Chapter 834 Blood Flows into a River

At this time, the barracks of the Great Desolate Dynasty were quiet. Before they forcibly broke through Lincheng, they also lost a lot of people, and the Wushan Pass they had to face next was even more difficult to gnaw at the bones than Lincheng.

So they planned to take a rest for a period of time, and then send troops to Wushan Pass in an effort to win Wushan Pass in one fell swoop.

In the middle tent, a Ninth Stage man Wang was cultivating with his legs crossed. Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly as if he had noticed something.


Immediately afterwards, a soldier ran in quickly, and said, “Qing to Marshal, there are three thousand scouts from the Great Qin Dynasty found nearby.”

“Oh, I didn’t go to trouble with them, but they came to trouble with me, and ordered the three brigade to attack and kill them all.”

This person’s name is Liu Weichen, a famous general in the Great Wilderness Dynasty, and the commander-in-chief of this battle.

He felt a little ridiculous about the series of actions of the Great Qin Dynasty, and even let a little-known kid be the commander in command to deal with him.

I thought this was a difficult character, but now it seems that no one is available in the Great Qin Dynasty.


The guard responded and immediately turned and walked out. Not long after, an army of nearly 10,000 rushed out of it and killed the people of the third camp.

The armies of the three dynasties are the same, with one battalion for one thousand people, one brigade for ten thousand people, and one army for one hundred thousand people.

This time Ye Xiu sent three battalions of people, which was 3,000 people, but Liu Weichen sent 10,000 people, obviously he wanted to swallow these people in one bite.


The three battalion commanders gave orders at the same time, and the three thousand people retreated like a tide.

The soldiers of the Great Desolate Dynasty did not let their plans go. They didn’t go to trouble the Great Qin Dynasty. As a result, the people of the Great Qin Dynasty even dared to touch their brows, really overwhelming.

Since it’s here, don’t leave.


Soon, these ten thousand people entered the place where Ye Xiu and the others were ambushing. Ye Xiu gave an order, and one hundred thousand people evacuated and hid at the same time, surrounding them like a tide.

One hundred thousand to ten thousand, that is completely a crushing situation, only one face to face, these ten thousand people will be slaughtered, and their loss here is minimal.

In the great wilderness camp.

“What are you talking about? The other party has an ambush? How many people are there?”

Liu Weichen was startled. He really didn’t expect the other party to plant an ambush under his nose. Could it be that Qin Sheng came in person, because in his memory, only Qin Sheng dared to do such a crazy thing.

But he actually knew that Qin Sheng personally took people to deal with the people of the Dayu Dynasty, how could he show up here.

“Approximately one hundred thousand people, because of the sudden incident, our people were all beheaded before they could react, without exception.”

The guard said.

“Okay, very good, dare to play this hand with me.”

Liu Weichen snorted coldly: “Tell me the order, the first, second, and third legions will attack at the same time. I want this group of people not to see the sun tomorrow.”

Even if Qin Sheng came in person, daddy had five times the strength of yours. With the disparity between the strengths of the two sides so great, you would never want to turn things around even if you were a god.

“Marshal, is this also their trick to lure the enemy?”

One of the generals stood up and asked.

“What’s the matter? There are only 300,000 defenders in Wushan Pass. Even if they send all these 300,000 defenders to ambush, what can we do?”

Liu Weichen said indifferently that in the face of absolute strength, any method is useless.

“That’s true.”

The general nodded, also feeling reasonable.

“Execute the order.”

Liu Weichen said, afterwards, the three major legions were dispatched at the same time, as if a black cloud came towards them.


Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes and ordered immediately.

The people below are naturally unwilling to stay here, one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand, there is no possibility of winning at all, there is only a dead end to stay here.

Soon they retreated to the rear at a faster speed than they had come.

It didn’t take long for them to be led to the plain. At this time, Ye Xiu ordered to stop, and at the same time the power of the earth attribute was released and extended around his feet.

There seems to be no change on the surface of this plain, but earth-shaking changes have taken place in the ground.


The generals of the Dahuang Dynasty saw Ye Xiu and the others stop, and their eyes lit up suddenly, as if they had seen countless exploits before beckoning to them.

Without thinking, he rushed in.


At this moment, the space trembled, and the five surrounding mounds quickly rose up. In the blink of an eye, they were too high for more than ten meters. At the same time, a huge formation appeared above the plain.

Immediately afterwards, an invisible pressure came down, and it forced the Cultivation Base of the soldiers of the Great Desolation Dynasty to abruptly lower a Realm.

“What’s the matter, how can there be a big formation here?”

The head of the general’s face suddenly changed.

When they came in, they didn’t notice the slightest shadow of formation, and they were only tens of thousands of miles away from here. It was impossible for the Great Qin Dynasty to plant such a powerful formation under their noses.

Moreover, this large formation seemed to be only effective for them, and had no effect on the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty.

“No, quit now.”

They also know that now is not the time to consider these, they must withdraw as soon as possible, otherwise, what awaits them will be a merciless massacre.


The soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty also noticed this, their eyes brightened, and they immediately killed them.

They are not affected by the big formation, and the gap between the two sides can be widened when one is going down and the other is growing. Regardless of their number is less than the enemy, but the overall strength has increased by more than ten times.

While they exclaimed Ye Xiu’s methods, they also began to counterattack.

At the same time, the soldiers ambushing behind the five mounds also rushed out, like five torrents of steel, directly dispersing the 300,000 army.

Then they were just like harvesting wheat. Pieces of enemy troops were beheaded. In just one stick of incense, all 300,000 troops were killed, none of them were spared.

The entire plain is full of corpses, blood flowing into rivers, and Blood Qi soaring into the sky.

As for the Great Qin Dynasty, it only lost more than a hundred people, thousands of people, compared to such a result, such a loss is almost negligible.

“Sweep the battlefield, after cleaning up, continue to ambush.”

Ye Xiu immediately ordered that he was quite satisfied with the result.

Annihilated the opponent’s 300,000 troops in one fell swoop, directly reduced the opponent’s personnel by one-fifth, and at the same time reduced their pressure. Such a result can be called a big victory.

However, their situation at this time is still very dangerous, so he must take this opportunity to expand the results.

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