Chapter 835: Li Jingguan

“Continue to ambush here?”

A general asked in surprise: “Marshal, this place has been exposed, they will come again?”

“If you were the commander-in-chief of the enemy army, would you think we would still ambush here?”

Ye Xiu asked back.

“Yes, I will finally understand.”

The general’s eyes lit up, yes, no one would have thought that they would still ambush here, so the enemy would definitely send people over, so that they could continue to expand their results.

At the same time they looked at Ye Xiu’s eyes also changed.

“In addition, cut off the heads of these people and set up a Jingguan in the center of the valley.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, they couldn’t think that it was two different things from not getting in, so he had to push them.


The faces of the generals changed. Although these people were killed by them, they were already dead. It would be too much to cut off their heads for Lijing Temple.

And although there are wars between the three countries from time to time, each other will not do things too extreme. Once they open this hole, the other party will probably use this method to deal with them.

This is not a good sign.

But at this time Ye Xiu had already proved his own strength, and the generals also recognized Ye Xiu’s identity as the coach.

So even if they were reluctant, they still did.

“You have to understand that war is accompanied by Death, and there is no woman’s benevolence. As for why I did this, you will know later.”

Ye Xiu knew that they felt a little unhappy. If he had a million masters in his hand to mobilize, he would not bother to do this kind of thing.

But now the strength of the enemy and us is so great that the other party came with the attitude of destroying the Great Qin Dynasty, telling them the rules and making jokes.

Once lost, not only will the Great Qin Dynasty perish, but the soldiers will also suffer heavy casualties without them.

Therefore, he can only kill as many enemies as possible while reducing his own losses, and weaken their vitality, so that they have a chance of winning.

His purpose in doing this is to make the enemy angry, and then let them enter here at all costs, so that they can be wiped out as much as possible.

The more enemies die, the better their situation.


All the generals actually understood Ye Xiu’s meaning, but they just couldn’t get past that hurdle for a while. Now that he was said that, his mood was much better.

Soon, a statue of Rentou, which was several times higher than the five mounds, appeared in the plain, and it could be seen clearly from dozens of miles overseas.

Inside Wushan Pass, Xia Yufeng took a breath of air-conditioning after seeing this scene.

At this moment, he was completely shocked by Ye Xiu’s behavior. He personally led the team to lure the enemy into deep, annihilated more than 300,000 enemy troops in one fell swoop, and erected a Jingguan that was as high as a hundred meters.

It can be said to be courageous and strategic, and the shot is determined and ruthless, completely beyond his expectation, even compared with Qin Sheng, I am afraid it is even worse than Qin Sheng.

Although Ye Xiu’s approach was somewhat cruel to him, he would definitely not be able to do it if he changed it.

But now that the strength of the enemy and ours is so great, they are not ruthless, how to deter the millions of soldiers of the Great Wilderness Dynasty.


At this moment, the reinforcements of the Great Desolate Dynasty arrived, but before they approached, they saw the bloody head of the Jingguan standing there, and everyone’s scalp was numb.

Then, a boundless anger hit my heart.

“Rush in for me.”

The leading general shouted angrily, these people are all sons and daughters of their Great Wilderness dynasty, even if they are dead, they must be brought back to the Great Wilderness.

“General, will there be an ambush inside?”

A participating general hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. Although he also wanted to rush in to avenge these compatriots, he was worried that there was still an ambush inside. If the other party could kill 300,000 soldiers and soldiers in such a short period of time, he might kill them again. They are three hundred thousand.

“No, how can they use the same trick twice in the same place? Even if there is an ambush, just kill them all and save us from attacking Wushan Pass.”

The generals had learned about the situation at Wushan Pass, and there were only 300,000 defenders in total.

Although Da Qin killed 300,000 of them with a plan this time, they must have suffered heavy losses. Therefore, even if there is an ambush in it, they will never be able to eat them in one bite.

You know, they also brought 300,000 people this time.


The general wanted to say something, because he felt an uneasy feeling in his heart, but the general did not give him a chance to speak at all, and immediately said: “Nothing but, everyone listens to the order, let me go in.”


The soldiers of the Great Desolate Dynasty were all red-eyed, like a torrent rushing into the plain,

Soon, the three major legions entered it again.


The Five Elements formation was opened. At the same time, the 250,000 army charged down from the mountain again. As before, the five torrents, like five sharp swords, divided the 300,000 army into teams, one by one. Break down.

After a stick of incense, the war ended, and another 300,000 deserted corpses were buried among them. The entire plain was completely stained red with blood, and the Blood Qi skyrocketed.

“This is incredible.”

The generals of the Great Qin Dynasty felt like they were in a dream at this time. In less than a day, they actually killed more than 600,000 enemies. This was a great victory they had never achieved in their lives.

And all of this was given by Ye Xiu, and the respect for Ye Xiu in his heart even surpassed Qin Sheng.

Although Qin Sheng is known as the Great Qin God of War, he is also victorious in all battles, but they have never killed 600,000 enemy troops like today.

The most important thing is that their own damage is less than 30,000, 600,000 to 30,000, and the loss is almost negligible.

“Sweep the battlefield, cut off their heads, set up a Jingguan next to it, and then withdrew to Wushan Pass.”

Ye Xiu immediately ordered that 600,000 soldiers from the wilderness have been buried in this place. Even if the enemy is stupid, it is impossible to send two or three million people into it like before, so this place is no longer useful.

But even if it’s useless, he has to squeeze out its effects.

As for the two Jingguans, that was his preparation for the things he was going to take over. If it went well, he could wipe out another two or three hundred thousand troops.

In this way, the gap between the two sides has narrowed again.


At this time, the soldiers had recognized Ye Xiu, and did not hesitate to give his order, and immediately took off the storage rings from these people, and then cut off their heads.

It didn’t take long for another to see Jingguan with a height of one hundred zhang in the plain. The blood flowed down from above, converged into a red trickle below, and finally penetrated into the ground.

Looking at it from a distance, this plain is almost like Shura The Underworld, which is terrible.

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