable. Anyway, he can’t pass this level.

“Brother Ye, let me go, I’m almost boring these few days.”

At this moment, Jiang Li walked in from outside. He had always followed Ye Xiu’s words before, and followed him as a pro-army to protect Ye Xiu’s safety.

And just can’t tell, it’s too much eye addiction.

Now that the battle is set, Ye Xiu’s safety does not need to be protected by himself, and if he doesn’t take action, then there is really no fun.

And this time I was going to the Great Wilderness Imperial City to negotiate, facing all the high-levels of Great Wilderness, and letting them surrender in front of them, it felt exciting to think about it.


Xia Yufeng frowned and glanced at Jiang Li carefully.

He was not impressed by this person, because he had been with Ye Xiu all this time, and he hadn’t seen anything from him, and he hadn’t even seen him make any moves.

But judging from Ye Xiu’s attitude towards him during this time, it seemed that he was very jealous of Jiang Li’s identity.

At this time, Ye Xiu was already a god-man to them, and they naturally didn’t dare to look down on someone who could make him value so much. It was just that he was a little unwilling to give such a credit to the cupped hands to others. .

“General Xia, you don’t need to be nervous. I am not a member of your Great Qin Dynasty. I will not be in the future, let alone stay here. I will leave here when I finish this, so I won’t compete with you. of.”

Although Jiang Li didn’t know much about the prices and customs of the outside world, he still had a thorough understanding of people’s minds. His master had focused on this.

Therefore, he could see the worry of Xia Yufeng and others at a glance.

The reason why he wanted to make a move was mainly because it was fun. As for the credit for him, it was completely trivial and trivial.

“Okay, it’s up to you to come forward, remember, don’t be playful, make a quick decision.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, anyway, the great famine is already powerless, it doesn’t matter if Jiang Li is happy, and at the same time it can deepen the friendship between them.

After the matters here are dealt with, he is ready to leave for the interior of Shenzhou, to pick up Xiaohu back, if he can get Jiang Li’s help, it should be much easier.

However, he can’t let him waste too much time.

Not long ago, he had received information from Qin Sheng, and the situation there was not optimistic, so they could not delay here for too long, otherwise it would affect their plan to unify Central China.

Moreover, he also wanted to take this opportunity to destroy the real Martial Ancestor in one fell swoop.

Don’t you like bullying others, then I also let you taste the feeling of being bullied.


Jiang Li was overjoyed. During this period of time, he watched Ye Xiu lashing out at Fang Yao, chatting and laughing, and disappeared, but he was anxious, but he also understood himself.

It’s easy for him to kill, but it’s hard for him to command an army of hundreds of thousands.

That’s why he endured it all the time, and didn’t stand up until this time. He might not be able to do other things, but he can definitely do this.

With that, he walked to the Great Desolate Palace alone, very fast.

Ye Xiu wanted to stop him and bring a few people over, but the family had already come outside the palace, and the formation didn’t exist in front of him, so he walked in easily.

“Fuck, Ye Shuai, who is this person, who can ignore the Great Desolate Palace’s guardian formation, that is the top guardian formation, so powerful, he actually walked in like this, it’s incredible.”

Xia Houwu exclaimed, he is a man of the Great Desolation, so he knows the situation of the Great Desolation better than anyone else.

This guardian formation was created by the Great Wilderness Dynasty, who invited three masters of the formation within Shenzhou to jointly deploy it. It is also one of the most powerful formations in the central part of Shenzhou.

Others want to break the formation from the outside, they need extremely large power, even facing the masters of Ninth Stage supreme so far can resist for a long time.

Even if their 600,000 army shot at the same time, it would take a few hours to break it.

It is almost impossible for a person to enter it from the outside.

“What do you think?”

Ye Xiu smiled and didn’t say it clearly, but he believed that the two of them had guessed about it.

After all, such a person is definitely not something that can be cultivated in Central China, and even he himself is a little surprised.

Although he can easily pass through the formation, he uses the Dragon Step, which is a powerful footwork created based on the mantra of running characters, ignoring all obstacles.

Although not as powerful as Xing Zi Mantra, it was easy to deal with this guardian formation.

But he could see that Jiang Li didn’t use footwork, but with his deep formation Realm, using the loopholes and flaws of the formation to easily enter it.

He wondered if he could not do this.

“Ye Shuai, do you mean that he comes from within Shenzhou?”

Xia Houwu and Xia Yufeng said in unison, they had already had some guesses before, after all, if Ye Xiu was able to take it so seriously, his identity affirmed Bufan.

But they didn’t think about it inside China. After all, people in China generally don’t come to China because they don’t have any special circumstances.

It’s as if these people from central China don’t go to the fringe area if nothing happens.

Because the closer you are to the center of the Nine Heavens continent, the stronger the concentration of heaven and earth vitality, and the more obvious the rules of heaven and earth. Both cultivation and enlightenment have unique advantages.

This is like a person who is accustomed to eating good food, suddenly asking him to eat some leftovers, how can he eat it.

The most important thing is that this person is very young, although he can’t wear a body cultivator, but judging from his performance, he will never be much lower than the two of them.

Such a person is even more extraordinary.

If they guessed correctly, this Jiang Li not only comes from within Shenzhou, but also a big disciple from a certain Sacred Land, or even a holy son of a certain Sacred Land.

If this is the case, then it will be interesting.

You know, the son of Sacred Land has a higher status than the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, because this kind of person has an unlimited future, and he is also the future heir of the Sacred Land.

The future master of Sacred Land feels terrible in imagination.

“I didn’t say anything.”

Ye Xiu shrugged and said, Jiang Li’s identity is currently only known by himself, and he only said it out under the pressure of own.

In other words, he didn’t want others to know.

That being the case, he is not easy to say clearly, as for them to come out on their own, he can’t be blamed.

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