Chapter 836: Ye Xiu’s Poisonous Scheme


Ye Xiu gave an order, and the army immediately returned to Wushan Pass.

“Welcome the marshal.”

Xia Yufeng immediately greeted him and gave a big gift to Ye Xiu.

Before, he could see everything that happened outside clearly on the front of the city, especially the two Beijing temples, which were as high as one hundred meters, which made him unable to calm down for a long time.

In just one day, Ye Xiu led people to kill 600,000 enemy troops, not to mention him, even Qin Sheng would not be able to calm down here.

After all, the task he gave to Ye Xiu was to hold the soldiers of the Great Desolate Dynasty for ten days, which in itself was a very difficult thing, especially since the number of the opponent was more than half a million more than the intelligence.

So after learning the actual situation, he was even ready to die in battle. As for turning defeat into victory, this was something he didn’t even dare to think about.

But Ye Xiu did it under his nose, so at this time he admired Ye Xiu from the bottom of his heart.

He can reach a million masters by himself.

“Believe it now?”

Ye Xiu glanced at Xia Yufeng.

“Believe it.”

Xia Yufeng smiled awkwardly. Those two Jingguans were still standing there, so he could not believe him, so he changed the subject and said: “This great wasteland has suffered such a great loss. Next, they will definitely attack the city with all their strength. It will be quite tragic, I wonder if the Marshal has any good solutions?”

This time they won a complete victory and killed their 600,000 soldiers. This is not a common enemy, and it will not take long for the opponent to gather all their troops to attack the city.

Even Wushan Pass cannot withstand the attack of a million army, and will eventually be breached. If there are no eggs under the nest, they will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, it is not the time for them to relax, they must think of a one-size-fits-all solution.

“What do you think?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Is there anything to think about? Now the number of enemies is three times the same as ours. We can rely on the advantages of Wushan Pass to fight against it.”

A general said.

“It’s wrong. Although Wushan Pass is built on the mountain and has a large defense formation, we will be very strenuous in the face of more than 900,000 soldiers. It is almost impossible to hold them here for ten days.”

Xia Yufeng shook his head and said.

“Otherwise, we are using the previous method to kill them with two or three hundred thousand troops. In this way, the gap between us and them will be completely narrowed.”

“What do you think? This method is already the limit when used twice. For the third time, they will definitely not only send two or three hundred thousand people into the plain. If one is not good, they may get themselves in.”

“Yes, the reason why we won is mainly because of the help of the Five Elements team and the small difference in number. Once the opponent’s number is too much higher than us, then our loss will be large. If they lose, we can lose. I’m sorry.”

“That’s the truth.”

The generals expressed their opinions in addition to own, but in the end they did not think of a good way.

“Marshal, have you already thought of a solution?”

Xia Yufeng found out where Ye Xiu was watching the play with his hands in his arms, with a calm expression, it was obvious that he was ready.

As soon as he said this, everyone closed their mouths and looked at Ye Xiu with a pair of eyes, waiting for his answer.

At this time, their mood was completely different from before. Before, they were not optimistic about Ye Xiu, and only under the pressure of Qin Sheng would he obey his orders.

But after the baptism of the previous battle, Ye Xiu’s figure grew taller in their hearts unconsciously, and at the same time became their backbone.

So they were full of expectations at this moment, maybe Ye Xiu could think of any good way to beat the Great Desolate Army.

“Who has a map?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“I have.”

A general immediately ran forward and spread the map in front of Ye Xiu.

“Look here.”

Ye Xiu stepped forward and pointed to a gray area and said, “This is a swampland with a very wide area, with all kinds of poisonous insects. You said, what would happen if they were introduced into it?”

“Marshal, it’s undeniable that your idea is good, but this place is located behind Wushan Pass. Are we going to abandon Wushan Pass?”

Xia Yufeng asked back: “Even if we give up Wushan Pass, who can guarantee that they will definitely go here, although this swamp is not too dangerous, but it is not suitable for marching, they also know that.”

“Although Wushan Pass is in a dangerous position, as you said before, it won’t last long with our strength at this time. So it’s better to avoid its edge. As for whether to enter the poisonous swamp, you can’t help them.”

Ye Xiu’s mouth curled up, and then he said, “Look, from Wushan Pass to Daqin Desert City, you need to pass through thousands of miles of mountains. There are a total of three roads. One of the main roads crosses the canyon. As long as we send someone here The bridge is destroyed. It’s you, how would you choose? Choose to take the other two paths or the swamp?”

“Naturally chose to go to the swamp.”

The generals subconsciously said that because the gorge is nearly a kilometer wide, only this bridge can be quickly passed through. Once the bridge is destroyed, the valley becomes a moat, blocking the way.

After all, in this army, there are the majority of Profound Communicator and Dongtian Realm, and they must be unable to fly past them.

And there is no way around.

As for the other two roads, they are all small roads that stretch for tens of thousands of miles, and dozens of people can pass it. If an army of hundreds of thousands passes, it will stretch the entire team very long.

In the event of an accident, they can be cut off directly from the middle to make them unable to respond from the beginning to the end. This is a taboo of military strategists.

Therefore, these two trails are even more dangerous than the swamp, and it is even more impossible to choose.

Although there are certain risks in walking the swamp, the safety factor is greater, and it can also shorten the distance from Wushan City to Daqin Huangcheng.

The two powers harm the least. This is a truth that everyone understands, so how to choose has already been revealed.

“The problem is that even if they choose the swamp, it will be of no avail. The poison in it can indeed have a certain effect on the people of the Profound-Tongxuan and Dongtian realm, but they carry the Poison Pill with them, and they will not lose many people at all.”

Xia Yufeng expressed his own concern: “Once they pass through the swamp, they will only be 100,000 miles away from the Great Qin Imperial City, which will directly threaten the safety of the imperial city.”

“So, we need to add some materials in the swamp to weaken their vitality as much as possible.”

Ye Xiu showed a cruel look. This time, he would at least weaken Dahuang’s forces by half, otherwise, he would be sorry for his plan.

“Wonderful, I didn’t think of this method before.”

Everyone suddenly realized it, and they began to constantly think about what to add to them in order to eliminate them in large numbers.

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